This section discusses diverse factors relating to men and to women and how Yah intended that they interact with one another
In this discussion it is vital to understand that Yah created men and women to operate together as a harmonious closed spiritual system of great power
He did NOT intend there to be strife and competition between men and women
He certainly did NOT intend for women to be second rate citizens or to be abused or raped or treated badly in any way
He ALSO did NOT intend for me to be undermined and torn down emotionally
How we discern Yah's TRUE plan for men and women and how we chart a course BACK to this is greatly challenging
This section sets out to lay some foundations for this discussion
<<< PREVIOUS SECTION: The Virgin's Covenant is CRITICAL to understand sex, marriage, adultery and divorce
NEXT SECTION: The Almighty designed us from the beginning such that one man can covenant with more than one woman, this is evidenced by the seal of virginity >>>
NEXT SUB-SECTION: Men and Women and covenant >>>