2014. True Names Created by James on 2/14/2019 10:53:20 AM The true name of the Almighty Creator is "Yah" and He is widely referred to in historical writings as "Yah the Eternally Self-Existing" which is written in Hebrew as "Yahooeh" or less accurately "Yahweh", these are the names that should be applied to Him, in the same way the true name of the prophet from Nazareth is "Yahooshua" and NOT "Jesus"
True Names
The true names that SHOULD be used in the context of belief in the Almighty Creator are:
Yah is the true name of the Almighty -- NOT God and NOT The LORD
Yahooeh meaning "Yah the eternally self-existing" which is the most commonly used descriptive name of the Almighty should NOT be used in English, the expansion of the name should be used (also, less accurately transliterated Yahweh) -- NOT The LORD
Yahooshua meaning "Yah is salvation" which is the correct name of the anointed human prophet who died on a stake after living a sinless life NOT "Jesus"
Stake NOT Cross
There are many other words that have wrong meaning
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True Names
In 2000 the Almighty started to deal with me about a wide variety of issues, one of these was His true Name.
I quickly encountered teachings which stated that His Name was “Yahweh”, based on a fairly widely used transliteration of the Hebrew “YHWH”, which occurs over 5,000 times in the books of the Bible from Genesis to Malachi, the so-called “Old Testament”.
As He led me further I discovered that this word was more accurately transliterated as “Yahooeh” and that it was more accurately translated as “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing”.
See article below.
2010.12.06 - The TRUE Names of the Almighty in the bible
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About ten years ago the Almighty started to deal with me about a wide variety of issues, one of these was His true Name.
I quickly encountered teachings which stated that His Name was “Yahweh”, based on a fairly widely used transliteration of the Hebrew “YHWH”, which occurs over 5,000 times in the books of the bible from Genesis to Malachi, the so-called “Old Testament”.
As He led me further I discovered that this word was more accurately transliterated as “Yahooeh” and that it was more accurately translated as “Yah the eternally self-existing”.
From this I came to understand that the essential Name of our Almighty Creator, our Father in Heaven, was “Yah” and from there I discovered that there were well over 100 names and words in the bible that contained the Name Yah in the Hebrew although completely lost in the traditional English translations. For example the name we know as “John” is actually “Yahoochanan” which means “Yah has graced”.
In the same process I realized that the man most of us know as “Jesus Christ” was a Hebrew or Jew (“Yahoodite”) and NOT a Greek and that accordingly his name could NOT be Jesus, it had to be a Hebrew name. I encountered various interpretations of what this name might be including “Yeshua” meaning “salvation” but in time came to understand that his name was “Yahooshua” meaning “Yah is Salvation”, also Yahshua or Yahushua or other derivatives but that Yahooshua was the most exact. Translated “Joshua” in the books pre-Yahooshua the anointed of Yah {Jesus Christ} (the so-called Old Testament) but translated “Jesus” in the books about Yahooshua and after Yahooshua (the so-called New Testament).
I discovered that the Hebrew word generally translated as “God” was in fact a technical term “Elohim” which means mighty one or Almighty depending on context. Elohim can be applied to the Almighty, generally translated as “God”, pagan deities (translated as god) and also to human beings. Elohim is NOT an exclusive reference to the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth.
Other words translated “God” include “Ellah”, the Aramaic for Elohim, effectively “Allah” in Arabic and “El” and “Eli” which in some applications effectively means “my personal mighty one” “or my beloved mighty one” as when Yahooshua cried out on the stake {cross} “Eli Eli lama sabachthani?” meaning “my beloved Mighty one, my beloved Mighty one, why have you forsaken me?” Matthew 27:46 (note that Matthew is more correctly translated as MattihYahoo meaning gift of Yah 27:46)
At the same time I came to understand that the commonly used names for the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, Yah the eternally self-existing, were blasphemous and it was only as an act of great love and grace that He answers prayer in those names. Specifically “the LORD” is an accurate translation of “Baal” the pagan god of sexual immorality and “God” or “Gawd” is the name of the Babylonian demonic deity of good luck subsequently adopted by the Germanic people and then adopted by English speaking people as the name of the Almighty.
I also came to understand that “Jesus” is derived from “Ieosus” which in turn is derived from “Zeus”, another pagan deity.
I then came to understand that these names were grievously hurtful to our Father in Heaven, Yah the eternally self-existing and to Yahooshua and that Yah only answers to them as a great act of mercy and grace because of the level of deception of those who have some level of relationship with Him.
Yah summed it up to me as follows “James, how would you like it if your family called you by the name of your worst enemy”, I got the point and changed my language immediately.
Most, if not all, of these errors can be traced back to the period from about 300 AD when the Roman church was apostatizing, distancing itself from its Hebrew roots and making compromises with Satan to make it easier for pagan's to convert.
Talking of covenants, I have recently come to understand that ALL sins that relate to breaking of the Ten Commandments which ARE the essence of the covenant between Yah and man, if they occur repeatedly result in a covenant with Satan and demonic infestation, at the very least once you have been exposed to the truth.
I also came to understand that “Christ” is a meaningless term that substitutes for a simple English translation which is “anointed with the Spirit of Yah”, or “anointing of the Spirit of Yah” or “one anointed with the Spirit of Yah”. Thus “Christian” means “an anointed one” or “one anointed with the Spirit of Yah”. From this I came to understand that “Christ” is NOT synonymous with “Jesus” or “Yahooshua” and that it is presumptuous for one to call themselves a “Christian” – who am I to presume to describe myself as being anointed by the Spirit of Yah, that is something for others to decide.
The Almighty is merciful Psalm 103:8 “Yah the eternally self-existing {The LORD} is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy.” KJV This does NOT mean we should treat His Name lightly or call Him by other names.
This article sets out the above in more detail.
1. If you love me call me by my true name
My name is “James”, in English culture this is frequently abbreviated as “Jim”.
For reasons I cannot really explain I have always been particular about my name, I do not like being called Jim and, barring a few close friends who presumed to call me Jim anyway I have never been called Jim. They are no longer friends.
James is a poor translation of the Hebrew Jacob or Yaacov or similar. When I first started communicating with people on the Internet who had come to understand something about the true names of the Creator someone replied to my email calling my Yaacov, I was NOT amused, my name is James and it is James no matter where I am in the world and what language is being spoken to introduce me.
Names are not to be translated.
So, when, having shown me His correct name, the Almighty said to me “James, how would you like it if your family insisted on calling you by the name of your worst enemy” I immediately got the point and started to use the correct names.
Consider also 1 John 5:3 “For this is the love of Yah {God}, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous”.
Surely, if you love the Almighty, you will keep His commandments, including the commandment NOT to take His name in vain. In order to not take His name in vain you must know what His name is and realize that substituting other words for His name IS taking His name in vain.
