2014. What is REALLY happening Created by James on 2/28/2019 11:34:07 AM A discussion of what is REALLY happening on earth in terms of the activities of the Satanic Realm and the activities of Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, the Almighty Creator
What is REALLY happening
From a general "daily life" perspective it looks as though things on Earth are running quite smoothly, societies, certainly Western societies, seem to be functioning reasonably well and peacefully, they seem civilized, we have democracy, there are nice and good people in government, etc
In fact the Satanic domination of the planet is almost complete and there are only isolated pockets, frequently of one or two believer in isolation, who are making any real impact and most of them are in such error that they are effectively powerless
This website is seeking to restore lost truths so that believers can walk in victory not withstanding the current state of the earth
It is VITAL to understand that the most FUNDAMENTAL criteria for assessing a person or situation is (1) do they believe Yah exists and (2) do they have a deep personal relationship with Yah, if the answer to (1) is NO then they are serving Satan, conversely if the answer to (1) is YES and the answer to (2) is also Yes then they are serving Yah, if the answer to (1) is Yes and to (2) is NO then, while they may believe at some nominal level, they are, in fact, serving Satan
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2011.04.18 - What is REALLY happening in the world around you? A "good" Christian family headed for hell
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I constantly see how even mature and experienced believers and even those who are strongly anointed do not know what is going on in the spirit realm in the world around them and do not know what the real battle is that is being fought.
On Saturday, as I was preparing to worship and while worshiping and subsequently I have felt impressed to try and convey the real picture through a form of story or parable that I hope will make it more visible and understandable than a more detached technical article such as I generally write.
I have reservations about doing this because it is a fictional, i.e. imaginary, story but I have concluded that since Yahooshua is reported to have made use of parables that this is perhaps permissible in order to convey what needs to be conveyed.
The article comprises an imaginary story about a married couple, Jack and Jill Jones and their lives as most people experience life, the visible, tangible world we live in. The story is then extended by a further imaginary story about what is going on spiritually behind the scenes.
This is followed by a discussion of the major elements of what is described at the spiritual level.
In the process I will explain to you why people who are in the same situation and even those who are much "better" than Jack and Jill are heading for at least a part and possibly eternity in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone which is the second death and explain a bit of how the Satanic and demonic realm operate.
You may question some of the emphasis on sex but I encourage you to read to the end, there are some critical lessons here because sex is one of the most powerful forces for good and evil in this world and is greatly misunderstood – there are things about sex that just about every person needs to understand no matter what you moral and puritanical views on the subject may be.
I pray that through this story you will gain a better understanding of the spiritual dynamics in your world and learn some lessons about how you can clean up your life – this is written in the context of the Feast of Unleavened Bread which started with Passover today.
The basic story is based on the society and culture where I live and that I am most familiar with, for those of you in different societies and cultures while the details will be different the basic spiritual dynamics will be much the same
Some of what I describe has occurred in my own life, some I have encountered through ministry and some I have learned of through accounts by others and through reading books, websites, etc that Father has brought across my way.
Be aware as you read that the exact scenario differs for every person but the broad principles are the roughly similar.
I have picked common names simply to give the characters a bit more depth and make the stories easier to read but they bear NO correspondence to any person living or dead.
Paragraphs are numbered so that the second story can be tied in to the first.
I pray that you will gain insight from what follows.
A. The visible world – where we live every day – the Jones family
1. Jack and Jill Jones are an average middleclass family in an average middleclass town somewhere in a Western Society.
2. Gill was born in a large public hospital, Jack in a small private clinic.
3. Jack is in his forties, an accountant, quite successful, Jill is a career woman and a strong believer in Women's liberation, she is in her late thirties.
4. Jack is very professional in his job and goes out of his way to help his clients minimize their tax, often "sailing close to the wind" as Jack puts it, a Euphemism for what he calls "white lies" when it comes to tax and other matters. "Everybody does it!", would be his reply if you challenged him on this.
5. They have two children, Jane who is twelve and John who is eight. Jill, like her mother, had a number of miscarriages before Jane was born and another before John was born. Her sister has also had a number of miscarriages.
