2014. Prostitution Created by James on 2/15/2019 7:42:23 AM Sex with a prostitute results in a one flesh bond with that prostitute in the event of male ejaculation vaginally, orally or anally and, since the woman already has a one flesh bond with another man, this is adultery and is forbidden, use of male prostitutes by females is equally forbidden
Because sexual ejaculation by the male in a female in any orifice or the vulva results in either a betrothal level one flesh bond or a full marriage level one flesh bond and is therefore adultery, the use of prostitutes is totally forbidden
Note also that many prostitutes are witches and they gain power over the men who use them through the formation of the one flesh bonds
Some witches in prostitution allow themselves to become pregnant in order to subsequently abort the child or kill it at birth as human sacrifice, from which they can drink the blood and eat the flesh, thereby gaining power, this also gives them power over the father
In other cases, where the father is known to have a high calling and blood line important to Yah, they give birth to the child and raise it into Satanism and witchcraft so that they can exploit the authority of the bloodline for Satanic purposes
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