In reading what follows it will be very easy for you to get into argument on the basis “but that is what I have always called Him”, or “I have been praying in those names of years and He has always answered me, why should I change?” or “I have experienced miracles in those names, how can they be wrong?”
The answer to all of these points is roughly “just because our Almighty Father has extended mercy and Grace to you by answering your prayers in these names and has even performed miracles to your benefit because of His great mercy does that mean you have a license to disregard the truth now that you have learned the truth?”
If you truly love Him, call Him by His true name!
I appeal to you as you read what follows, bring these issues before our Father in Heaven and seek confirmation and as soon as you have it then change your language. In fact, if you read what follows carefully and prayerfully you should not need much prayer to confirm that you should change.
I have a more detailed article “ETI_10_11_02_The TRUE Names of the Almighty in the bible v 39_006” which discusses some aspects of this article in more detail.
2. Do NOT take the name of the Almighty in vain
Exodus 20:7 “Thou shalt not take the name of Yah the eternally self-existing {the LORD} thy Mighty One {God} in vain; for Yah the eternally self-existing {the LORD} will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain” KJV
This verse is definitive, particularly once you apply the correct translation as set out in the sections that follow.
Do not make light of or mock or distain, or use lightly, or cheapen or in any other way use the Name of the Almighty in vain.
As you will see in the sections that follow, these names are clearcut and distinct and there can be no excuse for using other names.
3. Yahooeh or Yahweh NOT “The LORD”
The first aspect of the truth regarding the Names of the Almighty that I encountered related to the word that is traditionally translated “the LORD”.

This word is Strong’s number 3068, see the graphic on the right for the Hebrew and the standard translation.
The reality is that those who translated the bible and those who work with the Hebrew text all know that the Hebrew YHWH is NOT in any meaningful way related to “the LORD”.
The basic theory of why this is done is that it is allegedly a longstanding Jewish tradition to avoid using the true Name of the Almighty in case they take it in vain so, by the time of Yahooshua {Jesus} it was common practice to substitute “Adonay” one of the Hebrew words for Lord in place of Yahweh or Yahooeh.
The true name was even removed from certain texts and there are over a hundred instances recorded in Jewish religious writings where such substitution is noted.
It seems that the English translators simply conformed to this tradition in the process effectively making the name of the Almighty of no effect.
This word occurs over 5,000 times in the books of the bible relating to the period prior to the birth of Yahooshua the anointed of Yah {Jesus Christ}. See the screen dump from the PC Study Bible below:

While “Yahweh” is the most commonly occurring English form it turns out that “Yahooeh” is more accurate.
Thus we find that the web site and email service www.Yahoo.com has a blasphemous name and shouting “Yahoo” as an exclamation of victory or excitement is also blasphemous.
If you have such an email account you need to move away from it as a priority, set up a Gmail account or similar. You can ask for mercy to keep the old account for historical purposes but you should immediately start using an alternative account and notifying all who write to you as to why you are changing. When you get emails to your Yahoo account you can copy and paste the email address into your Gmail account and reply from there or forward to the Gmail account and reply from there.
I recently had a vision of people using Yxxoo accounts crawling with demons.
But there is greater complexity.
4. Yah the eternally self-existing
Yahooeh means “Yah the eternally self-existing”, so, from this we deduce that the essential name of the Almighty is in fact NOT Yahooeh or Yahweh or similar, it is in fact Yah.
And thus we see that names that sound like “Yah”, for example “ja” meaning yes in Afrikaans are also blasphemous!
And so we see the wiles of Satan, first he has tricked mankind into substituting other words for the true Name of the Almighty and then he tricks mankind into using words that sound like the Name of the Almighty in order to trap us into breaking the third commandment, thou shalt not take the name of Yahooeh in vain or thou shalt not take the name of Yah the eternally self-existing in vain!
By losing sight of the true name of the Almighty, that is “Yah” we also lose sight of the extent to which His name is referenced in the bible.
Those who have not repented of this sin by the Day of Judgement will find themselves facing at least a PART in the LAKE OF FIRE which is the second death, see Revelation 21:8.
5. Names that reference Yah
Once I was sensitized to the true Name of the Almighty, Father arranged for me to obtain a copy of the bible in the version known as “The Scriptures” published by the Institute of Scripture Research available from http://www.qodesh.co.za
As I read this and referenced other sources I became aware that the name of Yah permeates the Hebrew texts of the books prior to the ministry of Yahooshua the anointed of Yah {Jesus Christ}.
Names like:
Elijah which is actually EliYahoo, Yah is my personal or beloved Mighty one.
Judah which is actually Yahoodah, praise Yah.
Joshua which is actually Yahooshua, Yah is salvation.
There are over 100 names that reference Yah.
Jew which is actually Yahoodite, the descendents of Yahoodah. So if one curses the Jews or speaks ill of them one is cursing Yah as well.
And so it goes, a rich tapestry of names, describing the ministries and callings of numerous well known characters in the books in the bible.
These same attributes are present in the so-called new testament, the books relating to the ministry of Yahooshua and what followed, but they are more concealed because of the reliance on the Greek texts because of the loss of the Hebrew texts.
Yahoochanan, Yah has graced, the name of John the Baptist, actually Yahoochanan the immerser, the man whose ministry to Yahooshua (Yah is salvation) {Jesus} ushered in the era of Grace from Yah.
6. Yahooshua – Yah is salvation
I have already mentioned above the name Yahooshua, Yah is salvation.
It turns out that this is the correct name of the man most know as Jesus Christ.
Thus, his very name was a prophetic statement of the role he would play on the earth.
But note also that he was NOT the first Yahoodite to be called by this name, Joshua who led Israel into the promised land was also actually called Yahooshua.
And, the reason that the name of Yahooshua is “the name above all names” is simply because there is nothing greater in all creation than the salvation of Yah.
7. Elohim -- The Almighty Mighty One NOT God
The Almighty Creator is also very frequently referred to as “God”, in fact many people think that His real name IS God.
Fact is, the word most frequently translated as God is "Elohim" which should be accurately translated as "mighty one" or in certain contexts "Almighty".
To complicate matters, "Elohim" applies to the Almighty Mighty One, the Mighty One of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob BUT it also applies to demonic mighty ones like Baal and Satan AND it can also be applied to a king or ruler or other powerful human being.
Thus, because a being is a god (mighty one) that does NOT mean that they are the Almighty.
In fact, for reasons that I will discuss in a minute, it is an insult to call the Almighty "God", and it is grace that He has seen fit to answer to this name for all these years.
If one loves our Father in Heaven we will substitute "the Almighty" or "Mighty One" for all occurrences of "God" in anything we are reading or singing where it is clear that this is referring to the Almighty and use "mighty one" for other gods.
