2014. Secret Societies Created by James on 2/27/2019 1:36:12 PM There ARE Secret Societies such as the Free Masons which, while at some level perform good works, at another level are serving Satan. At the simplest level this is through the blood oaths that they take and, as one progresses through the ranks one may enter into explicit service of Satan and levels of Illumination. It is alleged that these Secret Societies have considerable influence in Government and Business
Secret Societies
Any form of secret society is open to becoming Satanic and there ARE many societies like the Free Masons, the Order of the Skull and Bones, etc that ARE secret and which engage in blood oaths with severe curses to control their members
These organizations DO at some level exercise significant control in our society
Inevitably the taking of blood oaths and the proclamation of curses introduce demons into the mix and so, as people progress through the ranks they move more and more into the service of Satan to the point where the most senior people in these societies are high order Satanists who are knowingly serving Satan and seeking illumination (infilling with demons)
We are commanded to not even talk about what goes on in these secret societies so it is NOT necessary to go into detail only to know they exist and if anyone invites you to their lodge or similar and PARTICULARLY if anyone asks you to take a blood oath or come under a curse, it is time to politely but firmly decline and eschew further involvement
Note that there are some occupations and business organizations where promotion goes hand in hand with promotion in the associated secret society so, as a believer, it is so that you will need to steer clear of these organizations and occupations
Note that in public the members of these secret societies are extremely pleasant, nice people, gentlemen, courteous, polite, you would NEVER imagine that they are serving Satan
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