2014. Single Anointed Women Created by James on 1/11/2019 1:38:42 PM There is a major problem in that there are seven times more women in the body of anointed true believers than men and therefore the vast majority of these women are either desperately seeking a suitable man and in the process falling into sin and fornication or joining themselves to entirely unsuitable men, these women need to either choose celibacy or enter into a life time covenant with another woman in a similar situation
Single Anointed Women
There are seven times more women than men in the body of true anointed believers
This is a reflection of the reality that seven times more women than men are spiritually sensitive AND that Yah intended seven women amongst the body of true believers to covenant with {marry} one man, something that simply does NOT work in the current age
This extends to the fact that there are ALSO seven times more women than men amongst the illuminated ones serving Satan, this is particularly evident with witches
The situation is so severe that Yah states that "the majority of men are useless to both sides" -- they are so caught up in their sport and other activities that have NO value to Yah
Many of these anointed women have been unable to find men who are as anointed and as mature as they are in knowledge and relationship with Yah
In fact, many have NOT found men who are anointed or believe AT ALL
Very few people are aware of the above statistics and so most of these women have made serious mistakes in selecting life partners and have, accordingly ended up in sexual life covenant {marriage} with men who are NOT as spiritually sensitive at all and who are unbelievers or, worse still, servants of Satan
To make matters worse many believing men are married to women who are NOT serving Yah so the available believing men for believing women is even less than first appears
These unions are diluting the blood lines of believing men and greatly weakening Yah's cause on earth and therefore a cause of great grief to Him
Many of the marriages of believing women to unbelieving men are abusive or are causing women who were close to Yah to slip away, this greatly grieves Yah
These unions are particularly undesirable because it brings a believer under the authority of an unbeliever who is, by definition, one who is cursed
This too is greatly weakening the cause of Yah on earth and causing Him great grief
Yah would prefer these women to get divorced where possible and to live without a man in their lives but specific steps are required in such cases -- there IS release for a woman joined to an unbeliever ONCE all reasonable steps have been taken to afford that man the opportunity to come to belief
It is important to note that it is SERIOUS SIN for a believer to join sexually to an unbeliever whether casually or in marriage
Yah's preference for anointed believing women to remain separate from a man poses challenges wtih regard to the companionship and sexual needs of these women
Yah's preferred solution would be for believing men to marry a number of women but, as a consequence of very deep rooted monogamy programming women in most parts of the world simply CANNOT consider let along tolerate sharing their man and any attempt to do this is associated with great trauma and heartache all round
Accordingly, the practical reality is that most of these women are better to remain single and seek companionship with other anointed believing women and concentrate on serving Yah
Even going to the level of two or more such women living together as a permanent unit
Regarding sexual need it IS possible for a woman in such circumstances to pray to Yah to remove their sexual drive
Alternatively, there is NO prohibition from Yah's perspective on two or more committed women entering into a closed sexual relationship with one another
Yah states that sexual intimacy between believing women in a committed life time relationship is FAR preferable to such women trying to live celibate lives but periodically falling and having sex with unsuitable men thereby committing adultery, opening their spirits (and Yah's Spirit in them) to the demons, etc on these unsuitable men, etc
This is NOT the same as "lesbianism" where one woman plays a pseudo-male role and which is NOT pleasing to Yah although NOT forbidden
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2011.09.11 - Single anointed women – the challenge
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It will be apparent from the previous article that it is difficult to draw really close to Yah.
Some months ago I reported that Yah had stated that on earth today there were only about 5,000 anointed believers who were in any way at all making a difference on earth and that of these 5,000 only a very small number were making a real impact.
In the months since then I have had contact with a number of people who Yah has indicated are part of the 5,000 and it is alarming to realize how little most of us are doing for Yah in this age, myself included.
I find it distressing that I am doing so little and yet Yah says I am closer to Him than most, primarily because I am making a serious effort to walk in the revelation that I have with regard to the Ten Commandments and the true names, the Sabbaths, etc. From this I infer that similar comments apply to most of this group.
Many of the 5,000 are not even getting those basics right – the names, Sabbaths, etc.
