2014. Obedience Created by James on 1/15/2019 1:29:36 PM A vital component of serving the Almighty and growing in relationship with Him and in anointing is obedience, as one grows Father will give one tests that require obedience, if you are NOT obedient a time will come when Father ceases to ask you, if you ARE obedient Father will give you increasingly more challenging tasks which have a greater impact for His kingdom and which carry greater rewards in the life to come
A fundamental component of serving Yah is obedience
Satan is about rebellion, Yah does NOT tolerate rebellion
You will NOT grow close to Yah if you rebel
A fundamental element of understanding Yah is to understand our role as SERVANTS, yes, it IS possible to become "the friend of Yah" BUT very few people on earth today qualify for that level of relationship and even those whom Yah has called "friend" REMAIN servants
As a servant we are called to be obedient
Yah always desires the best for us viewed from an eternal, Day of Judgment, perspective, that frequently does NOT look like the best, particularly in the early years of walking with Yah
In the early stages of your walk Yah will test your obedience by asking us to do simple things that may be uncomfortable, such as "give that hitch hiker a lift and $50 and tell him I love him"
IF we are obedient Yah will give us greater responsibility and we will grow
Eventually Yah may ask us to do things that are bigger and riskier and more uncomfortable
IF we are disobedient Yah will eventually cease taking to us and the we are at risk of running off after other voices in our heads, primarily demonic voices
So, IF you desire to grow close to Yah, work on your obedience!
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2013.09.11 - The MOST Important Things in Life
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The most important things in life:
1. Know with absolute certainty that Yah exists
2. Infilling with the Spirit of Yah, that is anointed by Yah, such that Yah can speak to you and through you
3. Intense prayer, on your knees and humbled before Yah including appropriate prayer
4. Regular worship of Yah
5. Strict observance of Yah’s Commandments
6. Intense resolve to do Yah’s will and doing His will NO matter how painful and how much it costs you
7. Periodic fasting as Yah leads
8. Deep personal relationship with Yah – 1 to 7 are necessary precursors
9. Do what Yah has called you to do – your ministry and your day job
If you are NOT seriously committed to 1 to 8 your life will be of limited value on the Day of Judgment and you risk hearing those terrible words “depart from me you worker of iniquity, I never knew you”
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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