2014. False Monogamy Created by James on 2/16/2019 10:47:08 AM Monogamy is ONLY truly monogamy if both the man and the woman have NO sexual ties with others, otherwise the form of monogamy generally practices is a sham
False Monogamy
True monogamy is where neither the man nor the woman have had sexual intercourse with any other being
Under such circumstances, the relationship is truly monogamous and the marriage vows are valid
Where the man has had sex with other women, the relationship is NOT monogamous and, if he took the virginity of any of those others he is legally disqualified in the Court of Heaven from taking monogamous marriage vows because, in so doing, he is committing adultery against the other women whose virginity he has taken
Where the woman has had sex with other men, the relationship is NOT monogamous and is probably adulterous
Note that in both cases that, unless both the man and the woman are able to receive divorce from the other virgins covenant partners, monogamous vows are invalid and the union is likely to be adulterous
Such a union will be cursed from the start and there should be no surprise that the relationship never works effectively
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2011.10.06 - The evils of the false doctrine of monogamy -- Why Yah hates the doctrine of monogamy
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I regularly come into contact with people who think that Yah ordained monogamy and that it is "Yah's best" or "Yah's perfect will". This article seeks to set the record straight and make clear why it is that the doctrine of monogamy is false and why Yah hates it.
1. Taking of virginity is a covenant act
Women are born with a hymen, a membrane covering the opening to the vagina which ruptures with the shedding of blood on first intercourse. Women only have one hymen and it can only be ruptured and shed blood once.
Yah created women from the beginning with a hymen and therefore whatever the hymen teaches us about the covenant relationship between man and woman, this thing we call "marriage", is definitive.
In Genesis 2:24 we read that a man shall "cleave" to his woman – that is cut open his woman by splitting her open in her cleft – similar to cutting meat with a meat CLEAVER.
In Deutoronomy 22 we read that a woman must be a virgin on the day she consummates a covenant union {marriage} and that if she is not it is adultery and she is to be stoned to death. We also read that if a man takes the virginity of a woman by force he may not put her away {divorce her} all his days.
Genesis 15 describes how Yah cut covenant with Abram – Abram took some animals and split them in two along the backbone and laid them out before Yah and Yah "walked between the halves". In Jeremiah 34 we read of people cutting a covenant by walking between the halves of a calf.
On reflection there is no particular explanation for the form of a woman's cleft other than that in appearance it approximates the two halves of a covenant animal and that the act of first sexual intercourse with the shedding of blood sees the man "walking" in the blood between the two halves of the covenant organ.
Thus we see that from the very beginning Father Yah had covenant in mind when He designed the sexual organs of man and woman.
Note also that man has a foreskin which is NOT affected at all by first intercourse but which Yah commands to be cut off in circumcision as a covenant act dedicating the man to Yah – also with the shedding of blood and also only possible once.
Thus it is apparent that a woman can only cut covenant with ONE man and beyond that intercourse with further men is adultery and a sin punishable by death whereas a man can cut covenant with any number of women.
It is therefore apparent that from the very beginning of the creation of man and woman Yah hand in mind for more than one woman to cut covenant with the same man.
The doctrine of monogamy is therefore clearly false and clearly not from Yah and, since Yah has never removed the hymen Yah has never changed in his intention for more than one woman to covenant with one man.
It is an abomination in the sight of Yah and great sin to suggest otherwise. If you want to practice monogamy you must restrict yourself sexually accordingly and teach others to do the same.
Fundamental to this point is that there is NO SUCH THING as "sex before marriage" – there is either sex as a covenant act or there is adultery.
2. History
It is important to understand that monogamy as a widespread practice only came about for the first time in the Roman empire around the time of Yahooshua. It was accompanied with widespread divorce, prostitution and fornication generally and, in fact, is the essence of what Yahooshua was speaking against when he spoke against divorce.
Monogamy was first legislated in the Christian Church about 600 AD by the Roman Emperor Justinian at about the same time that Yah sent Mohammed to speak correction with regard to the errors and sins of the Christian church. Again, as in the present age, monogamy was associated with divorce, prostitution, pornography and fornication generally.
Monogamy was only legislated in the Jewish faith about 900 AD in response to persecution by the pagan, monogamous Christian church.
