2014. Man and Woman in Harmony Created by James on 2/7/2019 1:37:45 PM One of the most powerful spiritual entities on earth is a man and woman with a strong one flesh bond who are in total harmony -- this takes time and dedication to achieve -- it requires comprehensive open communication, caring and concern for one another, love, loving actions, serving one another, NO arguments, NO competition, NO actions that cause hurt to the other, it is extremely powerful
Man and Woman in Harmony
"A house divided against itself cannot stand" is a fundamental principle in life
A man and woman who are divided WILL see their marriage fail, their finances fail, etc
Seeking harmony is a vital element of sexual life covenant [marriage]
For this reason it is really important to chose your life partner on the basis of their compatibility with you AND their commitment to being in harmony with you
Man, if you are NOT 100% certain the woman will submit in everything and be in harmony then do NOT marry her and keep your pants on
Woman, if you are NOT 100% certain that you can submit to this man in EVERYTHING then do NOT marry him and keep your legs closed
Probably the BIGGEST single mistake a believer can make in this life is to have sex with and therefore enter into sexual life covenant with the wrong man or woman
The spiritual consequences are huge
Just because you like them or think they are attractive or that you have "fallen in love" with them that is NO basis to go any further
Make SURE they are right religiously, spiritually, socially, work wise, get your parents opinion and ACT on it
ASK YAH and do what He tells you to do
Ask for signs and ACT on them
AND make sure that the terms of the covenant have been agreed before you have sex for the first time
AND make sure that one of those terms is an explicit undertaking on the part of the man to serve Yah, provide leadership, protect his woman AND be considerate, gentle, caring and make it easy for her to be in harmony
AND on the part of the woman make sure that there is an explicit undertaking to accept the man's headship and submit in everything and make a concerted effort to be in harmony
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2011.08.10 - Harmony versus division and hindrance in a house {marriage}
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For many years I have battled with an issue that few believers understand and one that those who do have some revelation on generally understand incorrectly – the matter of harmony versus division and hindrance in a spiritual house, primarily with reference to the one-flesh house between a man and his woman or women.
The principle applies to any man and his woman {wife} or women {wives}. It is used by Satanists and those not following Yah to great positive effect and it is obstructed by the forces of darkness in those who believe in Yah to great negative effect.
I continue to be contacted by men who have a revelation of the true names, the true Sabbath, the true nature of the book {bible}, the true nature of Yahooshua {Jesus}, etc and who are in desperate financial straits.
This article is directed primarily at you. If you are really seeking to serve Yah AND are in great financial lack this article is for you.
1. If two harmonize it will be done
One of the verses believers love to quote is Matthew 18:19 "Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven." KJV
This agreement is generally taken as a casual "We agree? Right?" sort of thing along the lines of "we agree so that settles it, Yah must do it".
Fact is that is NOT what the word translated "agree" means.
The word translated agree is, in fact, the Greek word "sumphoneo" which is also the source word for "symphony", see below:

A. Verbs.
1. sumphoneo (sumfwne/w, NT:4856), lit., "to sound together" (sun, "together," phone, "a sound"), i. e., "to be in accord, primarily of musical instruments," is used in the NT of the "agreement" (a) of persons concerning a matter, Matt 18:19; 20:2,13; Acts 5:9; (b) of the writers of Scripture, Acts 15:15; (c) of things that are said to be congruous in their nature, Luke 5:36.
Note: Cf. sumphonesis, "concord," 2 Cor 6:15,#, and sumphonia, "music," Luke 15:25. from Vine's Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words, Copyright © 1985, Thomas Nelson Publishers.
Sumphoneo captures a concept of two people who agree absolutely about something who pray the SAME prayer, to the same tune (heart attitude), with the same words, in harmonized key – in other words a prayer that RESONATES with Yah because of the DEEP ALIGNMENT of those praying and which therefore move Yah to action.
This sort of concerted, harmonized prayer by two people very seldom occurs.
This passage has a particular bearing on the prayers of a single house, a man and the woman or women that are one-flesh with him.