8. Other names of the Almighty – El, Eli, Eloah, Ellah, etc
As I researched further I found that there were other words in addition to Elohim that were applied to the Almighty.
These include "El" and "Eli" which appear to be simply abbreviated forms of Elohim but which in context, at least in some cases, such as Yahooshua dying on the stake {cross} is a form of endearment, "my beloved mighty one" or "my personal mighty one", both referring to Yah.
Eloah and Ellah are simply Aramaic forms of Elohim used in the same way as Elohim.
Noticeably, Allah, the Arabic form of Ellah also can refer to the Almighty. Thus it is an error to state that Moslems are worshipping another mighty one, they may be, because Allah is no more exclusive to Yah than is Elohim or Eli or Ellah BUT since God is not being used exclusively to refer to the Almighty this is not really an issue.
All should be referring to the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, or to Yah. The error of the Moslems is LESS than the error of the Christians on this topic.
9. “The LORD” – Baal – a blasphemous name
It turns out that the English "The LORD" would be a good translation of "Baal" the god of sexual immorality that is referred to throughout the bible.
1 Kings 18:19 “Now therefore send, and gather to me all Israel unto mount Carmel, and the prophets of Baal four hundred and fifty, and the prophets of the groves four hundred, which eat at Jezebel's table.” KJV
Thus, not only have men concealed the Name of the Almighty they have substituted it with the blasphemous name of a demonic deity!
How great is the love of our Father in Heaven that He has answered our prayers in this name!
This alone should be sufficient reason for you to change your use of language on this front.
To better understand how Yah feels about this consider Hosea 2:17 “For I will take away the names of Baalim [the LORD] out of her mouth, and they shall no more be remembered by their name.” (KJV)
This points to the need for heartfelt repentance and deliverance from that which has oppressed one through the use of this name as well as humble petition to Almighty Yah to break the covenant with Satan that may have come into place as a consequence.
10. God – another blasphemous name
Then, to make matters worse, it turns out that "God" or "Gawd" or "Gad" is the Babylonian god of luck and good fortune referred to in Isaiah 65:11 "But ye are they that forsake Yah the eternally self-existing {the LORD}, that forget my holy mountain, that prepare a table for gad or god {that troop} (fortune), and that furnish the drink offering unto menee {that number} (fate)."

So we see that we should remove "God" from our vocabulary as well and repent and seek forgiveness for our sin and seek to be set free from all that is oppressing us as a consequence of our error including possible covenants with Satan.
11. Jesus – another blasphemous name
Then it turns out that "Jesus" is derived from the Greek "Ieosus" which is in turn derived from "Zeus" a Greek pagan deity.
I was told recently that Jesus actually means "Aardvark" a form of pig which has to be just about the biggest insult that one could give to Yahooshua but I have not managed to find independent corroboration.
This in turn points to a further adjustment in our vocabulary and some heartfelt repentance and deliverance.
12. Christ – anointing of the Spirit of Yah
The next challenge relates to the word "Christ", it is widely accepted that "Christ" relates to the anointing of the set apart {holy} Spirit of Yah, that is the pouring out or smearing or impartation of Father Yah's Spirit on and within those who believe.
Thus, "Christ" or "Christos" or "Christoon" or all the other Greek derivatives are NOT a name and NOT a title, they are a technical description of a spiritual state.
From context we discover that "Christ" has more than one meaning:
"Yahooshua the anointed of Yah" = "Jesus Christ"
"The anointing of the Spirit of Yah that was upon Yahooshua" = "Christ Jesus" and at times just "Christ" as in "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me", that is "I can do all things through the Spirit of Yah who strengthens me" and "my Mighty One {God} will supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by the anointing of His Spirit {Christ} that was upon Yahooshua {Jesus}" Phillipians 4:19 "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus".
"The anointed one" = "Christ" referring to Yahooshua as in Ephesians 5:2 "And walk in love, as the anointed one {Christ} also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to Yah {God} for a sweetsmelling savour."
Thus, we see that we can equate Christ with the Spirit of Yah and therefore with Yah at all times but we can only equate Christ with Yahooshua sometimes. Christ sometimes refers to Yahooshua as "the anointed one", or if you like "the Messiah" but Messiah is a similar technical term to Christ, it simply refers to a specific anointed one with the anointing coming from Yah.
Note that Christ can ALSO refer to false anointings, that is demonic anointings as in MattihYahoo 24:24 "For there shall arise false anointed ones {Christs}, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."
From this we see that there will be Satanically and demonically generated anointings and through the Satanic and demonic there will be great signs and wonders that will deceive even the elect. As grace is withdrawn with regard to the errors amongst believers we will see more and more of these demonically anointed people within the body of believers performing works in the name of God, the LORD, Jesus and Christ, this is ALREADY HAPPENING!
13. Do you love enough to change?
The critical question for you to consider now:
If you have not heard this teaching before or if you have heard it but have not fully understood the consequences, do YOU love Yah and Yahooshua enough to change?
After I published the earlier version of this document one of the people on the list wrote to me to say that he was moving from Yxxoo.com to another Internet service provider.
As I read the email I saw Abba Yah with tears of joy in His eyes, He was DEEPLY MOVED at the love of this man – do YOU love Abba Yah enough to make that sort of course correction?
Do you love Him enough to obey His commandment NOT to take His Name in vain?
Do you love Him enough to get the name of Baal "the LORD" out of your mouth?
Do you love Him enough to stop worshipping Gawd, God?
Do you love Yahooshua enough to call him by his correct name?
Do you love Yah enough to stop using Christ to describe the anointing of His set apart {holy} Spirit?
Do you love them both enough to call them by their correct names?
It is a challenge, not many people know this truth, even fewer walk in it.
14. What if you do not change? – withdrawal of Grace, covenant with Satan, demonic infestation
"But I have always used those names, my prayers have been answered, I have experienced dramatic miracles, I have been caught up to heaven, all in those names, how can they be so wrong? I really do not see the need to change!"
Sounds reasonable, doesn't it?
Remember the words of Yah "how would you like it if your family called you by the name of your greatest enemy?"
The truth is that Yah has "had enough", His patience is exhausted, He is no longer willing to extend Grace to those who have access to the truth and, if you have a computer and an Internet connection you DO have access to the truth.
Either way, now that you have read this document you are without excuse.
15. What do you choose to do?
It is up to you to decide what you do, it is up to you to decide whether to gamble on this message being wrong or whether in love you change while there is still time.
I implore you, if the Almighty and Yahooshua mean anything to you, it is TIME TO CHANGE.
It really is not that difficult, YES it requires a quality decision and it will take you months and possibly years before you become really comfortable with the new names, it took me quite a time.
