When the Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, set about creating human beings to be His Friends He did NOT envisage a scenario where there would be humans who did not believe He existed.
He set up a series of ranks in Heaven for those who drew as close to Him as possible and that was it.
We will then discuss “The Glory of Death as a Committed Believer.
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Listen to Recording_2024_09_27_You-really-dont-want-to-die-as-an-unbeliever-and-become-an-Ancestor-Spirit
Caution – this article has NOT been Proofread so there may be minor transcription errors.
Good day!
The Almighty Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You!
My name is James Robertson.
I am a researcher, publisher and teacher regarding the matters and truths of the Almighty Creator whose true Name is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” – I have been actively serving Him since 1993 – over 31 years.
If you are NOT actively serving Yah then by default you are serving Satan – my objective is to show you how you can make a big difference on Earth and qualify for a position of high esteem in Heaven for Eternity.
It is important to understand that as a Believer just being good is NOT the point, it is Relationship with Yah that counts. Without this you will be in a very unpleasant place in Heaven with no way out – my aim is to show you how to get close to Father.
If you are a good person without a clear relationship with Yah, then you are in a spiritual no-mans-land and will NOT enter Heaven when you die. The Creator has said regarding Unbelievers "Why would I want someone to spend Eternity with me when they do NOT Believe I exist?"
Yah is calling EVERYBODY on the planet to be involved and serve Him and help Him to have victory over Satan; my goal is to show YOU how to do this.
Fundamentally we each need to learn to see things on Earth from YAH’s perspective and my aim is to teach you how to do this.
Please visit my website at or email me on for more information.
Today we're going to look at "You really don't want to die as an unbeliever and become an Ancestor Spirit (Demon)."
You really don't want to die as an unbeliever and become an Ancestor Spirit (Demon)—Overview
When the Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, set about creating human beings to be His Friends, He did NOT envisage a scenario where there would be humans who did not believe He existed.
He set up a series of Ranks in Heaven for those who drew as close to Him as possible and that was it.
We are going to talk today about those who don’t believe He exists.
We will then discuss “The Glory of Death as a Committed Believer."
Finally, we will look at the state of YOUR relationship with the Almighty Creator.
Body of the Article
2024.07.06 You really don't want to die as an unbeliever and become an Ancestor Spirit (Demon)
When the Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, set about creating human beings to be His Friends, He did NOT envisage a scenario where there would be humans who did not believe He existed.
He set up a series of Ranks in Heaven for those who drew as close to Him as possible and that was it – see the article “The Glory of Death as a Committed Believer.”
The first thing that happened after Satan rebelled and Yah agreed to the Contest and Satan and his billions of Messenger {Angelic} subordinates were cast down to Earth was that Satan tricked Adam into eating the forbidden fruit thereby given Satan dominion on Earth – see the article “The Essence of my Message re History – Our World Today – the REAL Facts.”
You might ask me why eating a piece of fruit gave Satan that authority. It was not the fruit folks. The fruit came off a tree of the knowledge of good and evil and Yah said to Adam you can eat of all the trees in the garden except the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Satan tricked Chavah (Eve) into taking the fruit and she tasted it and it was exquisite and she gave it to Adam and persuaded him to eat it and because Satan had tricked them into breaking Yah's command, they then became subservient to Satan and mankind has been subservient to Satan ever since and Satan has dominated the Earth and is responsible for all that is going that’s wrong in the Earth, the disease and the wars and everything that goes with it.
As a consequence of this it was not long before a situation was reached in which new generations of human arose who believed in Yah at some basic level but had no relationship with Him. Yah had nowhere to put them in Heaven other than the “Outer Darkness” outside the Throne Room, “The Trash Heap of Heaven” (Yah’s words). Pitch dark and ice cold where unbelieving Believers weep and wail and gnash their teeth for Eternity once they discover their error – see the article “The Horrors of Death as a Nominal Believer.”
Not long after this another situation developed, people who did NOT believe in the Creator at all. They did not qualify to enter Heaven and, because of the Terms of the Contest, they could NOT be cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone, the incinerator of Heaven, to be utterly destroyed. So they remain on Earth after they die and are returned to their corpses as “Ancestor Spirits” subsequently called “Demons” – see the article “The Essence of my message re the Satanic and Demonic.” There are currently over 100 BILLION Demons on Earth, that is the number of unbelievers as a measure of Satan’s success!