Before discussing this in detail I must stress that you should read the article some months ago relating to the one-flesh bond and resolve all illegal one-flesh bonds, pray for cutting off of one-flesh bonds with ex-husbands and ex-wives or lovers, etc bearing in mind that the cutting of a one-flesh bond is an act of Grace by Yah and the prayer will ONLY be granted if it is viewed as legal in the Court of Heaven.
While a man has one-flesh bonds with women who are not rightly in covenant with him or where he is joined to a woman who has one-flesh bonds with other men the principles addressed in this article in terms of harmony will NOT WORK – but the divided house WILL work.
Clean up your one-flesh house first, then seek harmony within the resulting clean and righteous one-flesh house.
2. A house divided SHALL fall
The opposite of harmony is division.
In Mark 3:25 it is written "And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannotstand." KJV
Notice the absolute word "cannot", it is not about maybe it is about CANNOT.
So, IF you have dealt with all your inappropriate one flesh bonds AND you have dealt with all major sin, which means that your teaching {doctrine} is right in all major areas, specifically relating to compliance with the Ten Commandments AND if you are working hard and marketing hard and you are industrious and produce quality work and there is still no money then the last place to look is "a house divided against itself CANNOT stand".
After eighteen years of experience with this and eighteen years observation and revelation of it I have to state categorically that if you are a man joined to one or more women AND you have really dealt with all external one-flesh bonds AND all major sin then it is almost certain (with a certainty Yah says of greater than 98%) that your woman or women are NOT in harmony with you.
Thus you need to understand what "harmony / symphony" is and you need to do whatever you need to do to achieve harmony in your house on a sustainable basis. As long as you fail in this endeavour you will be in lack – it is as simple as that!
Conversely if / when your woman or women come into harmony with you you WILL PROSPER – the shift can be dramatic and nearly instant. On one occasion, as I was learning about this, within 24 hours of an illegal one-flesh bond being cut I obtained an order worth US$61,000 that had been eluding me for nearly a year!
Note that in this age amongst those whose roots are in Christianity it is virtually impossible for more than one woman to be in harmony with one man. I have tried it, Yah asked me to covenant with seven women and it nearly destroyed me until I eventually asked to be released from that assignment and from those women and to be permitted to enter into monogamy.
Even in monogamy harmony is NOT EASY!
It requires considerable concerted effort and that will be the primary focus of the remainder of this article – harmony in a monogamous union.
3. A powerful factor – beyond sin AND beyond faith
It is vital to understand that harmony and division are a powerful factor BEYOND SIN!
What do I mean by beyond sin?
I mean that even if you have dealt with all sin in your house and there is NO OTHER BASIS for the forces of darkness to keep you in lack, keep you from Yah's promises, etc you will STILL be in lack if your house is divided.
Furthermore, harmony and division operate BEYOND FAITH!
What do I mean by beyond faith?
I mean that even if you both have GREAT FAITH, have a deep revelation of Yah's provision, that He WILL supply ALL your need according to HIS riches in Glory by the anointing that was upon Yahooshua (the anointing on you) and your house is divided you will STILL be in lack.
Conversely, if you have real resonating aligned harmony and you are in DEEP SIN, are serving Satan and have NO FAITH you will still prosper!
This factor is intensely powerful!
4. A "physical" spiritual phenomenon in the spirit realm – visible to all
The phenomenon of sumphoneo or harmony has a spiritual dimension to it, a dimension which in my experience is "as hard as concrete" AND which is immediately visible in the spirit realm.
A man and woman who are in sumphoneo will, in the spirit have their spirits perfectly lined up next to one another pointing in exactly the same direction, singing exactly the same tune with the same words to a harmonized beat – they will be resonating together in a way that the entire spirit realm can see – like two magnets perfectly lined up together so that they magnify the magnetic field around them in an exponential way – the phenomenon of "one can put a thousand to flight but two can put ten thousand to flight" (as opposed to "two can put two thousand to flight") will be immediately apparent.
Thus, a man and woman can THINK they are aligned but the spirit realm can see the truth.
A woman who is pulling in a direction different to her man will be seen in the spirit realm to be in opposition, misalignment, out of synch, … with him no matter what she says.