I went through my bible as I was reading it and crossed out the wrong words and inserted the correct words.
Get a copy of "The Scriptures" referenced above or another translation that contains the true names.
Adopt a discipline when praying, worshipping or praising of substituting the correct names even when others use the incorrect names.
If you love Yah please keep His commandments!
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2010.12.08 - The Name of Yah in the book {bible}
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In the previous two articles I have explained how the essential Name of the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, Yah the eternally self-existing occurs throughout the bible.
In this article all the instances that I have been able to locate are listed below.
There are a few instances where the connection is tenuous and my research is by no means exhaustive.
Notice the number of references to Yah and notice how the use of the name of Yah amplifies and enhances what is contained in the writings from which these words have been extracted.
It is vital to adopt the name of Yah into your everyday vocabulary and reading.
Traditional Name |
Correct Name |
Meaning |
Strong's Number |
Count |
Sample Verse |
The LORD |
Yah |
The essential Name of the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth |
Exodus 20:7 “Thou shalt not take the name of Yahooeh { the Lord} thy Mighty One {God} in vain; for Yahooeh will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.” |
The LORD |
Yahooeh or Yahweh |
Yah the eternally self-existing
Note that the LORD is an accurate translation of Baal the Phoenician pagan (demonic) deity |
3068 and others |
LORD 6510
Jehovah 4 |
Exodus 20:7 |
God |
Elohiym |
Mighty Ones / Almighty / mighty one – applied to Yah, demonic deities and men
Has been substituted for Yah in ancient texts |
430 |
God 2346
god 244
judge 1
goddess 2
great 2
mighty 2
angels 1
exceeding 1
God-ward 1
Godly 1 |
Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God [Mighty Ones] created the
heaven and the earth.”
God |
Alaah |
Variation of Elohim – mighty one – Aramaic equivalent of Arabic Allah |
426 |
God 79
God 16 |
Ezra 5:1 “Then the prophets, Haggai the prophet, and Zechariah the son of
Iddo, prophesied unto the Jews that were in Judah and Jerusalem in the name of the God [Alaah] of Israel, even unto them.” |
God |
El / Eliy |
Abbreviated form of Elohim
Appears to be more personal in some cases as in my personal Mighty One or
My beloved Mighty one as Yahooshua before he died |
410 |
God 213
God 16
power 4
mighty 5
goodly 1
great 1
idols 1
Immanuel 2
might 1
strong 1 |
Matthew 27:46-47 “And
about the ninth hour Yahooshua {Jesus} cried out with a loud voice, saying, "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?" that is, "My El {God}, My El {God}, why have You forsaken Me?"
"my beloved mighty one, my beloved mighty one, why have you forsaken me"?
Lord |
Adonay |
Lord or Master |
136 |
Lord 431
(290 as Lord God i.e. Adonay Yahweh)
lord 2
God 1
Genesis 15:2 “And Abram said, Lord GOD [Adonay Yahooeh], what wilt thou give me, seeing I go childless, and the steward of my house is this Eliezer of Damascus?” |
Yah |
The essential name of the Almighty Creator |
3050 |
Jah 1
Embedded in numerous Hebrew words as set out in this document |
Psalm 68:4 “Sing to the Almighty {God}, sing praises to His name; Extol Him who rides on the clouds, by His name YAH, and rejoice before Him.” |
Yahovih |
Scribal device for Yahooeh when combined with Adonay i.e. Lord God instead of Adonay Yahooeh or Lord Yahooeh
This is a device instead of using the true name of Yahooeh correctly
Yah views this as an insult |
3069 |
GOD 304
LORD 1 |
Genesis 15:2 “And Abram said, Lord Yahooeh, what wilt thou give me, seeing I go childless, and the steward of my house is this Eliezer of Damascus?” |
Baal |
The Lord |
Baal, the name of a pagan demonic deity, is not translated whereas the true name of the Almighty is translated as the Lord which is the correct translation of Baal.
Again a massive insult to the Creator. |
Very fine distinction versus course distinction on names of Yah |
Lord, husband, owner and various other meanings |
Hosea 2:17 “For I will take away the names of Baalim [the Lord] out
of her mouth, and they shall no more be remembered by their
Jeremiah 23:27b “as their fathers have forgotten my name for Baal [the Lord].
These verses refer to the heresy of substituting "the LORD" for the true name of the Almighty, Yahooeh |
Jedaiah |
JedaYah |
Yah has known |
3048 |
-Priest in Jerusalem
-Man with Zerubbabel
-Ruler of priests
-Post exilic priest
-One honoured by Yah |
1 Chronicles 9:10 "And of the priests; Jedaiah, and Jehoiarib, and Jachin," |
Yahab |
Not clear |
3051 |
Ignore |
Deliver, provide, give |
Yaheeb |
give |
3052 |
give 21
given 2
delivered 1
laid 1
paid 1
prolonged 1
yielded 1 |
Burden, lot, given by providence (Yah) |
Yahab |
given by providence
3053 |
Psalm 55:22 “Cast thy burden upon Yahooeh, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.” |
Judaize |
Yahad |
became Jews |
3054 |
