2014. Authority of Believer Created by James on 1/16/2019 1:09:17 PM
As believers through the covenant of Yahooshua we have authority on earth over the forces of darkness within the constraints of our particular level of knowledge and experience and the extent to which we are free of sin, this authority must be wisely and cautiously exercised at the leading of the Spirit of Yah
Authority of Believer
Believers have authority in the spirit realm over the forces of darkness
However this authority is only of real value once a believer is living a life without sin
Authority exercised while one is in major sin and error opens one up to all sorts of demonic and Satanic attack, curses, demons, etc
This authority vests in believers through the covenant through Yahooshua in which, by living a life without sin, Yahooshua regained the authority over the forces of darkness that Adam lost when he believed Satan's lie and ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil ushering in 7,000 years of evil on earth
After Yahooshua came back to life, having gained ALL authority in the heavens and the earth at the level of a human being, he immediately delegated his authority to believers who followed him and did as he did, that is live a life without sin -- inherently believers ONLY have authority commensurate with the extent to which they are living above sin
Yahooshua is now seated at the right hand of the Father, WAITING for his enemies to be made his footstool
In order to exercise authority through the name of Yahooshua one must understand the basics of the battle that is raging on earth, understand the matters of Yah and the ways of working of the Satanic and demonic realm and how to engage with them
As a believer one has the authority to bind and cast out demons BUT they are NOT obliged to listen to the extent that you are in sin and error in the area that they have gained their right of abode -- they may counterfeit their departure and strengthen their position if you are not disciplined in what you do
Conversely, the more you deal with your sin the less authority you will need to get rid of the demons associated with a specific area of sin
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