2014. Critical Success Factors for Life Created by James on 2/7/2019 2:17:41 PM Analysis of what is really important in life relative to your eternal destiny
Critical Success Factors for Life
The Critical Success Factors for life are a set of Critical Factors given by Yah to help better understand what our priorities should be in life in serving Him
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2011.01.17 - Vision for eternity -- Critical success factors for life
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I have a vision of life and eternity that is summarized by seven critical success factors for life and crowned by a vision of myself and my woman sitting next to each other on high thrones in heaven for eternity.
I thought you might find them of interest as I hold that these are reasonably fundamental.
The seven critical success factors for life together with relative importance assigned by me are:
1. Service to the Almighty – 67%
Service to the Almighty directed at being found to be good and faithful servants and overcomers on the Day of Judgment thereby qualifying to sit on high thrones for eternity as discussed in more detail in the eBook 1A1.04.03.01 "Where Will You Spend Eternity?" – on www.ETIMin.org website under "Important Documents".
This includes that we live life according to the principles of life which include:
a. Love Yah the eternally self-existing (the Almighty) with all your heart, mind, soul and strength.
b. Walk by faith.
c. Love your neighbour, your enemies and yourself, includes pray for those who despitefully use you, bless those who curse you, turn the other cheek and go the extra mile.
d. Commit yourself and your ways to the Almighty including obedience to the Ten Commandments.
e. Willing to learn, to change and to grow.
f. Deep knowledge of and application of the covenants with particular emphasis on the covenant made by and through Yahooshua.
g. Build an enduring, sure house - husband leads and wife submits in everything.
2. Make a difference in the world – 8%
Make a difference in the world through the ministry given to you and through your business activities – keep in mind that ALL believers are in ministry, you have a ministry, whether you know it or not.
If you do not know what your ministry is then you need to start seeking Yah for guidance.
3. Achieve your potential – 7%
Achieve your potential as man or woman on this earth.
4. Fulfilling marriage – 6%
A rich and fulfilling marriage which includes passionate sexual love making and unconditional love, intense oneness and harmony. Unless you are very clear that you have been called to celibacy (man). May not be achievable if you are a single believing woman – there are approximately seven times more women than men in the remnant.
5. Children raised this way – 5%
All children of the marriage partners grow up in accordance with these seven critical success factors.
6. Enjoy the richness of creation – 4%
The family experience the richness of creation including travel, nature, cultures, food, etc.
7. Enjoy material benefits of life – 3%
The family enjoy the fullness of what exists including material things, finances, houses, cars, furniture, etc
Factors (2) to (7) are secondary to factor (1). It is my profound belief that achievement of factor (1) will lead to achievement of all the other factors IF you do the spiritual work and discipline that is necessary for this to happen.
Focus on the other factors in the absence of effective achievement in terms of factor (1) will be of no value on the Day of Judgment.
Living life this way is a huge challenge for all of us.
I am firmly convinced that those who manage to live life in accordance with these criteria WILL find themselves blessed on the Day of Judgment.
If you turn these on their head and concentrate on the material things at the end of the list you WILL find that you have missed the mark seriously with Yah.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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