2018.09.07.How Judgment Works v 003 Created by James on 2/16/2019 10:06:54 AM How Judgment Works
How Judgment Works
Further to the article “Some thoughts re Finances and other Matters for a Committed Believer” I thought it might be helpful to explain in a bit more detail how judgment works – if you have not yet read that article I suggest that you do so now as it contains information necessary to fully understand what follows.
In introducing this article I need to stress that this is primarily directed at mature and committed believers in the Almighty Creator whose true Name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing {mistakenly called “God” and “The LORD”}. The article is applicable at a lesser extent to all committed believers and to an even lesser extent to believers who fall into the categories of Adulterous Wives and Foolish Virgins – these latter categories are in such error that the Forces of Darkness generally do nothing more than keep them in their error so judgment is not relevant to the Satanic agenda.
This article is effectively of NO relevance to believers who qualify for the Outer Darkness, which is where those who at some moment believed but have not advanced further are destined – this represents the vast majority (about 20 million out of 22.7 million) of believers.
The article is also effectively of NO relevance to the roughly 6.8 billion unbelievers on the planet other than at an academic level to understand why things go wrong in the lives of believers such that belief seems to be a rather unattractive option to most unbelievers.
Having defined the target audience for this article I would like to amplify. Judgment is NOT optional for believers, it is a given, a reality, this is simply the WAY IT IS!
It does not matter what you believe or do not believe, it does not matter how you rationalize your situation, it does not matter what religious myths you invoke to justify your pitiful condition NONE of it releases you from the reality of JUDGMENT IN THIS LIFE – it is a fact of being a reasonably committed or committed believer on Earth today – see http://end-time-issueministries.org/JudgmentTHISLife.aspx.html for a detailed discussion on this subject. The present article should be read with the above cited articles in order to fully understand the situation so that you can take corrective action.
So, the essence of what we are talking about here is (1) IF you are a committed believer and (2) you are in lack, have had an accident or series of accidents, your sincere prayers are not being answered or are being stolen away, you have been robbed, you are ill, other things are wrong in your life and you are not walking in prosperity and health then this article is relevant to you for the Almighty has said of you “I desire for you to prosper and be in health” – IF you are truly committed to the Almighty and TRULY seeking to serve Him then THAT is what HE desires for you – that you prosper and be in health.
Anything that does NOT look like “prosper and be in health” is NOT from Yah and NOT His will for your life so I encourage you to read on. He certainly does NOT want you to be in lack so that in some perverse way you can be taught how to serve Him – IF you are in lack it is either because of YOUR SIN or YOUR indolence, there is NO other explanation.
If you are an unbeliever and you are prospering and in health then that says NOTHING about you other than that you are an unbeliever so the Satanic and Demonic Realm are quite content for you to prosper and be in health.
If you are a believer in Jesus and you are prospering and in health that ALSO says NOTHING because, UNLESS you are a true believer in the Almighty Creator the Satanic and Demonic Realm is VERY happy to have you in their clutches.
To recap:
1. You have a Guardian Messenger {Angel} from Yah who protects you and records EVERYTHING that you do in a book which will form the basis of your judgment at the end of your life.
2. You are watched by a Satanic Messenger who is assisted by Demons and other Messengers to lure you into sin and trap you in sin and error AND to report your sin and error to their hierarchy so that charges can be brought against you in the Court of Heaven at their convenience to suit their agenda.
3. The Satanic and Demonic realm act as Accusers (Prosecutors) to bring charges against believers to the Court. They can bring charges for unbelievers but generally do not do so unless they want to use the unbeliever to take part in the judgment of a believer.
4. There IS a Court of Heaven presided over by the Almighty Creator where ALL charges against believers are brought with a view to securing judgment against specific believers. The THRONE is the Judgment Seat.
5. There IS an Advocate, Yahooshua {Jesus} who pleads for mitigation of sentence, primarily for young believers and ignorant believers who have genuinely not had an opportunity to gain better knowledge although this Grace is GREATLY constrained since Satan was sent to the Pit in 2003. In the case of mature believers there is NO Grace whatsoever from Yahooshua.
6. There are Gaolers (Jailers) who are Satanic Messengers and Demons who execute the sentence handed down by the Court – they actually go out and set up the accident, spread the disease, hinder the finances, etc.
7. Yah and His Servants can ALSO bring charges against believers, or for that matter, any person at any time – generally they do not concern themselves with unbelievers. Yah is really only interested in the lot of believers and particularly those who are trying to get close to Him. Yah may also execute judgment by, for example, withholding the leading of His Spirit in a very specific situation in order to bring about judgment.
Some Examples
1. Believer Trips, Falls and Injures Themselves because of Pride
Believer in Pride trips over an item they did not notice, falls heavily and injures themselves quite badly – typical judgment for pride. Judgment delivered by a Satanic Messenger or even one of Yah’s Messengers if Yah decided on the Judgment Himself.
2. Believer in Adultery Narrowly Escapes Death
Believer is committing adultery, Yah grants a death sentence but Yahooshua petitions for grace and at the last minute the accident proves to be non-fatal. Accident set up by Messengers and avoidance of fatality by intervention of person’s Guardian and possibly other Messengers.
3. Believer Ruptures Tooth with Intense Pain for Pride
Believer in pride bites on a sand grain in an item of food, ruptures a facet off a molar tooth and is in agony, cannot get dentist appointment to treat the situation for several days. Yah arranged for the sand grain to be in the item, for the item to reach the shop where believers wife routinely shopped, led her to buy the item and arranged for the specific sausage to end up on the believers’ plate AND for him to bite the sand grain in such a way as to rupture the tooth. Various interventions by Yah’s Messengers.
