2014. Right Confession Created by James on 2/7/2019 1:46:22 PM The words that you use are critical, it is vital that what you say about yourself, your situation, your relationship with Father, etc are correct and appropriate otherwise you give the forces of darkness consent to interfere in your life
Right Confession
It is vital that what comes out of our mouths demonstrates faith (trust and belief) in Yah and is aligned with His practices
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2011.01.14 - “ MAKE SURE IT’S RIGHT ” By Violet Brink
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For with the heart a person believes (adheres to, trusts in, and relies on Christ) and so is justified (declared righteous, acceptable to God), and with the mouth he confesses (declares openly and speaks out freely his faith) and confirms [his] salvation.
ROMANS 10:10
Three rather simple questions .. but questions that should be carefully thought about before they are answered because your answers are the very keys that you require to open the door into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ ..
MAKE SURE IT’S RIGHT .. Right Thinking .. Right Believing .. and Right Confessing
O.K. so why is it of such vital importance that you have these things right in your life ? .. The reason is this .. what you think and what you believe will always affect what you say, which is your confession ..
Thinking, Believing and Confessing are three areas in your life that are very closely linked together ..
So if your thinking is right .. then your believing will also be right because the things that you find yourself meditating over will ultimately become deeply rooted in your heart and you will begin to believe those things that you have been meditating over .. and if your believing is right .. then automatically your confession and the things you say will also be right ..
BUT if any one of the three .. “your thinking, your believing or your confessing” .. is wrong then unfortunately all three of them will be wrong ..
Now our gracious God knew that we would all need a little help and guidance concerning these areas in our lives and so naturally He gave us the solution ..
God provided us with His precious Word .. and it is His true and perfect Word that will help you to get your thinking straightened out and back on track .. because when you begin to meditate on and think in line with God’s Word .. His Word will become established and rooted in your heart and this will cause you to change what you believe and how you believe .. and of course if what you are believing is perfect and true then the words of your mouth will always speak what is right ..
Scripture from Romans tells us that .. “with the mouth he confesses (declares openly and speaks out freely his faith) and confirms [his] salvation” .. which gives us a clear indication of the true power of confession according to God’s Word ..
But do we as God’s children really, really grasp the true place of importance that confessions .. “right confessions” .. hold in the grand scheme of our lives ? ..
Somehow it seems that through the years we have successfully managed to underrate and play down the true value of “right confessions” ..
Sadly when the word confession is mentioned .. far to many of us automatically go to the mindset of confessing sins .. confessing weaknesses .. confessing inabilities .. confessing failures .. confessing guilt .. we move straight into the negative side of confession .. BUT .. there is a positive side .. and why we have chosen to remain so focused on the negative side of confession is a true mystery because God’s Word has so much more to say about the positive side of confessions than it does about the negative side ..
If you were to look up the word “confess” in the dictionary some of the definitions you would find are : to acknowledge; to declare; to make known; to acknowledge faith in .. and yes you will also find definitions such as : come clean; plead guilty and confession of ones faults ..
But it is important for you to remember that one definition does say .. to confess is to acknowledge and declare your faith .. or .. to acknowledge faith in God’s Word ..
If you carry on making the choice to live your life purely based on one side of the definition of confession .. the negative side .. constantly confessing your guilt, your troubles, your irritations, your doubts, your fears, your failures, your weaknesses .. then that is all you will ever confess .. and this will cause your life as a child of God’s to be extremely unbalanced .. you will end up growing nothing but weakness, failure and sin consciousness in your spirit ..
Do you know that Christianity is very often referred to as “The Great Confession” !!
O.K. so now that we are all familiar with the word Confession .. are we one-hundred percent sure of what exactly it means .. well it is simple really .. Confessing is actually three basic things .. To confess is to state something you believe .. To confess is to declare something that you know is true .. To confess is to proclaim a truth that you have wholeheartedly accepted ..
So from this moment on you never again have to wonder what you are supposed to be confessing .. your confession should always centre around some very basic principal truths ..
What God has done for you through Jesus Christ in His plan for your salvation ..
What God has done for you through His Word ..
What God has done for you by filling your spirit with the presence of His Holy Spirit ..
Who you are and what you mean to God your Father in Christ Jesus ..
What Jesus is doing for you right now, as He sits at the right hand of His Father where He constantly intercedes and pleads for you ..
What God can achieve through you and what His Word can achieve through you as you proclaim and declare it ..
We have been blessed with the highest honour of loving our faithful God .. and not because of anything that we have ever managed to achieve .. we can love Him purely because He loved us first .. WOW !!
We love Him, because He first loved us .. ( 1 John 4:19 )
Knowing something that amazing should surely be enough motivation for you to change the words that freely flow out of your mouth .. it is time for “right confessing” .. leave the negativity alone because you are the only one who keeps punishing yourself with it .. in God’s eyes the precious blood of the Lamb has taken care of it and “It is finished” ..
God loves you .. unconditionally .. and Jesus Christ has ensured once and for all that you are God’s beloved .. you are God’s child .. He has chosen you .. He loves you .. and He delights in you .. BUT .. you have to think it .. you have to believe it .. and you have to confess it ..
You know God did not sit back one day and decide to speak out His precious Word because He was bored and thought it might be funny to tease and tempt His children with a whole lot of meaningless promises and blessings ..
God’s Word is the most magnificent love story .. and the best part about it is that every word that you read was put there especially for you .. every guarantee, every promise, every blessing .. is yours !! .. in and through Jesus Christ
You have to know how important you are to God .. and He has taken the time in His Word to tell you ..
Therefore, if anyone is “in Christ”, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come .. ( 2 Corinthians 5:17 )
There is therefore no condemnation for those who are “in Christ” .. ( Romans 8:1)
As you share the faith you have in common with others, I pray that you may come to have a complete knowledge of every blessing we have “in Christ” .. ( Philemon 1:6 )
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us “in Christ” with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places .. ( Ephesians 1:3 )
We know that we live “in him” and he lives in us because he has given us his Spirit. .. ( 1 John 4:13 )
May God, the source of hope, fill you with joy and peace through your faith “in him”. Then you will overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. .. ( Romans 15:13 )
But whoever obeys what Christ says is the kind of person in whom God's love is perfected. That's how we know we are “in Christ”. .. ( 1 John 2:5 )
These are just a few of the many, many Scriptures that God has given to you .. to let you know that there is nothing more important in His world than you ..
God has already done His part in this “partnership” that you have with Him .. now it is up to you ..
God is not like people. He tells no lies. He is not like humans. He doesn't change his mind. When he says something, he does it. When he makes a promise, he keeps it. .. ( Numbers 23:19 )
You know that God is not a Father that lies and changes His mind .. so everything that He has said about you .. every promise that He has made you .. every blessing He has guaranteed you .. is already yours for the taking ..
And all you have to do is THINK RIGHT .. BELIEVE RIGHT .. and CONFESS RIGHT !!
Violet Brink
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