2014. Most Prosperity Teaching is Fraud Created by James on 2/16/2019 10:55:56 AM Most prosperity teaching that encourages people to give to the person preaching the message as a claimed representative of "The LORD" with promises of great return is stealing. The fact that demons do give a return to those in sin does NOT alter the fact that the message is contaminated and most entirely false. We should only give money if Yah clearly and unambiguously instructs us to give money
Most Prosperity Teaching is Fraud
By giving money to another person we enter into a contract or yoke in spiritual terms, so if one gives money to a congregation or preacher one becomes yoked to them and, if they are in sin, one becomes yoked to their sin and will be judged as a partner in their sin
If they are legitimately blessed you will ALSO be blessed within certain constraints
When the money is given on the basis of false pretences, for example that the preacher or teacher or congregation represent "the house of God" and that by giving to them one is giving to Yah and the entity is NOT FULLY serving Yah but has sin and error then exhorting people to give is THEFT
Where the yoke results in people experiencing losses then the theft becomes more severe
Where the false teaching results in the people who give experiencing financial loss as a consequence of spiritual issues or practical issues resulting from application of the false teaching the magnitude of theft is magnified
Yah says that "nearly all prosperity teaching today is false and fraudulent"
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