2014. Not Worship the Bible Created by James on 2/14/2019 7:21:09 AM The Bible is an idol in the lives of many people being assigned a level of importance and imputed supernatural properties that causes it to compete with Yah and distracts people from serving Yah and seeking a deep personal relationship with Him, for this reason Yah HATES the Bible
Not Worship the Bible
Yah says that the bible is the most pervasive idol on the planet today, see the page on"The Bible" for more information
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2011.10.01 - Yah says: "The bible is the most pervasive IDOL on the planet today"
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As I was worshiping this morning (the Day of Atonement), I was thinking of a report I had read during the week which indicated that there were between 3 and 6 billion bibles on the earth and Father Yah said to me "The bible is the most pervasive idol on the planet today".
I have been hugely challenged by what Yah has been saying to me about the bible in recent months.
1. Adopting the bible as "The Word of God"
It is 18 years since I dedicated myself to serving Yah no matter what the cost and, in response to a number of experiences with teaching from the bible, I took my bible, held it up to Yah and prayed "Father, these people say this is your word, I do not understand it, but I choose to believe this and I ask you to answer all my questions".
In the next eight years I read the book repeatedly in numerous translations, the "old testament" about 20 times and the "new testament" about 35 times.
I asked numerous questions about what I read in the book and obtained numerous answers. I have over a dozen note books filled with questions and answers. I learned a lot, grew a lot and wrote a lot in which I referred to the bible as "The Word", cited it as "Scripture" and generally venerated the book to a substantial degree.
I advised others to read their bibles regularly from cover to cover and gave them reading plans comprising concurrent reading of "Old" and "New" "Testaments, Psalms and Proverbs and told them to read the genealogies as these were "also anointed".
I was totally convinced that the bible was everything that everyone I knew and esteemed claimed it to be.
2. A shocking word from Yah
After eight years walking the above road and following a series of intense fasts and seeking to get closer to Yah he told me to get a Quran.
I obtained a copy of a beautifully presented Quran and Father told me to "read it as quickly as you can and do not ask any questions until you have finished".
I did so and found that while there were finer points I understood differently there were only two real issues that troubled me, the first was that Muhammed was reported to have stated that Yahooshua (Jesus, Isa) was a prophet and a man and that it was gross sin to worship him or make him equal with Allah (Yah) and the second was that it was gross sin to place the bible on a pedestal and that the book was only a collection of writings by men assembled by men and was NOT the "word of God".
I reached the end of the Quran and asked Father if these statements were true, He affirmed that they were and subsequently sent Yahooshua to me personally to confirm that he was a man and a prophet and NOT Yah and that it was sin to worship him.
I wrote about what Father had said to me about the bible but I struggled with that more than the revelation that Yahooshua was not Yah – somehow I had never really worshipped Yahooshua although some of my writings before that time show undue reverence and conventional thinking with regard to Yahooshua {Jesus}.
3. Wrestling to come to terms with this revelation
This happened nearly ten years ago.
I more or less stopped reading the bible but I still struggled with this revelation.
In my late teens I had rejected the bible because of major discrepancies between what the church was teaching and what I read and so, in 1993 when I took the book and held it up to Yah it was a MAJOR conscious choice on my part to reverse a belief I had held for several decades that the book was not relevant.
Father effectively left me alone on this particular topic for most of the next ten years and dealt with me on other major issues that were hugely challenging and took me through some times of intense testing in other areas.
I wrote about the topic from time to time but, on reflection, most of the time my thinking and my paradigm was still shaped by my decision in 1993 – the bible was the word of Yah {God} and all inspired and without error – the final and definitive authority!
Then, late last year, as I was coming to the end of the series of seven three day fasts at intervals of one week that I went on leading up to Christmas and as I was seeking to draw closer to Yah and seeking cleansing and healing and greater revelation, I was walking through a large mall near where I was living and, as I walked past the largest bookstore in the mall, Father said to me "son of man – do you see how this people limit me to this one small book!"
I looked into the massive store and suddenly understood that the bible was the ONLY title for sale in that store that was claimed to represent Yah of all the thousands of books in the store.
On that same day I had walked into a Gospel music store and purchased a copy of the King James Bible on CD, a set of CD's of considerable bulk. As I had taken the set to the counter to pay, Father said to me "you do not need those", to which I had replied, "but I would like them" – Father left me until I walked past the bookshop!
4. The book is hardly anointed at all
A few days later, as I was driving to the mountains on a two week retreat Father told me to listen to the CD's of the bible and nothing else until I finished listening to the entire bible.
I did this but his meant that I did not listen to the praise and worship CD's that it was my habit to listen to while driving.
In about two months of driving I had listened to the entire bible. I then came to an alarming realization, the level of anointing in my life had degraded substantially. At this point I suddenly understood that the book was hardly anointed at all and that the flow of anointing was through the praise and worship I habitually listened to and NOT the book!