At this stage, overall, it is apparent that the forces of darkness are winning hands-down – even most of those who have been or are anointed and even most of those who are performing sign's and wonders are NOT part of the 5,000 because of critical errors in their knowledge {doctrine} around things like the names, etc with the result that while they think they are serving Yah as "God" they are actually serving Satan as mighty one (god).
Perhaps the most challenging statistic that I have been given is as follows:
Of the 5,000, 7 out of 8 are women.
Of the men, only two are single but have no intention of marrying and the rest (623) are in covenant {marriage} relationships. Most of these men are in covenant with women who are NOT part of the 5,000 and many are being dragged down by this unequal yoking.
Of the women, half (2,187) are in covenant union {marriage} and the other half are single. Most of those in covenant union are joined to men who are NOT part of the 5,000 and many are being dragged down by this unequal yoking. Most of those men will NEVER form part of the 5,000.
Of the single women about half (1,094) have an aspiration of being in a life-time covenant union with a man and the other half have given up and dedicated their lives to serving Yah only.
By virtue of the statistics above, those women who are seeking a man will either give up or join themselves to a man who is almost certain to be unsuitable and who will draw them away from Yah – there are not many single men in the ranks of those who are just outside the 5,000 cutline either.
The challenge then, if you are one of the single women in the roughly 1,100 listed above who are seeking a man, and there are quite a few single women on this list, is what to do.
The obvious solution is provided in Isaiah 4:1 which states that in the last days seven women will cling to one man BUT, from harsh experience I have to tell you that the women of this age cannot share their man, no matter how anointed they are, no matter how certain they are that sharing is Yah's will they just cannot do it as a consequence of early childhood programming which makes a woman whose man goes to another woman a REALLY BAD person. The deep seated toxic psychological responses are intense!
The best advice I can give if you are one of these women is to let go of your desire for a man, dedicate yourself totally to Yah and ask Yah to take away your sexual desire. Instead, form a close friendship with one or more women who are also close to Yah and satisfy your need for companionship this way.
There is a major gender imbalance in the body of true believers today – there are FAR MORE women than men in this group characterized most dramatically by those who make up the 5,000 anointed believers who are having some impact on the forces of darkness.
Single women are advised to remain single and not seek a man and to ask Yah to remove their sexual desire.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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2011.04.10 - Single anointed women and Isaiah 4:1
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In the last few days I have become aware of a major challenge
Yah said a few days ago that there were only 100,000 believers worldwide who were having any impact at all and that the real battle on earth was being fought by 5,000 anointed ones
In my journey of seeking a life partner who is a highly anointed woman of Yah with a close walk with Him I have encountered a number of highly anointed women, one who Yah said was 180th closest to Him, another 123rd, another 72th and another 2nd
All expect Yah to provide a man who will perfectly meet their wants and needs, some are downright fussy, but they are entirely unaware of Isaiah 4:1 which says that in this day there will be seven times as many women as men in the body of true anointed believers
As I have mentioned before, the most superficial inspection will reveal anointed assemblies with up to ten times as many women as men in the body and my own experience is that there are many women who are seeking and finding there are very few suitable men around
At the same time it is important to remember that the man is the head of the woman as the anointed one {Yahooshua} is the head of the body of believers -- by implication this indicates that a woman should NOT join herself to a man who is less anointed than she is or is not as close to Yah as she is, how can she look up to the leadership of a man when she has to look away from Yah to look at him
The harsh reality of the above statistics are that of the 100,000 only 12,500 are men and of the 5,000 only 625 are men scattered over the ENTIRE world
What to do?
Well firstly, if you are a single anointed woman seeking a man and you find an anointed man who is as close to Father as you are or closer, I suggest you make a real effort not to let him go :)
OR settle for a life of celibacy -- which from what I can see may be the best course of action from a practical point of view -- Yah is your husband and devote yourself to serving Him
OR find a woman who has a man and is prepared to share in accordance with Isaiah 4:1, based on my own personal experience such women do not seem to exist such is the pervasive nature of Satan's lies about monogamy
OR settle for a man who is not as strong as her and potentially find herself in an abusive and destructive relationship which potentially causes her to fall away
If we assume that most of the eligible men are already married we find single anointed women potentially competing with hundreds and possibly thousands of others for the few men that are not married
The potential for harm to Yah's beloved daughters is huge!