This gives the forces of darkness a licence to take that couple apart financially irrespective of sin or faith or other factors.
The application to the Court of Heaven is very simple "the house is divided therefore we seek leave to cause the house to fall by attacking its finances" is the charge to be brought before the Court and, except in the case of young and inexperienced believers the Court will always grant the request. Once this petition is granted the Spirit of Yah has to STAND BACK and stop trying to bless the house financially!
So, if you are a man joined to a woman or women and there is lack, THIS is the place to look!
Man, do all that you can to make it easy for your woman to submit to you and be in harmony with you – cut out unacceptable behaviour, be considerate, demonstrate concern and care for your woman, treat her as the weaker vessel, be tender towards her, do NOT go chasing after wild and weird doctrines.
Woman, do all you have to do to come into alignment – see below.
5. Hindrance – a concerted effort by the forces of darkness – resource intensive
What is hindrance?
Hindrance and hindering spirits are the mechanism that the forces of darkness use to give effect to the judgment to cause the divided house to fall.
Hindering spirits deploy in every area where you may receive finances, clients, donors, friends, family, etc.
A hindering spirit will cause things to go wrong so that money that has been promised by a donor gets delayed or used up for other purposes.
They will cause a client who is enthusiastic about your services and promises to place an order to get distracted or have things happen that cause them to either delay the order or never place it.
People get to understand that "there is something wrong with …, everything associated with them seems difficult, slow, there are always problems" and they stop doing business with you or stop associating with you.
People who promise to pay you by a certain date find that something happens to delay the payment, a signatory is taken ill, called out to an unexpected meeting, has to leave early, etc and suddenly money that seemed guaranteed is delayed.
These are but a few examples.
When your finances and affairs are being hindered it is like running in thick mud, you put in huge amounts of effort and go nowhere or go backwards.
You cry out to Father, pray prayers of faith, make faith confessions, give offerings, tithe, but the orders and the money do not come in or they are delayed or they are reduced, there is never enough, you are constantly making arrangements with creditors, unable to buy promised gifts, downgrading your financial expectations.
Then, if you come into some degree of alignment things can change overnight and orders can come in, money can come in, things just FLOW all of a sudden and then it can flip over to division and loss just as quickly again if you do not understand what is happening and do not manage it effectively.
6. Reserved for those who are highly committed
The important thing to realize is that like sumphoneo (harmony) hindrance works for anyone but it is concentrated on those who are really seeking to serve Yah.
Remember that it is written that those who are teachers are subject to a harsher judgment. Thus, those who are truly seeking to serve Yah, that means with the true names, NOT worshipping Yahooshua, observing the true Sabbath, NOT worshipping the book, etc WILL be more closely scrutinized and are much more likely to be subject to hindrance than run-of-the-mill pagan Christian believers who worship Jesus, use the wrong names, worship the book and observe Sunday as Sabbath, observe Christmas, etc.
Thus, if you have come out of the latter condition into the former state EXPECT that you will be judged more severely and that the forces of darkness will pull out all the stops to prevent you prospering – they want you to be so busy battling to survive that you cannot share what Yah has given you to share let along achieve the things that Yah has called you to achieve.
Throughout hindrance be prepared to keep your head down working on what Yah has called you to do!
It takes a LOT OF EFFORT and a large number of demons and fallen messengers to obstruct the finances of someone who is actively serving Yah AND actively engaging in whatever activities Yah has appointed for them to engage in in order to provide finances for their work.
There is a whole communication mechanism that the forces of darkness need to set up in order to obstruct your finances, the more people you market to the more demons and fallen messengers who are tied up hindering your finances and the more the finances will flow ONCE you break hindrance by coming into harmony.
7. Covering – headship – submit in everything
Fundamental to understanding and achieving harmony (sumphoneo) in a family {marriage} setting is to establish the correct order in the home.
It is clearly stated that the man is the head of the woman and that the woman is under the covering of the man and should submit in EVERYTHING just as Yahooshua submitted to those who unjustly arrested him, abused him, tormented him, tortured him and executed him (1 Peter 2 and 3, Ephesians 5).