So the thing to understand here is none of this is about Yah being ugly. Yah created all of this with the expectation that these wonderfully complex human beings would build relationship with Him and will earn status in Heaven. He didn’t expect them to believe and then carry on as though He didn’t exist and He certainly didn’t expect them not to believe at all. So when they didn’t believe at all, He had nowhere to put them. He had agreed in The Contest that the unbelievers would not be thrown into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone till the end of The Contest. That’s it folks. If you die as an unbeliever, you will be brought back to your corpse and either end up the grave with your rotting corpse or in the oven of your crematorium or you might be lifted off and put on to somebody else.
Regarding these beings Yah has said “Why would I want someone to spend Eternity in Heaven with me when they do NOT believe I exist?” Think about it. Why would He go to all the trouble of creating of all this and then say to somebody who doesn’t believe He existed, "Well, come up here and have a good time!" It doesn’t make sense, doesn’t compute.
Because they are human spirits and their bodies have died they have no motive power on their own and are stuck on their corpse unless somehow they manage to transfer onto another human being or an animal, such as when a family member touches the corpse during a funeral service or similar. Or when, in the event that they are accomplished sinners, they are recruited into the Satanic and Demonic army and uplifted by a Satanist, Witch or similar, sent for training and then deployed on living human beings, particularly Believers, to lead them into greater and greater sin.
See the article “The Horrors of Death as an Unbeliever” for more information.
If, having read the above you decide to seek belief in the Almighty, read the article “The only reason we exist is to have a deep personal relationship with the Almighty Creator and be His Friend.” And that’s right near the top of the website.
Folks, the thing to understand is about the demonic realm are all human beings, and some of them are very powerful and very wicked, very evil, brutal.
And, if you then decide to Believe, then visit the Webpage “Prayer on coming to Belief in the Almighty Creator Yah the Eternally Self-Existing.”
Then visit the webpage “Essence of Critical Actions on First Belief” and put all you find there into practice.
There is much more information on the website I encourage you to dig deep starting at the top of the website or jumping around as you feel led – see also the Google Site Search, the Table of Contents, the Article Keyword Cloud and the Article Search as resources to find articles that address any particular topic of interest to you. There is a large amount of information on the website. The Keyword Cloud lists a very large number of keywords linked to the Articles database and occurs at the bottom of every webpage. The Sliders display random summaries of articles and occur also on every page making it as easy as possible to find information that is relevant to you and assisting Father Yah to lead you.
My message to you is that the Almighty Creator wants a deep relationship with you. I've done the best I can over the last 15 years or so in particular, but even further back than that. I started writing in earnest in 2000 to document what Father has shown me, what I've learned from reading the Bible and other books, etc., but primarily what He had shown me by direct revelation in the last certainly 15 years, probably longer. It's there, I've done the hard yards. It's available to you to help you get close to Him.
Then email me at and I will answer your questions and support you in your journey to become a Friend of Yah.
I look forward to hearing from you.
May Father bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and grant you His Peace.
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish.
Now, that little prayer "May Yah judge me severely" is something that I pray just about every night. It's in my email signature for the ministry and it's generally on the articles that I publish every week. It's your reasonable assurance that in actual fact I'm probably talking the truth. Because I promise you I've been judged on a number of occasions for errors that I didn’t know were errors since I didn’t know were sins. I'm pretty careful about what I do and what I say and what I write about folks, because it's seriously painful getting judged. I've had a couple of car accidents, I've had a couple of teeth rupture, it's not pleasant. Father will not judge you beyond what you can endure but at the same time if you ask to be judged, He will judge you.
The thing to remember there is you’re going to get judged anyway. Either you’re going to get judged in this life in which case you don’t have to go to Hell when you die. Or you’re not going to get judged in this life, you’re not going to clean up your act and after you die you’re going to go to Hell to pay the price for your unrepented sin. So I strongly recommend that prayer if you’re serious about serving Yah. "May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly," and "Show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish or everything that I do, etc."
Now we will consider the ranks in Heaven.