5. The implications
Since then I have written quite widely on the subject and started to really come to grips with the harsh reality that the book is a compilation of writings by men, compiled by men, hardly inspired at all (Yah says "less than 2% of the book is inspired") and the source of considerable erroneous thinking and idolatry.
The book was vetted and validated by the same people who moved the Sabbath from the 7th day of the week (Saturday on today's calendar) to the 1st day (Sunday, the day of the Sun, a pagan holy day), did away with the name Yahooshua and enforced Ieosus {Jesus}, entrenched the use of "God" and "The LORD" instead of Yah, the Almighty, etc and who took measures towards legislating monogamy in place of Yah's form of covenant between man and woman in which the taking of virginity is THE covenant act and which therefore shows definitively that Yah intended more than one woman to covenant with one man.
Yah's statement this morning was the next step in this challenging journey of revising my beliefs about the bible "The bible is the most pervasive idol on the planet today"
I can see it clearly now, but I understand how this is NOT clear to those who have esteemed the bible for years and who have received great revelation through the bible.
6. The bible does NOT teach people to read
Last week, in response to one of my articles about the bible, written on the Day of Trumpets, someone wrote to me about the number of people who had learned to read through their access to the bible.
Bottom line, that does NOT prove the bible is what is claimed for it, it proves that many people have BELIEVED that the bible is what is claimed for it and, as a consequence, learned to read but it is the Mighty One of the bible, NOT the book who has inspired them and taught them.
To this comment you might think that I am saying that in fact the Almighty DOES work through the bible and, in a sense, I AM saying that – remember that Yah has said that we LIMIT Him to that "tiny book" so, in many cases, the bible has been the only mechanism that Yah has had to reach people so, He has done that.
BUT, can you imagine what things would look like if we had thousands of books ascribed to Yah's messengers or spokesmen {prophets}? Well, actually we do BUT the writers devalue their writings because of their idolatry of the Bible – a well-known and highly anointed prophet devalues his writings by repeatedly stating that they are NOT part of "the canon of Scripture" and that they are "NOT Scripture" with the result that by his own admission he has been less than diligent about recording what Yah has shown to him and said to him, sometimes taking months to write down what he saw in visions and other prophetic experiences and advising readers that because of his lack of diligence they should feel free to question his writings.
This is tragic as it massively devalues Yah's words through this man and it devalues a vital message.
In addition, this man does not see fit to offer the full text of the books he has written about these visions for free but instead distributes them for money through commercial publishers. I do not have a problem with the use of commercial publishers – they have considerable reach – BUT there are many who cannot afford these books who need to read the message.
The words of Yah should be available free of charge as far as possible.
7. The bible does NOT teach people to profit or teach scientific facts
I was also told that the bible has assisted many in business through making them aware of technical and scientific facts.
To a point that may be BUT it is the Spirit of Yah in us that is really the teacher and the problem is, once more, that by limiting Yah to the bible we prevent Him from teaching us in many other ways – He has taught me much in business that is NOT in the bible.
Furthermore, to the extent that there are passages in the bible that contain technical and commercial ideas this is simply a reflection of the advanced economies and societies that existed in bible times – we have been taught that mankind has evolved UPWARD in the past millennia when, in fact, Adam was created in the likeness and the image of Yah and was super intelligent and of great stature – mankind has been deteriorating progressively for thousands of years.
So, again, the bible is NOT all that people think it to be.
8. Why has Satan permitted the bible to become so pervasive?
Satan is the mighty one {god} of this world – he is in control, nothing of major significance happens on this earth either unless Satan permits it or if a mighty spirit filled servant of Yah with the necessary legal standing prays it into existence on the planet.
The bible has been distributed so widely because it is NOT a threat to Satan.
YES, Satan does oppose the bible, it gives the bible greater credibility and IF Satan could entirely destroy the bible as well he would be happy but he realizes that is unlikely to happen without Yah raising up some alternative so Satan happily permits the bible to be the most widely published book on earth with all the confusion that surrounds the hundreds of different translations and the embedded errors relating to the person of Yahooshua, the names, etc that pervades just about all the versions of the book in widespread distribution.
9. If the bible is what is claimed why is the earth not very different
If the bible really is what is claimed for it then with 3 to 6 billion on the earth the earth should look VERY DIFFERENT to what it does but the reality is that only a minute number of people who have bibles read them and only a very small percentage of those take the book seriously.
So, clearly, the bible is NOT the inerrant Word of Yah and full of power.
The bible really is NOT what is claimed for it.
This is a very uncomfortable reality, please pray about this and make the necessary course corrections and, IF you are guilty of worshipping the book, now is the time to stop!
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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