Esther 8:17b “And many of the people of the land became Jews; for the fear of the Jews [Yahudiym] fell upon them.” |
Jehud |
Yahud |
beauty |
3055 |
Joshua 19:45 “And Jehud, and Beneberak, and Gathrimmon,” |
Jahdai |
Yahdai |
whom Yah will place |
3056 |
1 Chronicles 2:47 “And the sons of Jahdai; Regem, and Jotham, and Geshan, and Pelet, and Ephah, and Shaaph.” |
Jehudijah |
YahudiYah |
3057 |
1 Chronicles 4:18 “And his wife Jehudijah bare Jered the father of Gedor," |
Jehu |
Yahuw |
Yah is He |
3058 |
Jehu 58 |
1 Kings 16:1 “Then the word of Yahweh came to Jehu the son of Hanani against Baasha, saying,” |
Jehoahaz |
Yahowachaz |
Yah has seized |
3059 |
Jehoahaz 20 |
2 Kings 10:35 “And Jehu slept with his fathers: and they buried him in Samaria. And Jehoahaz his son reigned in his stead.” |
Jehoash |
Yahowash |
Given by Yah |
3060 |
Jehoash 17 |
2 Kings 11:21 “Seven years old was Jehoash when he began to reign.” |
Judea / Judah |
Yahuwd /
Yahood |
The territory occupied by Yahoodah / Yahuwdah |
3061 |
Judah 5
Judea 1
Jewry 1 |
Ezra 5:1 “Then the prophets, Haggai the prophet, and Zechariah the son of Iddo, prophesied unto the Jews that were in Judah and Jerusalem in
the name of the Mighty One of Israel, even unto them.” |
Jews |
Yahuwdaiy /
Yahoodaiy |
The descendents of Yahoodaah |
3062 |
Jews 10 |
Ezra 4:12 “Be it known unto the king, that the Jews [Yahuwday’iy] which came up from thee to us are come unto Jerusalem, building the rebellious and the bad city, and have set up the walls thereof, and joined the foundations.” |
Judah |
Yahuwdah /
Yahoodah |
Praise Yah
The son of Jacob by Leah
Tribe descended from him
Territory occupied by them
Southern Kingdom after split
Various Hebrews |
3063 |
Judah 808
Bethlehemjudah 10 |
Genesis 29:35 “And she conceived again, and bare a son: and she said, Now will I praise Yahweh: therefore she called his name Judah [Yahuwdah]; and left bearing.” |
Jews |
Yahuwdiym /
Yahoodiym |
Descendents of Yahoodah |
3064 |
Jew 74
Jew 1
Judah 1 |
2 Kings 16:6 “At that time Rezin king of Syria recovered Elath to Syria, and drave the Jews [Yahoodiym] from Elath:” |
Jehudi |
Yahuwdiy /
Yahoodiy |
3065 |
Jehudi 4
Jeremiah 36:14“Therefore all the princes sent Jehudi [Yahuwdiy] the son of Nethaniah, the son of Shelemiah, the son of Cushi, unto Baruch," |
Jews language |
Yahuwdiyt /
Yahoodiyt |
Jews' language |
3066 |
Jews' language 5
Jews' speech 1 |
2 Kings 18:26 “and talk not with us in the Jews' language [Yahuwdiyt] in the ears of the people that are on the wall.” |
Judith |
Yahuwdiyt /
Yahoodiyt |
Feminine of Yahoodiy -- praised |
3067 |
Judith 1 |
Genesis 26:34 “And Esau was forty years old when he took to wife Judith [Yahuwdiyt] the daughter of Beeri the Hittite," |
The LORD |
Yahweh /
Yahooeh |
Yah the eternally self existing One |
3068 |
See above |
Jehovahjireh |
Yahooeh provides /
Yahooeh-yireh |
Yahooeh provides |
3070 |
Jehovahjireh |
Genesis 22:14 “And Abraham called the name of that place Yahooeh provides [Yahooeh-yir’eh]: as it is said to this day, In the mount of Yahooeh it shall be seen [provided].” |
Jehovahnissi |
Yahooeh is my banner /
Yahooeh-nicciy |
Yahooeh is my banner |
3071 |
Jehovahnissi |
Exodus 17:15 “And Moses built an altar, and called the name of it Yahooeh is my banner [Yahooeh-nicciy]:” |
The LORD our Righteousness |
Yahooeh our Righteousness /
Yahooeh Tsidqenuw |
Yahooeh our Righteousness |
3072 |
The LORD our Righteousness 2 |
Jeremiah 23:6 “In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is his name whereby he shall be called, YAHWEH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.” |
Jehovahshalom |
Yahooeh is peace /
Yahooeh-shalowm |
Yahooeh is peace |
3073 |
Jehovahshalom 1 |
Judges 6:24 “Then Gideon built an altar there unto Yahooeh, and called it Yahooeh-shalowm [Yahooeh is peace]: unto this day it is yet in Ophrah of the Abi-ezrites.” |
The Lord is there |
Yahooeh is there /
Yahooeh shammah |
Yahooeh is there |
3074 |
The Lord is there 1 |
Ezekial 48:35b "And the name of the city from that time on will be:
Jehozabad |
Yahoozabad /
Yahowzabad |
Yah has endowed |
3075 |
Jehozabad 4 |
2 Kings 12:21 “For Jozachar the son of Shimeath, and Jehozabad the son of Shomer, his servants, smote him, and he died;" |
Johanan |
Yahoochanan /
Yah has graced
NB the name of the man who immersed Yahooshua {John the Baptist} – ushered in an era of Grace |
3076 |
Jehohanan 6
Johanan 3 |
1 Chronicles 26:3“Elam the fifth, Jehohanan the sixth, Elioenai the
Jehoiada |
Yahooyada / Yahowyada |
Yah knows |
3077 |
Jehoiada 51 |
2 Samuel 8:18 “And Benaiah the son of Jehoiada was over both the Cherethites and the Pelethites; and David's sons were chief rulers.” |
Jehoiachin |
Yahooyakiyn / Yahowyakiyn |
Yah establishes |
3078 |
Jehoiachin 10 |
2 Kings 24:6 “So Jehoiakim slept with his fathers: and Jehoiachin his son reigned in his stead.” |
Jehoiakim |
Yahowyaqiym / Yahowyaqiym |
Yah raises up |
3079 |
Jehoiakim 37 |
2 Kings 23:34 “And Pharaoh-nechoh made Eliakim the son of Josiah king in the room of Josiah his father, and turned his name to Jehoiakim," |
Jehoiarib |
Yahooyariyb / Yahowyariyb |
Yah contends |
3080 |
Jehoiarib 2 |
1 Chronicles 9:10 “And of the priests; Jedaiah, and Jehoiarib, and Jachin,” |