6. Jane is very creative and artistic and recently won first prize in an art competition at school with a Valentine's Day painting with a montage of red Valentines' hearts with arrows through them with a Sleeping Beauty theme.
7. Jill regularly read Grimm's Fairy Tales, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, etc to Jane when she was younger and she has a lovely collection of Barbie and Ken doll sets.
8. John has attention deficit disorder and is hyperactive. The family have tried everything they can think of without success. He is on heavy prescription medication. "Just like his grandfather", Jack's mother says.
9. John's oldest brother was killed in a car accident on his 21st birthday, the second time an oldest son has died that way in his family.
10. Because of Jill's liberated ideas she and Jack have regular arguments and periodically end up screaming at each other. From the outside, however, they keep up a united front and present themselves as an idyllic, happily married couple.
11. Jack is quite religious, he grew up in a good Church of England family and was confirmed at the age of thirteen when he accepted that there was a Creator and that Jesus had died for him. In his early twenties he became offended with the church, backslid and walked away.
12. When he was in his late thirties he went to a Charismatic church and had an experience that restored his belief that there was a Creator, he went forward to an Altar call, prayed a prayer, invited Jesus into his heart, was born again, accepted the Bible as the inerrant Word of God and was water baptized.
13. He started reading his bible, came to various passages that indicated that a man could have more than one wife and, confused, he went to his pastor for guidance. His pastor was very understanding and explained to Jack that unless he went to Bible School he would not be able to understand these things and that Jack should just accept that Father did not approve of men having more than one wife.
14. When Jack pressed the issue his Pastor, who he really esteemed greatly told him sharply that he could find "15,000 Pastors who have been to Bible School who will agree with me and you will NOT find a single one that will agree with you".
15. Jack was rather discouraged by this and, as a consequence, he does not read the bible much and looks to his Pastor for teaching and interpretation. Because many in the church DO read their bibles (or claim to) Jack is ashamed to admit that he does not read it much and makes a great show of believing the bible and quotes it regularly, based on what he has heard taught in church.
16. When he does read the bible he does so in one of the modern translations with commentary interspersed with the bible verses and in the side bar and sometimes loses track of whether what he is reading is actually bible verses or commentary. He quite regularly quotes "the bible says" using passages from the Commentary, which is often off the mark.
17. He soon became involved in the church, first as an usher and subsequently became a counsellor and then a member of the Church Board, looking after the finances.
18. Jill is not so religious, she grew up in a family where her parents did not believe in the Creator although they observed Christmas with much festivity with a large Christmas Tree and a big meal with Ham and Turkey to which they invited a number of close family and friends every year.
19. Decorating the tree, placing the gifts under the tree and, of course, opening the gifts, was a big event in their lives. Jill continues to maintain this tradition with gusto.
20. They also observe Easter with enthusiasm and have a large crucifix hanging in their family room. Jill hides Easter eggs and other goodies all over their large garden and the children have a wonderful time looking for them with screams of joy. "Isn't Jesus good to us", Jack said while watching this happen last year.
21. Jill wears a diamond studded cross, given to her by her first boyfriend (and first lover – they spent several days together in an intense sexual encounter when they first had sex). She is very proud of the cross, Jack does not know the history of the cross, she has always worn it.
22. After Jack was born again he persuaded Jill to go with him to church, she has never seen in it what he sees but she went, "to keep the peace" as she told a friend, and there are some attractive men there which helps to while away the time (she has not told this to anyone).
23. After a few months she also went forward to the Altar call, but really just to keep the peace and make Jack happy. She really does not see what he sees in this whole church thing and now only goes when she feels she must.
24. She is much more interested in her athletics. She was a star athlete at school and now continues to participate in her local club participating in road races and Triathlons. She recently won a gold medal in her age group for a marathon she participated in and that has spurred her to new heights.
25. She carries the medal in her handbag and regularly shows it to people she meets. Every now and again she takes it out and kisses it and thanks God that she will win more medals.
26. Her church attendance has dropped as a result of her new found dedication to her sport. Her life revolves largely around her sport, she thinks of it at work and in church and, in fact, most of the time.
27. Jack grew up in a family where "sex before marriage" was frowned on but by the time he was in his late teens his libido was getting the better of him and he had a few girlfriends whose libido was also strong.