The Glory of Death as a Committed Believer
So this is the counterpoint and what I want to show you, I've shown you a bit about what happens if you die as an unbeliever, but now I want to focus on the positive of what's possible if you die as a committed believer. So we are looking at the glory of death as a committed believer. I really want to say to you, if you’re a committed believer and your life is right with Yah, there are great things waiting for you when you die, you should have no fear of death.
This broadcast examines the outlook for committed believers and outlines the extreme glory, esteem and power that awaits committed believers when they die. This is in stark contrast to what awaits unbelievers and nominal believers.
The various ranks in Heaven are outlined together with descriptions of the appearance of these ranks by someone who has been there.
You may ask how I know. A lot of what I'm going to say about the glory of Heaven is based on the revelations given to Rick Joyner when he was taken up to Heaven in about 1994 I think it was. If you've not read the book The Final Quest, I seriously recommend that you get hold of it. You can buy it on Amazon. There are PDFs available to download from various websites and it's also on my website under the ETI Bible version webpage, up near the top of the Menu. I strongly, strongly recommend that you read it and read it multiple times. I've read it, I don’t know, 10-15-20 times, I don’t know, I've lost track. Very important book.
In related articles I have looked at “The Horror of Death as an Unbeliever” – trapped in your coffin forever or haunting a relative or friend. We have also looked at “The Horror of Death as a Nominal Believer” – relegated to the Outer Darkness in Heaven with weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth for Eternity – see these pages on the website.
In this article I want to look at the other side of the picture, what we were created for, the GLORY that follows Death as a Committed Believer.
Before we go there I need to post a Caveat. If, as a Believer, you die with unrepented sin you will first come before the Judgment Seat and be sentenced to time in Hell, the place of Correction, for ALL of your unrepented sin – see To understand this it is important to understand that Yahooshua died a terrible and tormented death to pay the price for ALL sin that you CONFESS and REPENT of as a Believer. It is therefore only fitting that if you FAIL to avail yourself of his sacrifice that you should pay a terrible price for your sin. This is necessary so that when you finally enter Heaven you have dealt with ALL sin and you can stand before the Throne of Judgment free of sin and blemish.
Folks, so, so important! There is a lie that it's impossible to live without sin. It's impossible to live with all the 613 mitzvoths and all these other man-made laws which have gotten to do with reality. The basic definition of sin is you break the Ten Commandments or you break the Great Commandment. If you believe and love Yah, then you’re keeping the Great Commandment and then the other ten follow. That’s basically the basis of judgment. It's not as simple as that, but it's not a lot more complicated than that.
For those who die as Committed Believers, once they are through any time in Hell required for correction, and this can be a considerable time of torment and intense suffering, they are admitted to Heaven and rewarded according to their works on Earth. There is a continuum in Heaven from the Foolish Virgins who are at the outer reaches of the Throne Room through to the Friends who sit on the Very Highest Thrones very close to Yah and Yahooshua for Eternity with Glorious Bodies we cannot imagine and massive supernatural power and authority.
So, the question is, where will YOU end up IF you are a Committed Believer? Statistics in the sections that follow relate to the approximate count on Earth on 25 December 2015 – a miniscule fragment of the World Population. Remember that there are about 20 million Unbelieving Believers destined for the Outer Darkness in Heaven and of the order of 100 million Believing Unbelievers, those are people who at some level believe something based on the Bible, the Quran, the Torah, some Pastor, Priest, Imam, Rabbi, etc., but have NEVER come to a deep revelation of Yah as Almighty Creator and so they will NOT enter Heaven at all. Those destined for Heaven, nearly all with considerable time in Hell first, are a very small quantum.
I don’t have an update on those statistics. I was hearing Yah quite clearly at that date. I've not been in a space where I can hear Him clearly enough to go into the fairly fine detail that I'm going to express to you in the next few minutes.
In this discussion I will quote extracts from the book “The Final Quest” by Rick Joyner who was taken up into Heaven in the early '90s. It's available to purchase on Amazon and also on the ETI website under the ETI Bible Version page. In the quotes that follow I have replaced the traditional names with the correct names Yah and Yahooshua.
Why is it under the ETI Bible version page? Well, you know, I don’t have time to do discussion about this thing about what's not scripture and what is scripture, but it's the closest thing that you will find to modern scripture.