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and grant you His peace.
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2011.03.01 - The dilemma of the Isaiah 4:1 phenomenon
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I continue to see the dilemma of the Isaiah 4:1 phenomenon all around me so it seems appropriate to write something about it.
1. Isaiah 4:1 "in that day seven women will cling to one man"
Isaiah 4:1 states "AND IN that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread and provide our own apparel; only let us be called by your name to take away our reproach [of being unmarried]." Amplified Bible
What is this saying?
What it says, literally.
In the age being referred to seven women will seek to marry one man!
"but that is against the word" I hear many cry.
Not so.
Yah created women to be virgins and men to be able to take the virginity of more than one woman and virginity can only be taken once so it is clearly apparent that from the beginning Yah created men and women so that more than one woman can covenant with one man and that this is good and perfect in His sight!
See the detailed analysis in the books on marriage on my website.
Satan has lied because there is great spiritual power in a believing man covenanted with {married to} a number of believing women
2. The context – Isaiah 3 and 4
If you read the rest of Isaiah 4 and also Isaiah 3 you will notice that this prophecy is referring to an age that looks very similar to the present age.
Yah showed me about fifteen years ago that it indeed refers to the age in which we live today.
3. The current manifestation – 1 in 10 in some assemblies
The current manifestation of Isaiah 4:1 is everywhere for us to see if we have eyes to see.
In anointed gentle assemblies all over the world you will find as many as ten women for every man.
And you will find deeply committed women who are looking everywhere for a similarly committed man and not finding one.
4. BUT women want a man to themselves
So the obvious thing is for women to share a man – it is entirely "scriptural" after all?
But no, women today are programmed from early childhood to desire a monogamous union or nothing – Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Barbie and Ken all program young girls for Prince Charming in monogamous perfection or nothing – the psychological programming and judgment associated with a woman's man going with another woman is massively traumatic – society sees it as saying something terrible about the woman who is "jilted".
So single believing women keep searching, many of them desperately, for "Mr Right" and not finding him and getting into condemnation because they believe there is something wrong with themselves not realizing that there are just not enough Mr Right's to go round.
5. The problem of union with an unbelieving man
In the process many end up marrying men who are shaky believers, men who claim to be believers or men who are unbelievers because they get desperate and they let go of the commandment NOT to marry unbelievers and in the process many fall away or find themselves in really unpleasant situations.
6. The problem of failed sexual experiments – the route to the lake of fire and brimstone
In this process many get seduced, get involved, walk away because it fails, etc and end up having sex with more than one man – this is adultery and it carries a penalty of part or all of eternity in the lake of fire and brimstone – no matter what the circumstances.
Most single believing women today are faced with the dilemma of either ending up in hell fire for having sex with multiple partners or of staying celibate.
7. Is there a solution?
Is there a solution?
The obvious solution is for several women to share one believing man – but in my experience none of them want to do that and for the most part they are incapable of sharing.
Few men want to try and if they have tried they have been so badly beaten up emotionally they do not want to repeat the experiment.
Some women resort to vibrators and some to pornography and that has its own major negative consequences as discussed some months ago – the vibrator is less of a problem than the pornography but it needs to be prayed over and then there is the question of what they think about when they are using it.
Sexual intimacy between women is NOT forbidden in the book and so two women might achieve their sexual and companionship needs in this way.
It is also possible to pray to Yah to take one's sex drive away, accept that you will be celibate for life and that one will not have a "male life partner" and live life alone or with other woman friends in a non-sexual way.
All of these have their challenges – the simple answer to the question – "is there a solution" is that I do not currently have one other than what is outlined above all of which are unpalatable to most single women.
This is a hugely challenging situation.
It is potentially sending millions of believing women to hell.
If you are in this situation you need to really be careful about what you do.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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