Jehucal |
Yahookal / Yahuwkal |
Yah is able |
3081 |
Jehucal 1 |
Jeremiah 37:3 “And Zedekiah the king sent Jehucal the son of Shelemiah and Zephaniah the son of Maaseiah the priest to the prophet Jeremiah," |
Jonadab |
Yahoonadab / Yahownadab |
Yah is willing |
3082 |
Jehonadab 3
Jonadab 5 |
2 Samuel 13:5 “And Jonadab said unto him, Lay thee down on thy bed, and make thyself sick:" |
Jehonathan |
Yahoonathan / Yahownathan |
Yah has given |
3083 |
Jonathan 79
Jehonathan 3 |
1 Samuel 14:6 “And Jonathan said to the young man that bare his armour," |
Joseph |
Yahooceph / Yahowceph |
Yah has added |
3084 |
Joseph 1 |
Psalm 81:5 “This he ordained in Joseph for a testimony, when he went out
through the land of Egypt:"
Jehoadah |
Yahooadaah / Yahowadaah |
Yah has adorned |
3085 |
Jehoadah 2 |
1 Chronicles 8:36 “And Ahaz begat Jehoadah; and Jehoadah begat Alemeth, and Azmaveth, and Zimri; and Zimri begat Moza,” |
Jehoaddan |
Yahooadaan / Yahowadaan |
Yah delights |
3086 |
Jehoaddan 2 |
2 Kings 14:2b “ And his mother's name was Jehoaddan of Jerusalem.” |
Jehozadak |
Yahootsadaq / Yahowtsadaq |
Yah is righteous |
3087 |
Josedech 6
Jehozadak 2 |
1 Chronicles 6:14 “And Azariah begat Seraiah, and Seraiah begat
Joram |
Yahooram / Yahowram |
Yah is exalted |
3088 |
Jehoram 23
Joram 6 |
1 Kings 22:50 “And Jehoshaphat slept with his fathers, and was buried with his fathers in the city of David his father: and Jehoram his son reigned in his stead.” |
Jehosheba |
Yahoosheba / Yahowsheba |
Yah has sworn |
3089 |
Jehosheba 1 |
2 Kings 11:2 “But Jehosheba, the daughter of king Joram, sister of
Jehoshabeath |
Yahowshabath / Yahowshabath |
Yah is an oath |
3090 |
Jehoshabeath 2 |
2 Chronicles 22:11 “But Jehoshabeath, the daughter of the king, took Joash the son of Ahaziah," |
Yahooshua / Yahowshua |
Yah is salvation
True name of Jesus Christ and two other Hebrews |
3091 OT /
2424 NT |
Joshua 218
Jesus 917 |
Exodus 17:9 “And Moses said unto Joshua, Choose us out men, and go out,fight with Amalek:"
Matthew 1:1 "The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham." |
Jehoshaphat |
Yahooshaphat / Yahowshaphat |
Yah has judged |
3092 |
Jehoshaphat 84 |
2 Samuel 8:16 “And Joab the son of Zeruiah was over the host; and
Jehoshaphat the son of Ahilud was recorder;”
Haughty |
Yahiyr |
Appears to indicate that haughty refers to a person who exalts themselves against Yah |
3093 |
haughty 1
proud 1 |
Proverbs 21:24 “Proud and haughty scorner is his name, who dealeth in proud wrath.” |
Jehalelel |
Yahaleleel |
Yah my might is praised |
3094 |
Jehaleleel 1
Jehalelel 1 |
1 Chronicles 4:16 “And the sons of Jehaleleel; Ziph, and Ziphah, Tiria, and Asareel.” |
diamond |
Yaahalom |
Appears to indicate that a diamond has certain characteristics similar to Yah |
3095 |
diamond 3 |
Exodus 28:18 “And the second row shall be an emerald, a sapphire, and a
Jahzah |
Yahtsah |
Yah has trodden down |
3096 |
Jahaz 5
Jahazah 3
Jahzah 1 |
Numbers 21:23 “and he came to Jahaz, and fought against Israel.” |
Joab |
Yowaab |
Yah is father? |
3097 |
Joab 145 |
1 Samuel 26:6 “Then answered David and said to Ahimelech the Hittite, and to Abishai the son of Zeruiah, brother to Joab, saying," |
Joah |
Yow'aach |
Yah is brother? |
3098 |
Joah 11 |
2 Kings 18:18 “and Shebna the scribe, and Joah the son of Asaph the recorder.” |
Jehoahaz Joahaz |
Yow'aachaaz |
Yah has grasped? |
3099 |
Jehoahaz 3, Joahaz 1 |
2 Kings 14:1 “In the second year of Joash son of Jehoahaz king of Israel reigned Amaziah the son of Joash king of Judah.” |
Joel |
Yow'eel |
Yah is Mighty One (El) |
3100 |
Joel 19 |
1 Samuel 8:2 “Now the name of his firstborn was Joel; and the name of his
second, Abiah: they were judges in Beersheba.”
Joash |
Yowaash |
Given by Yah |
3101 |
Joash 47 |
Judges 6:11 “And there came an angel of Yahweh, and sat under an oak which was in Ophrah, that pertained unto Joash the Abi-ezrite:" |
Jozabad Josabad |
Yowzabad |
Yah has endowed |
3107 |
Jozabad 9 Josabad 1 |
2 Kings 12:21 “For Jozachar the son of Shimeath, and Jehozabad the son of Shomer," |
Jozachar |
Yowzakar |
Yah remembers |
3108 |
Jozachar 1 |
Joha |
Yowchaa |
Yah gives life |
3109 |
Joha 2 |
1 Chronicles 8:16 “And Michael, and Ispah, and Joha, the sons of Beriah;” |
Johanan |
Yowchaanaan |
Yah has graced
See also 3076 |
Johanan 24 |
2 Kings 25:23 “And when all the captains of the armies, they and their men, heard that the king of Babylon had made Gedaliah governor, there came to Gedaliah to Mizpah, even Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, and Johanan the son of Careah” |
Jehoiada |
Yowyaadaa |
Yah knows |
3111 |
Joiada 4
Jehoiada 1 |
Nehemiah 3:6“Moreover the old gate repaired Jehoiada the son of Paseah, and Meshullam the son of Besodeiah; |
Jehoiachin |
YowyaAkiyn |
Yah establishes |
3112 |
Jehoiachin 1 |
Ezekial 1:2 “In the fifth day of the month, which was the fifth year of king Jehoiachin's captivity,” |
Joiakim |
Yowyaaqiym |
Yah raises up |
3113 |
Joiakim 4 |
Nehhemiah 12:10 “And Jeshua begat Joiakim, Joiakim also begat Eliashib, and Eliashib begat Joiada,” |
Joiarib |
Yowyaariyb |
Yah contends |
3114 |
Joiarib 5 |
