2014. Valentines Heart Created by James on 2/27/2019 11:49:55 AM The Valentine's heart symbol is a depiction of the female sexual organ in a highly aroused state and can stimulate lust, the heart with an arrow through it symbolizes a woman penetrated by a male organ
Valentine's Heart
The red valentines heart is a graphic representation of the female vulva (external sexual organ) highly aroused and flushed with blood with the outer lips spread open
The heart with an arrow through it represents sexual penetration, the arrow is a penis
Valentine's hearts, with or without arrows are ENTIRELY inappropriate except between marriage partners
By encouraging young children to draw hearts or stick them on their books or use them in ANY shape or form the spirit realm sees this as a license to put demons on the person drawing the picture, to stimulate sexual thought and, eventually draw them into pornography and the like
There are many other seemingly innocuous symbols in every day life that have Satanic connotations and are used by the Satanic realm to trick people into ignorant sin
NEXT SUB-SUB-SECTION: Lust is visible in the spirit realm >>>

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