2014. Tearing Down Strongholds Created by James on 1/16/2019 1:42:11 PM
One of the activities that an anointed believer can engage in is the tearing down of strongholds, however they must carry the necessary authority and anointing and must have dealt with sin in their lives otherwise the forces of darkness will have a legal right to attack back
Tearing Down Strongholds
Part of the battle waged in the authority of the believer is to tear down the strongholds of Satan on earth, the Principalities, Powers, Thrones and Dominions and all the other forces that reign on earth
An effective suite of prayers, starting with you as an individual and building to cover the entire earth is:
"In the name of Yahooshua I bind, tear down and cast out every demonic and Satanic entity that is attached to me / us, I command you to leave now and go where Father Yah sends you
"In the name of Yahooshua I bind, tear down and cast out every demonic and Satanic entity that is in this room, I command you to leave now and go where Father Yah sends you
"In the name of Yahooshua I bind, tear down and cast out every demonic and Satanic entity that is in this house / flat / office I command you to leave now and go where Father Yah sends you
"In the name of Yahooshua I bind, tear down and cast out every demonic and Satanic entity that is in or on this property, I command you to leave now and go where Father Yah sends you
"In the name of Yahooshua I bind, tear down and cast out every demonic and Satanic entity that is in, on or over this city block, I command you to leave now and go where Father Yah sends you
"In the name of Yahooshua I bind, tear down and cast out every demonic and Satanic entity that is in, on or over this suburb, I command you to leave now and go where Father Yah sends you
"In the name of Yahooshua I bind, tear down and cast out every demonic and Satanic entity that is in, on or over this town I command you to leave now and go where Father Yah sends you
"In the name of Yahooshua I bind, tear down and cast out every demonic and Satanic entity that is in, on or over this county / province / state I command you to leave now and go where Father Yah sends you
"In the name of Yahooshua I bind, tear down and cast out every demonic and Satanic entity that is in, on or over this nation I command you to leave now and go where Father Yah sends you
"In the name of Yahooshua I bind, tear down and cast out every demonic and Satanic entity that is in, on or over this sub-continent I command you to leave now and go where Father Yah sends you
"In the name of Yahooshua I bind, tear down and cast out every demonic and Satanic entity that is in, on or over this continent I command you to leave now and go where Father Yah sends you
"In the name of Yahooshua I bind, tear down and cast out every demonic and Satanic entity that is in, on or over this hemisphere of planet earth, I command you to leave now and go where Father Yah sends you
"In the name of Yahooshua I bind, tear down and cast out every demonic and Satanic entity that is in, on or over planet earth, I command you to leave now and go where Father Yah sends you
"Father I come to you in the name of Yahooshua and ask you to send your might warring messengers to bind, tear down and cast our every Satanic and demonic entity that I / we have named and send them where you want them to go for as long as you decree, in particular I ask you to bind and cast out every demon that has no legal right to be where it is and also every Principality, Power, Throne and Dominion, I ask this in the name of Yahooshua, Amen"
Substitute actual place names and adjust as necessary depending on whether you are on a farm or in a large city, etc
This is a very important prayer, because one is praying this as an individual or a small group the impact of praying the prayer once, beyond your immediate environment is limited
Once should therefore ideally pray this prayer morning and evening daily for the rest of your life, where your prayer will tie in with similar prayers by other believes and slowly, demon by demon, Satanic messenger by Satanic messenger tear them down and cast them out progressively weakening the forces of darkness at the point of focus of the prayer and the immediate surroundings
Be aware that IF you pray this prayer and you have significant sin in your life the prayer will be of NO effect AND you will give the Satanic realm the legal right to attack you and take you out, therefore ONLY pray this prayer when Father tells you that you are ready
Expect increased opposition once you start praying this
AND be aware that there is great merit for this prayer prayed effectively and authoritatively on a regular and sustained basis in terms of the extent to which the forces of darkness on earth will be progressively weakened
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