The man is told to love his woman as Yahooshua loved the body of believers and gave his life for them. So the man must lay down his life for his woman and make sacrifices for her and the woman must submit in everything.
This is fundamental, it establishes a critical but little known principle – the man will be judged for all he tells his woman to do, all he teaches, her, etc and she will be judged on whether she submitted in EVERYTHING – which means that if her husband tells her to go into prostitution, she submits, if her husband tells her to worship Satan, she submits BUT in submitting to her husband she prays to Yah to the effect that "Father, you have said I must submit to my man in everything and therefore I will do this because my man has instructed me to do it. I ask you to help me and to turn him from his sin so that he is not found wanting on the Day of Judgment. Until you turn him from his sin or release me from the union I choose to obey your commandment to submit in everything".
An essential element of this component is that this means that the woman must come fully under the teachings of her man no matter what she believes to be truth – she is NOT the judge of his doctrine, she must submit in everything INCLUDING doctrine.
The more the man aligns with Yah the easier it will be for a woman who truly loves Yah to submit to her man. The more the man deviates from his service of Yah the more difficult it will be for a woman who truly loves Yah to submit to that man.
For this reason it is vital that a woman makes absolutely sure that she is joining herself to the right man BEFORE she consummates her covenant with that man.
8. Includes soft issues like doctrine
As I have noted above, submit in everything includes submission in all matters of doctrine (teaching).
For this reason a believing woman should be sure she is comfortable with her man's doctrine BEFORE they consummate.
Once they have consummated and she finds there is a problem the commandment STILL says SUBMIT IN EVERYTHING!
9. Requires a strong woman or a weak man
In practice it takes a strong woman with willpower to submit to her man in everything or a weak man who will submit to his woman in order to avoid conflict.
Submission is NOT for sissy's.
Submission is an essential element of command and control in the Army, that is why strong men become military commanders, they discipline their will in order to submit to their commanders. Submission in covenant union {marriage} is the same, a strong woman exerts her will strongly to align with her man no matter how hard it is.
The stronger the one-flesh bond, in other words, the better the sex, in the union the easier it is to be in harmony, the more the prayers will be sumphoneo and the stronger the effect will be.
The core aspects of harmony versus division and hindrance have been outlined.
I pray that for all of you who are in covenant unions {marriages} who have been battling with finances that this will give you the pointers you need to break the hold of lack on your finances.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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Re a man with a divided house
From: K
Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2014 8:35 AM
To: James Robertson
Subject: RE: How are you?
Hi James
I’m well thanks. We are having some challenges at the moment such as the fact that my business sale fell through at the last minute when the buyers decided they are not buying anymore..
I’ve spent a lot of time finalizing everything and lost a lot of income because I’ve told clients that I’m going and they then moved on to another service provider. Now I’m still here.
The doors are not opening for Zambia and I’m in no mood to carry on with this business now anymore either.
We’re looking to rather move down to Western Cape where we have friends and there are large Torah groups.
How is the UK?
From: James Robertson
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2014 9:11 PM
To: K
Subject: RE: How are you?
Hi K
Sorry to hear of the challenges
Your email has “divided house” written ALL over it, see Man and Woman in Harmony.
We are doing well, just completed another program of seven three day fasts at weekly intervals, STRONGLY recommend it
Torah groups is NOT good, wrong direction, seek a deep PERSONAL relationship with Yah - Relationship Yah and Creator desires FRIENDS. Yah HATES Torah Groups and Bible Study that substitute relationship with books for relationship with Him, see Bible Greatest Idol.
You have a choice, draw close to Yah in person or go the conventional way and be disappointed at the end of your life
As per our last conversation, if your wife will NOT align with you, divorce her, there are some that can and MOST that cannot
There are seven times more women than men serving Yah - Single Women believers 7 x men, so IF you divorce and you are cautious you will have NO difficulty finding a really strong believing woman who will jump at the opportunity to marry a strong believer like you
Father is dealing with me STRONGLY about finding friends for Him
YOU are an ideal candidate, throw caution to the winds and go ALL OUT FOR YAH, you will NOT regret it!
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish
Warm regards and blessings,

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