Joyner describes the Throne Room as follows:
“Soon the path opened into a hall so large that I felt that the earth itself could not contain it. The beauty of it could not even be imagined by human architects. I had never experienced anything like what filled my soul as I beheld this room. At the far end was the Source of the glory that emanated from everything else in the room. I knew that it was the Almighty, and I was a little bit afraid as I began to walk toward Him. I did not even think about how great the distance was. It was all so wonderful that I felt that I could walk forever and enjoy every step. In earthly terms, that somehow did not relate here, it would have taken me many days to reach the throne.”
Following is a brief discussion of the different ranks that are available to YOU to qualify for in Heaven:
What I'm going to share with you now is an elaboration and an amplification of what is in The Final Quest and it goes beyond it. The statistics of all those were given to me by Yah in December 2015, but some of the descriptions that I'm going to quote are from The Final Quest.
Foolish Virgins (~2 million on Earth in December 2015)
If you have truly believed and actively served the Almighty but never been filled with His Set-Apart {Holy} Spirit, you will qualify as a “Foolish Virgin” with a somewhat Glorious body and some level of power and authority on the outer fringes of the Throne Room. You will make it into Heaven but NOT very far into Heaven.
Joyner says “They were dazzling, more regal than anyone I had ever seen. Their countenance was captivating. Never had such peace and confidence graced a human face. Each one was beautiful beyond any earthly comparison.”
One of those that Joyner meets here says as follows: "There is an aristocracy here. The rewards for our earthly lives are the eternal positions that we have here. This great multitude here are those whom the Yahooshua called 'foolish virgins.' We knew Yah and trusted in the Stake of Yahooshua for deliverance from damnation, but we did not really live for Him, but for ourselves. We did not keep our vessels filled with the oil of the Holy Spirit. We have eternal life, but we wasted our lives on earth."
I have to ask you, does that describe your life on Earth as a believer? Because if it does, I've to say to you "Wake up!"
Joyner continues “I was really surprised by this, but I also knew that no one could lie in that place.
“"The foolish virgins gnashed their teeth in the outer darkness," I protested.
“"And that we did. The grief that we experienced when we understood how we had so wasted our lives was beyond any grief possible on earth. The darkness of that grief can only be understood by those who have experienced it. Such darkness is magnified when it is revealed next to the glory of the One we failed. You are standing now among the lowest rank in heaven. There are no greater fools than the ones who know the great salvation of Yah, but then go on living for themselves. To come here and learn the reality of that folly is a grief beyond what an earthly soul can experience. We are those who suffered this outer darkness because of this greatest of follies."
So there is a little bit of tension between what I said about the Outer Darkness a few minutes ago. I don’t want you to go away from my broadcast believing that I'm claiming that I'm 100% right all the time. I'm human, I'm fallible, I'm growing. I've come out of a very corrupt spiritual dispensation. I lived in a very corrupt spiritual dispensation. So I make mistakes. We all make mistakes. I might be a bit off the mark. Joyner might have understood it a little bit off the mark, I don’t know, I'm not going to go there.
“I was still incredulous. "But you are more glorious and full of more joy and peace than I even imagined, even for those in heaven. I do not feel any remorse in you, and yet I know that here you cannot lie. This does not make sense to me."
“Looking me straight in the eyes, he continued, "Yah also loves us with a love greater than you can yet understand. Before His judgment seat I tasted the greatest darkness of soul and remorse that can be experienced. Though here we do not measure time as you do, it seemed to last for as long as my life on earth had lasted. All of my sins and follies which I had not repented of passed before me, and before all who are here. The grief of this you cannot understand until you have experienced it. I felt that I was in the deepest dungeon of hell, even as I stood before Yah. He was resolute until my life had been completely reviewed. When I said I was sorry and asked for the mercy of the Stake, He wiped away my tears and took away the great darkness. He looked at me with a love that was beyond anything that you can now understand. He gave me this robe. I no longer feel the darkness or bitterness that I knew as I stood before Him, but I remember it. Only here can you remember such things without continuing to feel the pain. A moment in the lowest part of heaven is much greater than a thousand years of the highest life on earth. Now my mourning at my folly has been turned into joy, and I know that I will know joy forever, even if I am in the lowest place in heaven."”
