2014. Yah is everywhere Created by James on 1/15/2019 1:11:10 PM It is vital to understand that Yah is EVERYWHERE, in Him we live and move and have our being. You cannot hide from Him, He knows everything and sustains everything and everyone
Yah is everywhere
It is vital to understand that "in Yah we live and move and have our being"
The Spirit of Yah is pervasive, His Spirit is present throughout the world and the Universe, without it this entire Universe would self destruct
In this context it is vital to understand that Yah is with you when you sin, whatever that sin is, whether it is a "little white lie" or wholesale fornication or the most horrifying Satanic ritual murder, Yah is THERE
He sees, hears, feels what happens, He is there with the murder victim, the person you mislead with your lie, whatever you do He IS there
To that end any comment about Yah not wanting people to go to particular places because He finds those places offensive are out of place, He does NOT want us to do anything that will lead us into sin or cause us to agree with sin BUT He may send us to unclean places to take authority over whatever we find there
Yah wants the entire planet to be saved and He reserves the right to send His anointed ones wherever there is a need
Note that this is a function of a person's maturity in Yah, their knowledge and experience, their anointing, etc
The key point is that there is NO absolute rule about where Yah will or will NOT send one or more of His servants and, at the same time we are called to exercise wisdom and NOT go to any place of evil practices UNLESS we are clear that Yah has sent us and generally ONLY if we have someone of similar maturity and anointing to back us up spiritually and cover our backs
Again Yah CAN send a single person to such a place
It is also vital that you realize that there are NO secrets with Yah, Yah knows your every unclean thought, word and deed even if NO human being knows what you have done, so it is important IF you are serious about serving Yah that you deal with ALL your sins no matter what they are -- and, in general, this is a process lasting years
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2011.10.04 - Yah is at SOME measure in EVERY book (and so is Satan through his demons)
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In recent articles I have gone into some detail as to why the bible is NOT what it is widely believed to be.
In particular, I have reported Yah's statement to me "Son of man, do you see how this people limits me to one little book".
While we were worshipping earlier today and looking at the bookshelf in the room where we were worshiping Yah said to me, "I am in every one of those books at some level, in fact, I am in every book you own at some level, in fact I am in EVERY book on earth at some level, even books on the practice of witchcraft and Satanism, and so is Satan through his demons".
This relates back to my article on "seek truth, NOT error" in which the point is made that we all have some level of truth and some level of error.
Yah is interested in every subject, has opinions on every subject and guides human beings at some level on every subject, and so does Satan through his demons.
So, there are books with a high level of guidance by Yah and others with a low level of guidance by Yah, likewise there are books with a high level of guidance by Satan's demons and others with a low level of guidance. And, in all cases there is a chunk of human creativity, whether guided by a spiritual entity, whether Yah or demons or simply human ingenuity and invention.
Even in books and articles on Witchcraft and Satanism there is truth, the spiritual laws which operate in Witchcraft and Satanism are laws which in their pure form were ordained by Yah but have been corrupted and misappropriated by the forces of darkness.
So, you can potentially learn truth from any document BUT, in practice, there are many documents Yah does NOT want YOU to read and those are NOT necessarily the same documents He does not want ME to read, and vice versa.
And there are books He may want you to read in part or in whole once and then trash and there are books He may want you to read repeatedly.
There ARE highly anointed books that are NOT the bible and, where applicable, we should be seeking those books and reading them.
There are books with a lot of truth that are NOT particularly anointed – the writer may have been guided by Yah to find the truth and to write it down but is not necessarily anointed.
So, what to do?
Ask Yah to guide you as to what you buy, download off the Internet, etc and what you read.
Sometimes you may only need to read one sentence or phrase out of an entire book in order to answer a specific question you have asked Yah or for Yah to show you something in some other context.
On one occasion Yah sent me to a bookshop in London to buy a book which opened at a particular paragraph in order to teach me something. There have been a significant number of other instances where Yah has used this sort of approach in my life.
So, I recommend that you seek a closer relationship with Yah, that you ask Him to guide you and lead you to the books and documents, etc that He wants you to read or to buy or watch or whatever – sometimes He may lead you to buy a book today because it is there and convenient but He may only lead you to read the book or read a passage in the book years later.
The same applies to movies, DVD's, CD's, video's, etc, etc
The most important point of this article is that there is a mass of information out there and you should turn to Yah to lead you as to how to select what to read and watch and when – at the end of the day it is ALL about a deep personal relationship with Yah.
There are a huge number of books and other materials out there, Yah and Satan and his demons have both contributed to every single one of them.
Turn to Yah to show you what to buy and what to read and when – develop your relationship with Him.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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