2018.09.06.Towards Humility v 001 Created by James on 2/16/2019 10:04:15 AM Towards Humility
Towards Humility
After completing the previous article, it occurred to me that I should give more guidance on achieving humility.
It is apparent from “The Final Quest” and “The Call” by Rick Joyner that Humility is ESSENTIAL to serving the Almighty with any material level of effectiveness, see these two books at:
or purchase them on Amazon:
https://www.amazon.co.uk/Vision-Final-Quest-Joyner-2001-01-09/dp/B01MXJ7HA6 and related links -- search for the book name and Rick Joyner.
These two books are a MUST READ for any committed believer.
The critical importance of Humility is also stressed in “Where Will YOU Spend Eternity”, referenced below.
So, HOW do YOU achieve REAL humility?
The first thing to realize is that IF YOU are describing yourself as humble, proclaiming that you come in humility, saying things like “I humbly suggest”, etc that you are FAR from being humble and are operating in pride. So, first step is to STOP doing and stop saying those things.
Next step is to examine your life and see if, assisted by the Spirit of Yah, that you can discern things you are doing where you are operating in pride – where you find such things repent and do whatever is necessary to make right – “Father, I come to you in the name of Yahooshua {Jesus} and I confess my pride in … (the area concerned), I repent and ask you to forgive me” – you may then have to apologize to people whom you have treated pridefully or arrogantly and, if you publish emails or articles, may have to publish retractions and confess your pride. See the article on “Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator” cited at the end of this article for a whole range of things you can do including a stepwise process for examining your life from conception and cleaning up.
Then, recognize that you have ZERO hope of becoming humble in your own strength, we are inherently prideful in our conduct, our society teaches us to boast and speak about our achievements in prideful ways so there is NO way any of us will become humble through our own endeavours. So, you need to start praying. Following are some prayers that I have found useful:
“Father, I ask you to humble me”.
“Father I ask you to judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly” – then look out for judgments and respond appropriately. This is probably the most powerful general-purpose prayer for helping one to clean up one’s life – I pray it regularly and have it as a footnote to all my articles. Remember that our Father in Heaven is merciful and will not allow us to be tested beyond what we can endure so it is perfectly safe to ask for judgment – note also that you WILL be judged when you die so rather clean up in this life than spend time in Hell after your death.
“Father, I ask you to give me a severe blow whenever I sink into pride”.
“Father, I ask you to help me wear Your Full Armour – the Belt of Truth, the Sure-Footed Shoes of the Good News of Peace, the Helmet of Salvation, the Breastplate of Righteousness, the Shield of Emunah (trust and belief, faith), the Mantle of Humility. Help me to wield the Sword of Your Spirit which is Your Commandments as a two-edged sword dividing between Truth and Error and help me to pray in the Spirit without ceasing”. The Mantle of Humility is the ONLY part of the armour that covers ones back. Without the Mantle one WILL fall into pride and deception – I see a substantial amount of this in the emails I receive from diverse people and groups.
“Father, I ask you to bless me / us indeed, enlarge our territory in Relationship with You, in knowledge of You, Your Ways, Your Will and Your Kingdom, in the Anointing of Your Spirit, in Humility, in Emunah {Trust and Belief, Faith}, in Harmony, in Health and in Finances”.
These are the most relevant prayers, thereafter pray whatever comes to mind.
Recognize that achieving REAL humility is a journey that very few people fully complete successfully and be alert to ALL prideful actions in your life, speech and actions. Pride slips back very easily and very quickly and the Demonic realm will go to great lengths to lure you into pride!
Judgment for pride can take many forms, you might trip and fall, injuring yourself, you might bite on a grain of sand in an item of food and rupture a tooth with considerable pain, you might have a motor vehicle accident, etc – the possibilities are endless – once you have prayed the prayers above LOOK OUT for anything that goes wrong in your life as an indication that Yah, the Almighty Creator {God, The LORD} is judging you
Note that email names like “Angel of Yahweh” or anything else that implies some form of status or endorsement by the Almighty is GUARANTEED to lead you into pride and probably has done so long ago.
Recognize that ALL sin that is NOT confessed and repented of before your death WILL result in time in Hell before you are admitted to Heaven so best to sort it out in this life see http://end-time-issueministries.org/Hell.aspx.html
The bottom line is to stop thinking of self and focus on the Almighty and pleasing Him.
To understand how you can draw closer to the Almighty Creator and get free of sin I recommend that you read and apply the following articles:
Please read the article “The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with YOU” – pray the prayers and take the actions outlined in that article. See http://end-time-issueministries.org/Home/CreatorDesiresDeepRelationship.aspx.html
MOST IMPORTANT -- Read the article “Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator”. There are a large number of prayers, processes and actions that are presented here – systematically read the article and step by step apply what you find there. In particular, go on several sets of seven three day fasts at weekly intervals with clearly focussed prayer as outlined in the document. http://end-time-issueministries.org/Home/7ComponentsinGrowingClosetoYah.aspx.html
Read also “Where will YOU Spend Eternity? -- What is required in order to qualify to sit on a High Throne for eternity?” at http://end-time-issueministries.org/Home/WhereSpendEternity.aspx.html
It will potentially take you several years of applying all that is specified in these documents to start reaching your full potential and full anointing wherever you are in your life right now.
May Yah, The Almighty Creator, bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace.
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish.
Warm regards and blessings,
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
20 September 2018
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