It is important to recognize that IF it were Yah's will that man and woman were monogamous it would have NOT been necessary for men to legislate it.
3. Divorce because of monogamy
In 1995 I listened to a message bemoaning the fact that roughly two thirds of all marriages in western society, INCLUDING so-called "Christian" marriages ended in divorce.
I was deeply concerned by this and immediately prayed "Father, why is this?". That night Yah started to answer me by showing me in Exodus 21:10 that it was permissible for a man to take more than one woman and He confirmed this through Timothy 3:2 and 3:10 which apparently limits an overseer {Bishop} to one wife and therefore by extension indicates that other men at the time had more than one woman – it turns out that this is a translation error and the verse does NOT in fact limit an overseer to one woman.
In the days and years that followed Yah spoke to me extensively about the errors of the Christian church with regard to marriage and in 1998 I wrote the book "The Scriptural Definition of Marriage – What the Bible REALLY says about marriage"— email me if you would like a copy.
Subsequently Yah took me through a very intense and very painful practical learning curve relating to the way He intended the covenant union between man and woman to be and showed me how totally corrupt the teachings of the Christian church are.
Yesterday and again this morning Yah said to me very clearly "I hate the doctrine of monogamy" and, when I asked for clarification He said "I hate divorce and since monogamy is the number one cause of divorce it is logical that by extension I hate monogamy".
4. Mighty men who fall because of monogamy
So we see that Yah programmed man to desire to cover more than one woman.
Cursory study of the book {the bible} reveals that almost all mighty men of Yah in the book and, in fact, almost all mighty men generally had more than one woman {wife}. Solomon went over the top but the vast majority had a number of women and those women fully accepted plural marriage as Yah's perfect will in their lives and willingly shared a good and powerful man rather than covenant with a less suitable man.
Thus, it is perfectly normal for a man who is in contact with a single woman to want to cover her and it is perfectly normal for her to desire his covering, EVEN when he is already in covenant with a woman {married} and, in Yah's sight this is perfectly acceptable and, in fact pleasing – so there is no way that Yah is going to stop the man or the woman from consummating a perfectly natural relationship in the sight of Yah.
For the same reason, even if the man is NOT a believer, it is entirely natural for him to desire covenant with more than one woman.
Satan constantly uses the false doctrine of monogamy to trip up leaders of Yah's people and government leaders by making them wrong for desiring to cover more than one woman. It is an abomination in a sight of Yah.
If one chooses monogamy it is up to the man to exercise self-control and restraint and not get into a situation with a single woman where the desire to cover her and her desire to be covered take over and results in consummation of a relationship that they are not able to carry through.
5. Seven times more women than men in the body of believers
I have written repeatedly over the last more than ten years of the reality that seven out of eight believers in the body of true believers are women.
I wrote recently that of the 5,000 people on earth closest to Yah, seven out of eight are women and that of those women half do not have men and of those that do have men most of those men are further from Yah than the woman and they are therefore pulling many of those women away from Yah.
Satan knows this statistic and gets great satisfaction from the huge falling away and great heartache and confusion that results from the false doctrine of monogamy.
Satan also gets great satisfaction from the great sin of the women who have a man who refuse to share their man with other women who desperately need a man and / or refuse to allow their man to take more than one woman even though he clearly needs more than one woman in his life.
Yah was NOT confused when He created man and woman such that seven times more women than men would seek Yah and it is a great abomination in the sight of Yah that men and women teach otherwise.
6. The buttress principle – why monogamy destabilizes Yah's men
Many years ago Yah showed me that the role of women is to stabilize and underpin and support their covenant man and in a vision He showed me this as a buttress supporting a tower and also as a guy rope stabilizing a mast and He also showed me this as the fins on a rocket. With less than three buttresses, guy ropes or stabilizing fins most men will fall over spiritually under attack and many never get back up.
With three or more women, who do not then have to be that strong, just about any man will stand under an onslaught, with less than three women most men will fall over.
The bottom line is that unless a woman is extremely strong in the service of Yah and totally committed to and aligned with her man it is EXTREMELY DIFFICULT for a single woman to buttress her man. In my case, in seeking a suitable woman to enter into a monogamous union Yah had to bring a woman from a third of the way round the world in order to support me in the work that Yah has called me to do because I had found that I could not find women who were able to share because of the level of indoctrination of believing women.
