2014. Your Heavenly Account Created by James on 1/15/2019 1:34:30 PM Each of us have an account in heaven where all the things that we do in accordance with Father Yah's commandments and commands are credited and all the wrong things we do and the sin and disobedience, etc are debited. If you seriously want to be rewarded after you die you need to work energetically to build up credits in this account and to avoid accruing demits
Your Heavenly Account
Each one of us has a book of accounts with Yah
Each account has a Credit column in which entries are made regarding things that we do that are right in the sight of Yah and a Debit column in which entries are made regarding things that we do that are wrong in the sight of Yah, sin, disobedience, etc
When we repent of sin and ask for forgiveness and, where necessary, make right or make restitution negative entries are cancelled out
Where we turn from our right actions and sin, positive entries are cancelled out
Our works for Yah are also totaled such that we may earn "merit"
Merit is a consumable, it is applied to our benefit during our lives and consumed so we need to earn more merit by constantly living lives that are right in the sight of Yah and ACTIVELY doing the work that He gives us to do, day by day
On the day that we die the book of accounts is closed and the debit and credit columns are totaled to give a net balance, this will determine where we will spend eternity and ALSO the penalty that we have to pay in the place of correction, Hell, BEFORE we enter Heaven
If we do NOT believe then the level of debits will determine rank in the kingdom of Satan, those with great sin will receive greater rank and greater authority in the Satanic dimension on earth
Those who believe but engage in wilful recurrent sin past the point of repentance or who blaspheme the Spirit of Yah will reach a point at which Yah rejects them at which point Yah divorces them and they become as unbelievers but have NO option for repentance and conversion
We can add credits to our account at any time and cancel those credits out with debits at any time
Those who overcome to the end so that there is no significant sin and associated debits and considerable right standing and works of trust and belief and therefore credits, will quality for high thrones, those who have less in the credit column and / or more in the debit column will receive commensurately LOWER positions in heaven
Those who have NO credits and significant debits will, after paying the price in hell for their unconfessed sin, find themselves in the "Outer Darkness" in heaven, so far away from the Throne of Yah that it is pitch dark and they cannot even SEE or hear Yah and Yahooshua
2012.07.05 - Your Heavenly Account
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The previous article alludes to the Day of Judgment – are YOU aware that you have an account in Heaven?
Do you realize that your Guardian (messenger {angel}) follows you around recording EVERYTHING YOU say and do?
Do you realize that even your thoughts are recorded in Heaven?
Because there will be a DAY when YOU will be called to give an account for your life.
You will be judged according to ALL that you did that was according to Yah’s Commandments and ALL that you did that was counter to His Commandments – the sinful and the righteous behaviour, the things that Yah commanded you to do that you DID and DID NOT do, the things YOU did of your own volition that were according to Yah’s will and those that you did that were AGAINST His will, the words, the thoughts, etc, etc
Where YOU have recognized sin and repented sincerely and brought the sin under the blood of Yahooshua’s covenant that sin will have been blotted out of the book (washed away) leading to an increase in the net credit balance of your account. This statement assumes you are a believer through Yahooshua’s covenant – if you are a Moslem the laws are different, as they are for each religious grouping. Moslems are NOT subject to Yahooshua’s covenant, they are judged according to the covenant between Yah and Mohammed.
Where the sin is not recognized and not repented of by you it will constitute a DEBIT, a deduction, in the book of account of your life.
Where what you have done IS according to the Commandments it will constitute a CREDIT, an addition, in the book of account of your life.
Finally there will be a reckoning – all the debits will be totaled and all the credits will be totaled and you will be judged according to the NET TOTAL.
If overall your account is in credit you will be granted permission to enter heaven ALTHOUGH you may first be sentenced to BURN for a season to cleanse you of the defilement resulting from your unconfessed sin, you will then be permitted to enter heaven even though you may only make it to the part of heaven known as “the outer darkness”, there you will forever live with the consequences of your misspent life. If your life was a little more compliant with the laws of the Kingdom of Yah you may find yourself in the place of the “foolish virgins”, those who did not draw close to Yah and wasted their lives on earth to a lesser extent.
If your account has a NET DEBIT you will be cast into the Lake of Fire where you will be tormented for a season to pay the price for the evil in your life until you are ultimately consumed and cease to exist.
If, perhaps, you lived a somewhat better life than those in the outer darkness of heaven, repented more regularly, etc you may find yourself in a higher place in heaven than the foolish virgins – there is a continuum from the outer darkness to the high thrones.
If you have overcome you may find yourself on a throne and if you have REALLY excelled in serving Yah and keeping His Commandments He may even say to you those prize words “well done thou good and faithful servant, COME UP HIGHER” – ultimately there is still the possibility of sitting on the two thrones on the left and right of Yahooshua IF you really lay down your life to serve Yah! THAT is the greatest prize available to anyone who has ever lived.
By “overcome” is meant that you have resisted sin and overcome it, that you have resisted the forces of darkness that have been tempting you, attacking you, lying to you, that you have sought truth no matter what the cost, that you have resisted sin no matter how seductive it was, that you have repented quickly, that you have constantly judged yourself and sought judgment, that you have sought to bring Yah joy, etc.
An overcomer is one who has TRIUMPHED over the forces of darkness on earth in whatever they were called to do.
Note that we will each be judged according to the talents we were given – if we were born into a wealthy family, had access to Yah’s ways from an early age through a religious family, had access to a bible, etc you will be judged much more severely than somebody born in poverty in a shack in the forest with no education, not able to read and taught great error from birth – such a person may well find it easier to enter heaven than the highly privileged individual!
If in addition one was exposed to truths about Yah’s Spirit {the Holy Spirit}, Yahooshua {Jesus}, etc, if one experienced the move of the Spirit, healings and other miracles then you must expect a VERY SEVERE JUDGMENT.
The question you need to ask yourself today is whether you want to be consumed by the fire or sit on a throne or whether you are going to try and play games with Yah and try and chart a middle road – the problem with fence sitting is that you are likely to fall and hurt yourself, one way or the other – you might just be found to be on the WRONG side of the fence on the Day of Judgment so, for my money, I suggest you go ALL OUT to serve Yah faithfully to the end of this age J
The prayers suggested in the previous article and in other articles on this list are recommended.
We each have a book of account kept in heaven which forms the basis on which we will be judged – I urge you to seek to store up treasure in heaven in the form of as many credits as possible and seek to clear out the debits in every possible way.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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Dr James Robertson, emissary and spokesman of Yah, founder of End Time Issue Ministries

Dr James A Robertson is called as an emissary {Apostle} and spokesman {prophet} of Yah, the Almighty Creator and has been set-apart for a number of years writing and publishing what he believes that the Almighty has said to him.
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Contact James at James@End-Time-Issue-Ministries.org
An Engineering approach to the matters of the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth whose true name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing

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