2014. Yah is ONE Created by James on 2/14/2019 6:53:38 AM The first of the ten fundamental commandments for believers is that Yah the Eternally Self-Existing is ONE Mighty One, you shall have NO other Mighty Ones beside Him, this includes NOT worshipping Yahooshua {Jesus} and NOT making Yahooshua equal with Yah
Yah is ONE
This is the most fundamental of ALL the Commandments "Yah the eternally self existing is ONE Mighty One, you shall have NO other Mighty One's apart from Him"
The traditional "I am The LORD your God … you shall have NOT other gods before me" is based on pagan, that is Satanic language and totally masks the fundamentals of the Commandment
This has resulted in teachings that Jesus is God, which are true in the sense that Yahooshua IS a Mighty One, BUT Yahooshua is NOT the Almighty, Yah the eternally self existing
Thus worship of Jesus in any shape or form breaks the Commandment and is therefore an ABOMINATION in the sight of Yah
The concept of the Trinity is likewise pagan, that is Satanic, and an abomination
<<< PREVIOUS SECTION: Chesed {love} the Almighty with all your heart, mind, soul and strength

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