Folks, this is sobering stuff. These are people who served Yah at some material level, but never got filled with His Spirit. There is an article on the website, it's an ebook called "Where will you spend eternity" and there is a version with – I did a broadcast on that 5-6 months ago, a series of 10 broadcasts with a lot of commentary. If you’re looking at this and you’re serious, go and look on the website for "Where will you spend eternity amplified or elaborated" and either read it or listen to the broadcasts. It's sobering stuff folks.
Many of those in traditional religions and traditional denominations where there is no Spiritual Infilling with the Spirit of Yah fall into this category noting that most of the people in that category end up as Believing Unbelievers or Unbelieving Believers. So sincere believers through traditional Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and other religions may end up as Foolish Virgins. The majority of those in the Outer Darkness are the product of conventional Evangelism, particularly by Christianity, which has crusades, gets people to pray and then just leaves them to try and figure it out themselves.
The Further Ranks in Heaven
If you have been filled with Yah’s Spirit you will then be promoted further in the Throne Room and the more you have conquered sin and the more you have truly faithfully served Yah the closer you will be to the Throne. IF you have really gone ALL OUT to the end of your life and become a Friend of Yah, you will sit on a very High Throne with a Glorious Resurrected Body beyond anything we can imagine with great power, authority and supernatural ability. It is up to YOU where you end up.
Joyner reports:
“As I continued toward the judgment seat I began to pass those who were of higher rank in the kingdom. After many more veils had been stripped away from me by meetings with those who had stumbled over the same problems that I had, I began to meet those who had overcome. I met couples who had served Yah and each other faithfully to the end. Their glory here was unspeakable, and their victory encouraged me that it was possible to stay on the path of life, and serve Him in faithfulness. Those who stumbled, stumbled in many different ways. Those who prevailed all did it the same way-they did not deviate from their devotion to the first and greatest commandment-loving Yah the Eternally Self-Existing. By this their service was done unto Him, not men, not even for spiritual men. These were the ones who worshipped the Lamb, and followed Him wherever He went."
“When I was still not even half way to the throne, what had been the indescribable glory of the first rank now seemed to be the outer darkness in comparison to the glory of those I was now passing. The greatest beauty on earth would not qualify to be found anywhere in heaven. And I was told that this room was just the threshold of realms indescribable!”
So what we are seeing here folks, is when he first got into the throne room and met the foolish virgins, they were astounding in their beauty and their glory and everything else. But now as he moves closer to the throne, they are even more glorious. I think this is worth aiming for, don’t you? I think it's worth going all out for quite frankly. You can have all the niceties of life on Earth and end up maybe scraping into Heaven. Or you can be a little bit more restrained on Earth and devote more of your time to serving Father.
The Ranks of those who have at some level had a relationship with Father Yah are as follows:
Adulterous Wives (~500,000 on Earth 25 December 2015)
These are people who were filled at some level with the Spirit of Yah but they worshipped Yahooshua instead of Yah and/or worshipped the Bible and/or other Spokesmen and Spokeswomen {Prophets/Prophetesses} and/or other artefacts. They hardly recognize Yah at all. But within these constraints they HAVE made a significant level in worship, lifestyle and Ministry. These are predominantly Charismatic Christians.
One of the things that Charismatic Christianity gets right is to lead people to be filled with the spirit except that these days they say it's the spirit of Jesus, not the spirit of Yah which is pretty pointless and pretty meaningless because Yahooshua {Jesus} is a human being and it's the Spirit of Yah that dwells in us, not the spirit of Jesus and it's actually an abomination to say that.
Wise Stewards (~200,000 on Earth 25 December 2015)
These are people who are filled with the Spirit of Yah and at a material level have focused on Yah, albeit most of the time as “God,” “The LORD,” Allah, Hashem, G_d, etcetera. They have more glorious bodies and more power and authority.
There is one throne which is Yah's throne and in Yah's throne there are huge number of individual thrones occupied or to be occupied by human beings, with Yahooshua sitting on the highest throne of all of those thrones.
