2014. 1st Aviv Created by James on 2/14/2019 1:45:28 PM Yah's annual calendar is linked to the cycles of the moon in the year. Before the flood there were exactly twelve cycle of the moon and exactly 360 days in a year but after the earth was knocked off its axis and out of its orbit these cycles were disrupted, Noah and Shem and Shem's children observed Yah's calendar based on the lunar cycles and the other people observed the solar calendar. Yah still prefers the Lunar calendar despite the inconsistencies relative to the solar calendar and sets H
1st Aviv
The first day of the Hebrew month of Aviv, the new moon, occurs two weeks before the day of Passover and this is the REAL New Year according to Yah's calendar
Jewish practice has moved the Jewish New Year to the time of the day of Atonement but Yah says there is NO basis for this
So the first of the Hebrew month Aviv is the date from which Yah's calendar is determined
This floats relative to solar calendars and so there is a convention relative to the ripening of Barley in Jerusalem which Yah says is also not true
The people at the time that Yah's current calendar was established had sophisticated astronomical capability and were able to predict the New Moons and therefore 1st Aviv
The added complexity is that when the Ice Comet hit the earth and started the flood it also tilted the earth on its axis and knocked it out of its circular orbit around the sun
The result was that while before the flood there were 12 equal moon cycles of 30 days that made up the annual calendar, after the flood the solar orbit had extended to 365.25 days and the orbit of the moon dropped to 27.3 days with the result that we now have nearly 13 moon based months compared to the 12 months of the Gregorian calendar but the match is NOT exact and so the calendars float relative to one another
After the flood Noah and his family found that these cycles had changed
Remember that immediately after the flood the earth was covered in dark cloud from approximately 20,000 volcanic eruptions not to mention huge amounts of moisture in the form of clouds so it was a long time before they could make any visual astronomical observations
They also found themselves having to deal with differences in weather during these cycles whereas before the flood the seasons had been consistent
They were therefore challenged to know how to adjust their calendars
Yah says that Noah and Shem retained the lunar periodicity whereas Japheth retained the solar periodicity, both groups had to make adjustments
Because Shem was far more faithful to Yah than Japeth, with the result that Yah's relationship was much closer to Shem then and remains so today, Yah chose to remain with Shem's calendar
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