Ezra 8:16 "and for Meshullam, chief men; also for Joiarib, and for Elnathan, men of understanding.” |
Jochebed |
Yowkebed |
Yah is glory |
3115 |
Jochebed 2 |
Exodus 6:20 “And Amram took him Jochebed his father's sister to wife; and she bare him Aaron and Moses:" |
Jucal |
Yah is able |
Yah is able |
Jucal 1 |
Jeremiah 38:1 “Then Shephatiah the son of Mattan, and Gedaliah the son of Pashur, and Jucal the son of Shelemiah," |
Zechariah |
Zekaryaah |
Yah remembers |
2148 |
Zechariah 43 |
Ezra 5:1 “Then the prophets, Haggai the prophet, and Zechariah the son of
Jedidiah |
Yadiydayaah |
Beloved of Yah |
3041 |
Jedidiah 1 |
2 Samuel 12:25 “And he sent by the hand of Nathan the prophet; and he called his name Jedidiah, because of Yahooeh.” |
Jeremiah |
Yirmayaahoo / Yirmayaahuw |
whom Yah has appointed |
3414 |
Jeremiah 147 |
2 Kings 23:31 “And his mother's name was Hamutal, the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah.” |
Jesaiah |
Yashayaahoo / Yasha`yaahuw |
Yah has saved |
3470 |
Isaiah 32
Jeshaiah 5
Jesaiah 2 |
2 Kings 19:2 “And he sent Eliakim, which was over the household, and Shebna the scribe, and the elders of the priests, covered with sackcloth, to Isaiah the prophet the son of Amoz.” |
Michaiah |
Miykaayahoo / Miykaayahuw |
who is like Yah |
4322 |
Michaiah 1 |
Nehemiah |
Nachemyaah |
Yah comforts |
5166 |
Nehemiah 8 |
Ezra 2:2 “Which came with Zerubbabel: Jeshua, Nehemiah, Seraiah, Reelaiah, Mordecai, Bilshan, Mispar, Bigvai, Rehum, Baanah." |
Obadiah |
Obadyaahoo / Obadyaahuw |
Servant of Yah |
5662 |
Obadiah 20 |
1 Kings 18:3 “And Ahab called Obadiah, which was the governor of his house. (Now Obadiah feared Yahweh greatly:” |
Zephaniah |
Tsaphanyaahoo / Tsaphanyaahuw |
Yah has treasured |
6846 |
Zephaniah 10 |
2 Kings 25:18 “And the captain of the guard took Seraiah the chief priest, and Zephaniah the second priest, and the three keepers of the door:” |
Matthew |
Mattihyahoo / Mattihyahu |
gift of Yah |
Matthew 5 |
Matthew 9:9 “And as Yahooshua passed forth from thence, he saw a man, named Matthew, sitting at the receipt of custom:" |
Instances of Jehovah and Jah (= Yah) in the Hebrew Lexicon of the On-Line Bible |
Abia or Abiah |
AbiYah |
Yah is (my) father |
29 |
Adalia |
I shall be drawn up of Yah |
118 |
AdoniYah |
my lord is Yah |
138 |
Uriah |
UriYah |
Yah (Yahweh) is my light (flame) |
223 |
Azaniah |
Yah (Yahweh) hears |
245 |
Ahaziah |
Yah (Yahu) holds (possesses) |
274 |
Ahiah |
AhiYah |
brother of Yah (Yahu) |
281 |
EliYah or Eliah |
my God is Yah or Yah(u) is God |
452 |
Elioenai or Elihoenai |
unto Yah are my eyes |
454 |
Amaziah |
Yah is mighty |
558 |
Amariah |
Yah speaks or Yah(u) has promised |
568 |
Azaliah |
Yah (Yahweh) has reserved (set apart) |
683 |
Bedeiah |
servant of Yah |
912 |
BizjothYah |
contempt of Yah |
964 |
Benaiah |
Yah has built or Yahweh has built up |
114 |
Besodeiah |
with the counsel of Yah or in the secret of Yah |
115 |
Bealiah |
Yah is master |
1183 |
Baaseiah |
in the service of Yah |
1202 |
Bakbukiah |
wasting of Yah |
1229 |
Bukkiah |
Yah has emptied |
1232 |
Beraiah |
Yah has created |
1256 |
Berachiah or Berechiah |
Yah blesses |
1296 |
Bithiah |
daughter of Yah |
1332 |
Gedaliah |
Yah is great |
1436 |
Gemariah |
Yah has accomplished |
1587 |
Dodavah |
beloved of Yah |
1735 |
Dalaiah or Delaiah |
Yah has drawn |
1806 |
Hiddai |
for the rejoicing of Yah |
1914 |
Hodevah |
praise of Yah |
1937 |
Hodaviah |
praise ye Yah |
1938 |
Hodaiah |
praise ye Yah |
1939 |
Hodiah |
majesty of Yah |
1940 |
HodiYah |
my majesty is Yah |
1941 |
Hoham |
whom Yah impels |
1944 |
Hoshama |
whom Yah hears |
1953 |
Hoshaiah |
Yah has saved |
1955 |
Vaniah |
Yah is praise |
2057 |
Zebadiah |
endowment of Yah |
2069 |
Zechariah |
Yah remembers |
2148 |
Zerahiah |
Yah has risen |
2228 |
Habaiah |
Yah has hidden |
2252 |
Habaziniah |
light of Yah |
2262 |
Haggiah |
festival of Yah |
2293 |
Hezekiah or Hizkiah |
HizkiYah |
Yah is my strength |
2396 |
Hachaliah |
whom Yah enlightens |
2446 |
Helkai |
my portion is Yah |
2517 |
Hilkiah |
my portion is Yah |
2518 |
Hasadiah |
Yah has been faithful |
2619 |
Harhaiah |
fear of Yah |
2736 |
Hashabiah |
Yah has considered |
2811 |
Hashabnah |
Yah has considered |
2812 |
Hashabniah |
whom Yah regards |
2813 |
Tobiah |
Yah is good |
2900 |
Jaazaniah |
Yah hears |
2970 |
Josiah |
whom Yah heals |
2977 |
Jeaterai |
whom Yah leads |
2979 |
Ibhar |
Yah chooses |
2984 |
Ibneiah |
Yah builds |
2997 |
IbniYah |
whom Yah will build up |
2998 |
Jeberechiah |
Yah blesses |
3000 |
Igdaliah |
Yah is great |
3012 |
Jedidiah |
beloved of Yah |
3041 |
Jedaiah |
praised of Yah |
3042 |
Jedaiah |
Yah has known |
3048 |
Jehu |
Yah is He |
3058 |
Jehoahaz |
Yah has seized |
3059 |
Jehozabad |
Yah has endowed |
3075 |
Jehohanan |
Yah has graced |
3076 |
Jehoiada |
Yah knows |
3077 |
Jehoiachin |
Yah establishes |
3078 |
Jehoiakim |
Yah raises up |
3079 |
Jehoiarib |
Yah contends |
3080 |
Jehucal |
Yah is able |
3081 |
Jehonadab |
Yah is willing |
3082 |
Jonathan or Jehonathan |
Yah has given |
3083 |
Joseph |
Yah has added |
3084 |
Jehoadah |
Yah has adorned |
3085 |
Jehoaddan |
Yah delights |
3086 |
Jehozadak or Josedech |
Yah is righteous |
3087 |