Good and Faithful Servants (~5,000 on Earth on 25 December 2015)
Good and Faithful Servants are those who are filled with the Spirit of Yah AND have made a material difference on Earth and served Father Yah at some measure effectively. They have even more glorious bodies and more power and authority and are at the front of the Throne Room before the Thrones.
Folks, what I would say to you if you’re a bit of a high achiever, you can put all your energy into high achievement on Earth and you will reap the rewards of that, nice house, nice car, nice setup, nice holidays, successful business, etc. Or you can forego some of that and put more effort into serving Father and then you will get to be in a really good place in Heaven when you die. By the way, you will kind of get to a point by the time you get to that rank where you won't be scared of dying.
Overcomers (20)
Overcomers are those who have overcome sin and the trials and tribulations of this world and who are seated on the Lower Thrones with even more glorious bodes and even greater power, authority and supernatural gifts.
Joyner reports:
“As I approached the Judgment Seat of the Anointing of the Spirit of Yah, those in the highest ranks were also sitting on thrones that were all a part of Yah’s throne. Even the least of these thrones was more glorious than any earthly throne many times over. Some of these were rulers over cities on earth who would soon take their place. Others were rulers over the affairs of heaven, and others over the affairs of the physical creation, such as star systems and galaxies. However, it was apparent that those who were given authority over cities were esteemed above those who had even been given authority over galaxies. The value of a single child was more than a galaxy of stars, because the Set-Apart Spirit dwelt in men, and Yah had chosen men as His eternal dwelling place. In the presence of His glory the whole earth seemed as insignificant as a speck of dust, and yet was so infinitely esteemed that the attention of the whole host of heaven was upon it.”
So I'll just correct two things. He suggests that they will soon take their place; not going to happen till at least 3003, another 979 years or something like that from now. Father didn’t choose men, He created men and women to be filled with His spirit.
Joyner goes on to report:
“I turned and looked back in the direction I had come from. From before His throne I could see the entire room. The spectacle was beyond any earthly comparison for its glory. Millions filled the ranks. Each individual in the lowest rank was more awesome than an army, and I knew had more power. It was far beyond my capacity to absorb such a panorama of glory. Even so, I could see only a very small portion of the great room was occupied.”
Heaven IS Glorious, the position that awaits every human who qualifies is glorious, powerful, esteemed, spectacular. BUT YOU have to choose and YOU have to do the hard work to qualify.
Worship daily. Fast regularly. Pray daily. Read about the things of Yah daily. If you get close to Yah, if you fast and pray on a regular basis, ask Him to fill you, as you get anointed you will find that you will eventually get to a place where you need maybe 3 or 4 hours' sleep a day. You will have the time. The more you worship, the more you will buy time. The more you serve Yah, the more you will buy time. You come to a place where you don’t necessarily need to read too much because Father will show you what you need to know. It's a very powerful place. I've been there.
In case you’re thinking this is about Christianity, when I got this message, one of the things that Father showed me, He said that of the 3 people closest to Him at that time, one was myself having journeyed a long way with Him, one was a Jewish rabbi in Jerusalem and the other was a Muslim imam in Tehran in Iran. So what I need you to understand is the people that Joyner met, although he didn’t understand it, because his mind was blinded because of his prejudices but there are significant number of people in Heaven who are Muslims and Jews and there are even some who are Hindu and other religions that conventional wisdom in certain religious quarters which they could never possibly make it into Heaven.
Friends (1 on Earth on 25 December 2015)
Friends are those who Yah has actively called “Friend” and at that time there was only one human being who MIGHT qualify if he endures to the end of his life. Yahooshua is the pre-eminent Friend, the King of ALL Human Kings and Lord of ALL Human Lords with massive power and authority and massive supernatural gifts and massively glorious body. Other Friends include Noah, Abraham and Moshe {Moses} – people who have made a dramatic impact on the Earth in their day.
Friends are people who instinctively and as a matter of absolute routine adhere strictly to the Ten Commandments and live above sin. They talk to Yah and discuss things with Yah constantly. They formulate plans with Yah and pray those plans into existence as requested by Yah. They worship as their daily routine and they are committed to serving Yah faithfully and making a difference on Earth to the end of their lives.
What do YOU choose?
Next week I plan to discuss “Prayer on coming to Belief in the Almighty Creator Yah the Eternally Self-Existing.”
