2014. Tsunami of Evil Covers the Planet Created by James on 2/28/2019 11:26:37 AM Yah has said that in this age a "Tsunami of Evil" covers the planet. In large measure this evil is disguised as "good" and people have been numbed into believing that it is sufficient to be a "good person and you will go to heaven"
Tsunami of Evil Covers the Planet
Today, 6,011 years after Creation the world is the most evil it has ever been
Almost the entire population of the earth, including many who regard themselves as believers, have no meaningful knowledge of Yah let along a personal relationship with Him and they believe lies and live their lives on the basis of these lies
The full body of knowledge regarding evil, that is opposition to and denial of Yah, is now known somewhere on the planet, over the next 989 years (in 2014) the forces of darkness will seek to propagate that knowledge and the practice of it to the entire planet
At the same time those who believe are being called by Yah to restore ALL truth and to propagate it around the ear, that is the purpose of this website
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2012.01.02 - Tsunami of evil covers the planet
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A few days ago I was watching a TV program on the Tsunami of 2004
Yah said to me "so is the flood of evil that has covered the earth but it will NOT withdraw unless my people fight the battle that is necessary to cause it to withdraw"
It is my understanding that we must fight this battle for centuries to preserve the truths of Yah and restore His reign by His Spirit on earth
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and grant you His peace
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