Jehoram or Joram |
Yah is exalted |
3088 |
Jehosheba |
Yah has sworn |
3089 |
Jehoshabeath |
Yah is an oath |
3090 |
Joshua or Jehoshua |
Yah is salvation |
3091 |
Jehoshaphat |
Yah has judged |
3092 |
Joab |
Yah is father |
3097 |
Joah |
Yah is brother |
3098 |
Joahaz or Jehoahaz |
Yah has grasped |
3099 |
Joel |
Yah is El or “Yah is Mighty One” |
3100 |
Jozabad or Josabad |
Yah has endowed |
3107 |
Jozachar |
Yah remembers |
3108 |
Joha |
Yah gives life |
3109 |
Johanan |
Yah has graced |
3110 |
Joiada or Jehoiada |
Yah knows |
3111 |
Jehoiachin |
Yah establishes |
3112 |
Joiakim or Jehoiakim |
Yah raises up |
3113 |
Joiarib |
Yah contends |
3114 |
Jochebed |
Yah is glory |
3115 |
Jucal |
Yah is able |
3116 |
Jonadab or Jehonadab |
Yah is willing |
3122 |
Jonathan or Jehonathan |
Yah has given |
3129 |
Joseph |
Yah has added |
3130 |
Josiphiah |
Yah adds |
3131 |
Joed |
Yah is witness |
3133 |
Joezer |
Yah is help |
3134 |
Joash |
Yah hastens |
3135 |
Jozadak |
Yah is righteous |
3136 |
Jokim |
Yah raises up |
3137 |
Jorai |
Yah has taught me |
3140 |
Joram |
Yah is exalted |
3141 |
Josibiah |
Yah causes to dwell |
3143 |
Joshah |
Yah makes equal |
3144 |
Joshaviah |
Yah makes equal |
3145 |
Joshaphat or Jehoshaphat |
Yah judges |
3146 |
Jotham |
Yah is perfect |
3147 |
Jeziah |
Yah sprinkles |
3150 |
Jezaniah |
Yah has listened |
3153 |
Izrahiah or Jezrahiah |
Yah will shine |
3156 |
Jehdeiah |
Yah is unity |
3165 |
Yahaziah |
Yah views |
3167 |
Hezekiah or Jehizkiah |
Yah has made strong |
3169 |
Jehiah |
Yah lives |
3174 |
Yahmai |
whom Yah guards |
3181 |
Jecoliah or Jecholiah |
Yah is able |
3203 |
Jeconiah |
Yah will establish |
3204 |
Jalon |
Yah lodges |
3210 |
Ismachiah |
Yah sustains |
3253 |
Jaaziah |
made bold by Yah |
3269 |
Jaanai |
whom Yah answers |
3285 |
Jaresiah |
whom Yah nourishes |
3298 |
Iphedeiah |
Yah will redeem |
3301 |
Jecamiah or Jekamiah |
Yah raises |
3359 |
IriYah |
Yah sees me |
3376 |
Jeriah |
JeriYah |
taught by Yah |
3404 |
Jeremiah |
whom Yah has appointed |
3414 |
Jeshohaiah |
Yah humbles |
3439 |
Ishiah or Jesiah |
IshiYah |
Yah will lend |
3449 |
Ishmaiah |
Yah will hear |
3460 |
Isaiah or Jesaiah or Jeshaiah |
Yah has saved |
3470 |
Cononiah or Conaniah |
Yah has established |
3562 |
Coniah |
Yah will establish |
3659 |
Chenaniah |
Yah establishes |
3663 |
Mebunnai |
building of Yah |
4012 |
Moadiah |
the set time of Yah |
4153 |
Moriah |
chosen by Yah |
4179 |
Maaseiah |
Yah is a shelter |
4271 |
Matri |
rain of Yah |
4309 |
Melatiah |
Yah delivered |
4424 |
Malchiah or Melchiah |
MalchiYah |
my king is Yah |
4441 |
Maadai |
ornament of Yah |
4572 |
Maadiah |
adorned of Yah |
4573 |
Maaziah |
consolation of Yah |
4590 |
Maaseiah |
work of Yah |
4641 |
Mesobaite |
the one set up of Yah |
4677 |
Mikneiah |
possession of Yah |
4737 |
Meshelemiah |
whom Yah repays |
4920 |
Mattanah |
gift of Yah |
4980 |
Mattenai |
gift of Yah |
4982 |
Mattaniah |
gift of Yah |
4983 |
Mattathah |
gift of Yah |
4992 |
Mattithiah |
gift of Yah |
4993 |
Nedabiah |
whom Yah impels |
5072 |
Noadiah |
meeting with Yah |
5129 |
Nehemiah |
Yah comforts |
5166 |
Neariah |
servant of Yah |
5294 |
Neriah |
lamp of Yah |
5374 |
Nethaniah |
given of Yah |
5418 |
Semachiah |
Yah has sustained |
5565 |
Zithri |
protection of Yah |
5644 |
Abda |
servant of Yah |
5653 |
Abdi |
servant of Yah |
5660 |
Obadiah |
servant of Yah |
5662 |
Adaiah |
Yah has adorned Himself |
5718 |
Adlai |
justice of Yah |
5724 |
Azaziah |
Yah is mighty |
5812 |
Uzzia |
strength of Yah |
5814 |
Uzziah |
my strength is Yah |
5818 |
Ezri |
help of Yah |
5836 |
Azariah |
Yah has helped |
5838 |
Azariah |
Yah has helped |
5839 |
Amasiah |
Yah is strength |
6007 |
Omri |
pupil of Yah |
6018 |
Anaiah |
Yah has answered |
6043 |
Ananiah |
Yah clouds |
6055 |
AntothiYah |
Yah’s answer |
6070 |
Asaiah or Asahiah |
made by Yah |
6222 |
Athaiah |
Yah has helped |
6265 |
Athlai |
whom Yah afflicts |
6270 |
Othni |
lion of Yah |
6273 |
Pedaiah |
Yah has ransomed |
6305 |
Pelatiah |
Yah delivers |
6410 |
Pelaiah |
Yah does wonders |
6411 |
Pelaliah |
Yah has judged |
6421 |
Pekahiah |
Yah sees |
6494 |
Pethahiah |
freed by Yah |
6611 |
Zedekiah |
Yah is righteous |
6667 |
Zephaniah |
Yah has treasured |
6846 |
Kolaiah |
voice of Yah |
6964 |
Kushaiah |
bow of Yah |
6984 |
Kishi |
bow of Yah |
7029 |
Kelaiah |
Yah has dishonoured |
7041 |
Reaia or Reaiah |
Yah has seen |
7211 |
Rehabiah |
Yah has enlarged |
7345 |
Ribai |
pleader with Yah |
7380 |
Ramiah |
Yah has loosened |
7422 |
Remaliah |
protected by Yah |
7425 |
Reelaiah |
bearer of Yah |
7480 |
Raamiah |
thunder of Yah |
7485 |
Rephaiah |
healed of Yah |
7509 |
Shebaniah |
increased by Yah |
7645 |
Sheva |
Yah contends |
7724 |
Shehariah |
dawning of Yah |
7841 |
Sheva |
Yah contends |
7864 |
Shisha |
Yah contends |
7894 |
Shecaniah or Shechaniah |
dweller with Yah |
7935 |
Shelemiah |
repaid by Yah |
8018 |
Shemaiah |
heard by Yah |
8098 |
Shemariah |
kept by Yah |
8114 |
Sheariah |
valued by Yah |
8187 |
Shephatiah |
Yah has judged |
8203 |
Sherebiah |
Yah has scorched |
8274 |
Seraiah |
Yah is ruler |
8304 |
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