Wrapping Up
What is the state of YOUR relationship with the Almighty Creator?
I would like to ask you to critically examine where YOU are relative to the Almighty Creator.
Do you talk to Him constantly throughout the day and allow Him to lead you in every possible way?
Do you worship Him at every opportunity?
Have you clearly and unambiguously heard HIM CALL YOU FRIEND?
If not, you're FAILING in your life purpose and you will be bitterly disappointed when you die.
If you have now come to Belief, please pray along the following lines:
“Father Yah, I come to you in the name of Yahooshua, I now Believe that you exist. I confess my sin of unbelief and repent of my unbelief and I ask you to forgive my sin.
I now commit my life to You and I ask you to take me by the hand and lead me into deep relationship with you.
I ask you to fill me with your Spirit and to change me and help me to become the person you want me to become.
I ask you help me find people who can help me and help me find books, websites, articles and other resources that will help me.
I ask you to show me what I can do to actively serve you and lead others to deep personal relationship with You.
I thank you for saving me!”
There is a period of 8 days from sincerely coming to Belief for the first time during which there is extreme Grace to help you. See the article “Critical Actions on First Belief” for actions you should take immediately.
Drop me an email at so I can help you, pray with you, counsel you, etcetera.
Thank you for listening.
Please send me your questions to
Please email me to join the mailing list at
If you decide to draw close to the Almighty, please let me know and we can connect by Skype, Zoom, Teams, email or telephone so that I can help you with your journey.
I hope to connect with you again next week when I will continue to explore how to become a Friend of the Creator.
Work with me to make a way for Yahooshua to return in victory at the end of the Millennium and make his enemies his footstool.
Folks, it doesn’t matter who you are, Father Yah wants you to become His friend. He wants you to have a relationship with Him. It doesn’t matter whether you’re rich or poor, educated or uneducated. It doesn’t matter if you’re a Satanist, doesn’t matter if you’re a Christian, a Muslim, a Jew, a Hindu, a Buddhist or whatever. It doesn’t matter if you’re African, Asian, Indian, American, European, Caucasian, whatever. He wants you to become His friend. He will meet you wherever you are. Just pray the prayer that I've just gave you a couple of minutes ago.
This broadcast will hopefully be on the website on Saturday around about 12 o'clock UK time. It is being live streamed on YouTube and LinkedIn right now. But if you want to get the prayer, etc., you can go there or you can go onto the website and there is an article near the top with the relevant prayers.
If this is your first or second time on the channel, please stay on, I've got some things I want to share with you. If you've been coming regularly, you will know you’re going to drop off now. So I'm going to say goodnight to you. The rest of you, please hang on.
In Closing
Who am I? – James Robertson, I have a Doctorate in Engineering and I am a retired Military Commander. I now work as a Management Consultant and Project Manager. I have over 31 years' experience of actively seeking to draw close to the Almighty following a dramatic encounter with Him on 12th March 1993 when He spoke to me audibly in a locked room and I knew for certain that He was real.
In learning about Father, I've applied my deep-seated aversion to failure borne out of an accident in early childhood coupled to my Engineering and Military training of rigour and preventing failure, to my seeking of knowledge about Father. This journey led to numerous supernatural experiences, prayers answered and clear communication with the Creator that forms the basis for what I teach in these programs.
See the Video “Why seek relationship?” for an overview of what I believe.
Please visit my website at There is a wealth of information there.
The ETI Version of the Bible with correction of key translation errors at
For recordings of nearly all of the teachings broadcast so far search on Google for “Relationship with Creator Radio.” There are about four podcast websites with all the back issues.
Transcripts are on the “Transcripts of Broadcasts” page and they also have the recordings of most of the broadcasts.
Books with teachings from 1998 until May 2019 at the “Books for Printing” page. A4 and A5 books formatted for printing in PDF format with PDF covers.
I publish regular email articles – email to be added to the list, or to seek counsel or prayer or give me feedback.
Visit the Website and use the Google Search, Article Keyword Cloud, Table of Contents and Article Search to locate the information you are looking for.
Folks, that’s it. I'm out of time. Thanks for staying on and I hope to see you again next week.
Dr James A Robertson
Emissary of Yah
Broadcast Friday 27, September 2024