2014. Curses Created by James on 2/27/2019 1:30:57 PM Curses are words with destructive meaning that are spoken out over people. Demons are assigned to give effect to curses by the Satanic Realm
Curses are verbal instructions to the demonic and Satanic realm to execute actions against others
Depending on the level of authority of the person speaking the curse it may have little or no impact or may have massive impact
A curse spoken against a person will only take effect IF there is a just cause for that curse to operate, in other words there is sin in the life of that person
Curses range from very simple curses like "take care", telling the person to take care and, possibly assigning the relevant demon to them IF they receive the curse, through to intensely powerful curses that have the potential to kill people
In South Africa many Afrikaner families lose a child before their 21st birthday, frequently in a motor car accident, these deaths generally result from very powerful curses by African witch-doctors as a consequence of bad treatment of African people by these families or previous generations
A curse such as "kill the first born before they reach majority" can take a long time to set up and give effect to
Other curses can be very specific in terms of circumstances
In my early experience with regard to curses I became aware that someone was cursing my family, Father showed me that I could ask Him to return curses at His discretion, I asked Him to return the curses 1,000 fold, the next day my wife's former mother-in-law was dead, a few weeks later her ex-husband was admitted to Intensive Care in hospital with a major heart attack and a few weeks later he was dead -- this is an indication of the magnitude and type of curses they were speaking out against us
Every believer has the authority to have curses cut off "Father I come to you in the name of Yahooshua and ask you to cut off ALL curses that have been spoken against us and, in your discretion, where the people cursing me know what they are doing I ask you to return the curse in the magnitude that you consider appropriate"
ONLY pray the second part of this prayer after several years of cleaning up your life in serving Yah
Note that a curse CANNOT impact you UNLESS there is a legal basis, people can curse you severely but IF you are free of sin relative to the curses that are being spoken against you those curses will have NO impact, they will, however remain hovering around looking for you to slip and give them the right to operate
Curses can be very simple or very complex "damn you", "go to hell", "you bastard", "you bloody fool" and innumerable others like these are ALL curses at some level individually they may have no impact but cumulatively they will
Note also that we are judged for ALL words we speak so destructive and idle words will be penalized on the Day of Judgment
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