eSword is powerful Bible Study software.
It is available to download and use at NO cost, it really IS free.
There are about 100 Bible versions available to download in numerous languages. Many are free although some have to be purchased.
There are also numerous study aids.
In referring you to this site the usual cautions apply -- I do NOT agree with all that is presented and available but I believe the tool is useful and powerful and I have generated a version of the ETI Version for eSword which is available for download here.
Click here to visit the eSword website
Click here for the Download page
Once you have downloaded and installed eSword the ETI Version data files for eSword can be downloaded by clicking on the following links:
Download_eSword Bible Data zip file
To install the two data files download them, unzip them and then copy the two files to the eSword program folder on your computer, typically C:\Program Files (x86)\e-Sword
In addition I recommend that you download and install the following Bibles -- click on "Downloads" and "Bibles" on the top menu in eSword:
KJV -- the King James version -- this is the base version that the ETIV is derived from.
KJV+ -- the KJV with Strong's numbers which gives access to the full Strong's Concordance listing and classifying every word in the Bible -- these numbers can be used with the BibleHub website for more information.
TS2009 -- "The Scriptures" Bible version which contains the most important Hebrew words, albeit that Yah the Eternally Self-Existing and Yahooshu are represented in Hebrew which does not give the full meaning of the text.
Once installed these versions will provide a solid basis for comparison, analysis and research to the extent that this interests you. You are also able to add your own notes and commentary.
You could also download the Amplified Bible but you have to pay for this sadly as it is a very useful translation.
The Bible verses are displayed in the top left pane of the standard eSword screen.
When you select a verse on this screen the corresponding footnotes appear in the top right pane.
If you have installed the KJV+ with Strong's numbers and you select a Strongs number the concordance text appears in the bottom left pane.
In addition to the above the ETI Version cites a number of my articles -- these are available to download as e-Sword Topic Files below:
ETI Bible Version Topic Files -- Articles cited in the Commentary
Download_eSword Topic Files in topx format -- zip file
Once downloaded, unzip and copy into the e-Sword folder as above.
The topic files are accessed by clicking on the small image of three books with label when you hover over of "Reference Libary" in the third row from the absolute top of the e-Sword screen. There is a wide drop down that lists all the Topic files.
The files have a prefix of the form ETIV nn which is the reference number in the body of the Commentary.
Microsoft Word .docx and Adobe pdf format Topic files are also available at:
Download_ETI Bible Version Topic Files in Microsoft docx format -- zip file
Download_ETI Bible Version Topic Files in pdf format -- zip file
I hope you will find this a useful resource in better understanding what the Bible REALLy says about the Creator.
The Fundamental goal of the ETIV is to make visible the extent to which the Name Yah permeated the life of the Yisraelite people in Bible times and should permeate our lives today.