7. Lost youthful virginity -- most "marriages" are adultery
Another extension of the lie of monogamy is the lie that young women at puberty are not fit to enter into covenant with a man resulting in the belief that Yah was confused in creating women to reach sexual maturity at age about 12 or 13 while only permitting them to "marry" at age 16 or 18 with the result that two thirds of young women lose their virginity before age 18 so that when they DO "marry" they are not joining themselves to the man who took their virginity and are actually entering into adultery with the result that the unions are cursed from the beginning and most eventually end in divorce.
The issue is that false teachings keep young women from guidance and teaching that enables them to mature emotionally and psychologically at a sufficiently early age in order to enter into covenant at the age that Yah originally intended.
Given the legal constraints it is vital that young women are told the truth and assisted to keep themselves pure until they are able to legally join themselves to a suitable man. Note that parents should select the right man and if a woman does not have both parents to assist her she should seek Yah's guidance to find the right man for her to contract with as helpmeet (helper meet to, conformed to, her man).
8. The lie of the one life partner
One of the lies associated with the lie of monogamy is the lie of the "one life partner" – this lie has it that there is ONE perfect partner for every human being and therefore, by extension, having "married" if something happens that a person finds someone else that seems to be "more suitable" or something happens that shows that the present partner is NOT "as suitable as I thought" and that either way divorce is acceptable.
Fact of the matter is that once one has entered into covenant Yah expects that to be for life and that it is possible for the union between any man and woman to succeed if they put Yah first and put Yah's principles of headship and submission first.
9. Monogamy is the spirit behind prostitution and pornography
It is vital to understand that the lie of monogamy is directly associated with prostitution and pornography.
Many men have the sexual capacity to satisfy more than one woman and most women do not have the sexual capacity to fully satisfy their man. As a consequence many men turn to pornography and / or prostitution to release their sexual tension.
Once they do this they open themselves to massive demonic infestation through transferred spirits, unclean one-flesh bonds and soul ties, misplaced love, salt covenants with Satan, etc, etc. These in turn open them up for Satanists, Witches and other servants of Satan to use these connections to destroy servants of Yah, tear down their ministries, destroy their marriages, etc, etc.
Fundamentally Yah did NOT create men to be monogamous and therefore it is a reality that many men forced into monogamy will at some stage fall into prostitution, pornography, extra-marital affairs.
10. Insecure and controlling women with hard hearts
One of the major consequences of the false doctrine of monogamy is that women who are servants of Yah and who are in covenant with a man {married} are threatened by single women because they fear losing their man.
They accuse the single women of being manipulative for desiring a covering when they could be inviting the single woman to accept the covering of their man which would be the natural response in a society in which plural marriage was the norm.
11. Faerie = demon tales -- champion monogamy
Monogamy is embedded in Western, Christian, society through fairy tales such as Snow White, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty as well as with toys like Barbie and Ken, etc.
All of these role models present a perfect world as being made up of a perfect monogamous couple. People happily refer to them as "fairy tales" and refer to a "fairy tale romance" not realizing that faeries are demons and so these are demon tales.
1 Timothy 4:1 refers to monogamy as a "doctrine of devils".
The impact of the early childhood programming associated with monogamy is that any woman who has been brought up in these societies has a huge negative reaction to the idea of sharing her man or to any single woman who is perceived as a threat.
12. Monogamy as a conscious choice IS an option
Notwithstanding all the above it is a reality today that plural marriage is to all intents and purposes impossible to make work today and so it is necessary to choose to enter into a monogamous union recognizing the constraints and thereafter CHOOSE to operate within those constraints.
In doing this it is vital to avoid putting unrighteous judgments on others because they are not programmed by Yah in terms of monogamy and also to have compassion to those who are disadvantaged and prejudiced by the lies associated with monogamy.
13. The false doctrine of monogamy is sending more souls to the lake of fire than any other
Because of the complexities of one flesh bonds, soul ties, etc it is so that Yah has said to me that the false doctrine of monogamy will send more souls to the lake of Fire for adultery than any other false doctrine of man will cause people to break the Ten Commandments.
The truth about the way Yah intended man and woman to covenant are challenging in today's society but it is vital to understand them in order to conduct ourselves appropriately within the social context in which we find ourselves.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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