2014. NO Adultery Created by James on 2/15/2019 7:02:11 AM One of the most widespread major sins on earth today is adultery, sexual intercourse of men with women who are already one flesh with other men, adultery includes male-male homosexuality. The truth is that a covenant comes into existence when a woman gives her virginity to a man and that barring very special circumstances this covenant is for life
NO Adultery
Adultery is sexual union resulting in spiritual ties that cut across or short circuit blood lines
In simple terms adultery is sexual intercourse between two men, either directly or via a woman that both men couple with
Adultery is also treachery and covenant breaking
Thus sexual intercourse with a woman who is in sexual covenant with another man is adultery
This sexual covenant comes into existence when a man takes the virginity of a woman
It also comes into existence when a man ejaculates in the vagina of a woman for the first time
Thus there are two forms of sexual covenant which generally occur together when virginity is taken
There are situations where Yah will permit divorce, but under those circumstances specific prayers must be prayed in order to cut the spiritual ties BEFORE a new union is consummated, otherwise this is also adultery
Sexual intercourse with a woman who is betrothed to another man is also adultery
All forms of adultery carry the death penalty if not repented of before death
Note that repentance does NOT mean that you can continue the relationship, the woman must return to the man who she is in covenant with, except under very special conditions
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