2014. False Teaching in Other Religions Created by James on 2/16/2019 11:59:14 AM All religions have been contaminated at some level by the Satanic realm and therefore a lot of what they teach is false. Different groups have preserved different truths but the bulk of what religions teach is false
False Teaching in Other Religions
Christianity has some truth, Islam has some truth, Judaism has some truth, these are the three religions that are still moderately aligned with Yah
ALL religions originate originally from belief in Yah because all human beings originate from Noah and therefore his religion
So ALL religions have some truth, one has to look hard to find it and most of the time the truths that DO exist are NOT easily visible
So, Christianity DOES have truth about Yahooshua but is in error in just about everything relating to the fundamental truth including who Yahooshua is, how he accomplished what he accomplished, etc, etc so while there is a lot of information that IS valid it is all corrupted at some level and one has to filter through this
In the same way, the bible contains a lot of accurate information but the teachings around the bible are largely corrupt and most are in serious error in terms of the key points
So we have a situation where 80% of incidental information is correct but the 20% of critical information is seriously corrupt and contaminated or in downright error
Adultery is a classic example, it is quite possible to extract the truth about adultery and virginity from the bible but the Christian church almost universally teaches things that are NOT in the bible and which are outright fabrications resulting in a situation where just about all churches marry men to women who are not virgins without taking even the most rudimentary steps to ensure that the union is permissible in the Court of Heaven which most of the time it is NOT
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