2014. Phone / Skype Sex Created by James on 2/15/2019 7:53:54 AM
A man and a woman engaging in remote sexual stimulation through talking on the phone or Skype or other communication medium can result in a weak one-flesh bond and is desirable between a man and a woman in covenant when they are separated. Between a man and a woman who are NOT in covenant it is adultery if the woman is NOT free but at a much lower level of adultery than the physical act. The main drawback is that it is likely to result in the real thing over time so should ONLY be engaged in w
Phone / Skype Sex
As with masturbation, there is no objection to a man and woman in a life covenant from engaging in remote masturbation while talking to the other partner by phone, Skype or any other form of electronic communication
The minute this happens with someone who is NOT the life partner AND who is one flesh with another man in the case of the man or is another man in the case of a woman it becomes a form of adultery and is forbidden
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