4. Believer Tithing to Assembly in Error is in Lack
Believer been lied to about tithing and religiously giving 10% to the Assembly they attend. Finances are getting worse and worse but they believe the lie that if they give 10% to the Almighty He will give abundance in return. The Assembly is in significant error and therefore, by default, serving Satan even while trying to serve Yah. The Satanic Realm secures multiple judgments against the believer on the basis that they are giving to Satan – the Satanic Realm is quite prepared to use the benefits of its own servants as a basis for judgment.
Note that in this case the believer concerned is energetically and earnestly seeking to serve the Almighty but, having been blessed in earlier years by their Assembly they fail to realize that they have outgrown the Assembly and moved beyond it – the Assembly IS serving Yah at some level but are in significant sin and error.
5. Believing Woman Still Joined to the Man who Took her Virginity in Lack
Woman gave her virginity in her youth, since had many other men and become a committed believer, no matter what she does she is always in financial lack. Turns out there was no basis to divorce the man who took her virginity so, in the sight of the Court of Heaven, she is still married to that man and therefore her house is divided and she is in lack. Needs to approach the man and either marry him legally or get him to formally divorce her, see http://end-time-issueministries.org/VirginsCovenantlost.aspx.html and http://end-time-issueministries.org/MenWomen/MenandWomenandFamily/SeparationofManandWoman.aspx.html
6. Believer who Publishes Inaccurate Information Suffers Loss
Sincere believer publishes an email list with articles that are often prideful, judgmental and outright inaccurate. Satanic Realm secures judgments when it suits them and Yah may also choose to judge – judgment can take many forms, illness, lack, accident, etc depending on what he has written – the judgments make him bitter and so his articles become bitter and resentful and he eventually starts to attack the Almighty.
7. Bankrupt Sincere Believer with Divided House
Sincere believer family in financial difficulty, no money and about to lose everything. Spiritual house is divided, wife and husband cannot agree on diverse issues. Having divided the house the Satanic realm have secured numerous judgements against them to hinder finances.
This is one of the greatest drivers of financial lack amongst believing families. People do not realize that a Divided House WILL Fall versus a house in Harmony WILL Prosper (if no other sin).
Judgement in this case can be diverse. If the business of the family markets by email the Satanic Realm can obtain a judgment for Demons to distract all recipients of the emails from reading them or, if they read them, distract them with other concerns so they do NOT engage with them or, IF they engage with them distract them so they never follow through. Note that in practice with email or direct mail marketing the Satanic Realm will block ALL of their servants (unbelievers) from responding to such offers so that only believers will respond IF there is no hinderance, so response may at best be very limited
8. Death Curse Over 13 Generations
13 generations ago a curse was pronounced on the first born of the 13th generation to be offered to Satan on their 21st birthday. Demon follows the blood line for 13 generations and finally arranges for the young woman and her husband to visit a National Park in the USA with a high bridge, leads them to the bridge on her 21st birthday and induces her to climb up on the railing with the intention of casting herself off. Husband wrestles her to the ground, she goes for deliverance and the demon confesses its legal right and is cast out.
The point here is that the curse was pronounced 13 generations ago irrespective of the current spiritual state of the woman concerned. Sin was with the forefather.
9. Death Curse Over One Generation
Young man killed in motor car accident. The third first born in the blood line to die that way in their early twenties. Witchdoctor hired by African man aggrieved by actions of European Farmer curses the first born of the next generation to die in their 21st year. Situation only recognized after all the first born had died. Sin was with the forefather.
10. Etc
There are an infinite number of ways that we can be judged and sentences that can be handed down with severity dependent on the nature and severity of the sin and the maturity of the believer and mechanisms for delivery.
Preventing Judgment
The ONLY way to stop this happening is to get single minded about living a life ABOVE SIN, which means that you regularly pray prayers like “Father I ask you to Judge me Severely and Correct me Harshly that I may Serve You more perfectly” – this may be the most powerful prayer there is in terms of being an effective and committed believer in the Almighty.
The bottom line is to become deeply critical any time something goes wrong in your life, immediately get on your knees and ask Yah what you have done wrong and immediately confess your sin, repent and clean up your life.
To understand how you can draw closer to the Almighty Creator and get free of sin and thereby cease being judged I recommend that you read and apply the following articles:
Please read the article “The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with YOU” – pray the prayers and take the actions outlined in that article. See http://end-time-issueministries.org/Home/CreatorDesiresDeepRelationship.aspx.html
MOST IMPORTANT -- Read the article “Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator”. There are a large number of prayers, processes and actions that are presented here – systematically read the article and step by step apply what you find there. In particular, go on several sets of seven three day fasts at weekly intervals with clearly focussed prayer as outlined in the document. http://end-time-issueministries.org/Home/7ComponentsinGrowingClosetoYah.aspx.html
Read also “Where will YOU Spend Eternity? -- What is required in order to qualify to sit on a High Throne for eternity?” at http://end-time-issueministries.org/Home/WhereSpendEternity.aspx.html
It will potentially take you several years of applying all that is specified in these documents to start reaching your full potential and full anointing wherever you are in your life right now.
May Yah, The Almighty Creator, bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace.
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish.
Warm regards and blessings,
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
22 September 2018
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