28. When he was nineteen he took a girl to a drive-in movie and they ended up having sex on the back seat of the car. There was a lot of blood and he had quite a job cleaning up when he took his dad's car home. It was the first time for both of them and he did not really understand what happened, something about virginity, he told a more knowledgeable friend who nudged him and encouraged him that this was "the way to go".
29. He felt very guilty about having "sex before marriage" and when on the next date she told him she was in love with him and wanted to get married he broke things off very rapidly – he was too young and not ready for that sort of thing.
30. Shortly after that this girl met and married a man much older than herself but she still has a soft spot for Jack and blows him a kiss now and again when she sees him in the supermarket. Jack told Jill about this when they first started dating and they joke now and again about that "crazy woman".
31. Jack had a few other hot girlfriends but limited himself to some heavy petting, masturbating one another without penetration and a few instances of oral sex, which he really enjoyed but also felt guilty about.
32. Jill has major issues with both giving and receiving oral sex – "how can you want to kiss that dirty thing" and "how can you ask me to kiss that dirty thing" are her standard responses. What Jack does not know is that the man who took Jill's virginity, a married man with four children, was very talented when it came to oral sex and since Jill still harbours deep feelings for him she does not want to remember the association. Her lack of willingness in this department has become a major source of frustration for Jack.
33. When he was in his early twenties, before he married, Jack once went with a prostitute, it was for him a sordid affair and he swore he would never do it again.
34. So far he has kept to that promise although recently he has been tempted a few times because of Jill's lack of interest in sex. He also went "all the way" with a couple of girlfriends before he met Jill, "just once or twice you understand" and always broke off feeling guilty.
35. In fact, it was on the rebound from one of these instances that he met Jill, they were from a similar social background, got on well and it just seemed the right thing to do, rather than continuing to battle with his sex drive and countering a guilty conscience.
36. They decided early on in their relationship that marriage was a possibility, and they both felt they were now old enough so they swore to keep themselves "pure" until their wedding night.
37. They dated for six months before Jack "popped the question" and then were engaged for another six months before getting married in church.
38. They had a white wedding with lots of guests and Gill looked radiant in a flowing white gown.
39. They bought each other very special rings and took vows that they wrote themselves. There was lots of confetti and a huge meal with lots of Champagne and wine.
40. They were both "tipsy" by the end of the evening and when it came to taking her garter off and throwing it to the men Jill lifted her dress more than was necessary. She gave the man who caught the garter a big soppy kiss.
41. During the dating and engagement phase they were quite hands off, they kissed quite a bit but when things got a bit heated and sex started to become very appealing they backed off. Gill particularly wanted to "keep it for our wedding night" and shut down her sexual drive significantly
42. On their wedding night she found she was tired and did not really want sex and somewhat grumpily told Jack that it would have to wait for the next day. When the morning came the sex was lack lustre, not nearly as good as some of the other partners both had had and this has been the pattern ever since.
43. Both frequently use fantasies of past partners and people at work, etc to get themselves aroused when they make love.
44. When Jack was born again he mentioned his time with the prostitute and the various sexual encounters but was told by his counselor that this was nothing to worry about "these things happen, Jesus took care of all that, it is under the blood" he was told.
45. Jack concluded that these things were not big issues and that God understood that sometimes a "a man has to do what a man has to do".
46. Because they both earn good salaries they live in a nice house. They moved recently into an upmarket neighbourhood. Since moving in there have been a few odd happenings, nothing you could put your finger on, odd sounds at night, etc. They have put it down to rats in the ceiling and put in traps but not caught anything.
47. Jill has noticed since moving in that other men are looking rather attractive and sometimes when Jack is away on business she masturbates thinking of a particular young "stud" at the office and one of the men at church. Jack has also started looking sexually at other women and doing the same thinking of one of the secretaries at work when Jill is away. Both think it is harmless.
48. Jack has also used pornography most of his life and now and again they watch a porn movie together to spice up their otherwise jaded love life. They see nothing wrong with this notwithstanding Jacks position in the church. "They are just movies, we are not actually doing it" would be the answer if you challenged them on this behaviour.
49. They went on quite a spending binge fitting out the house, both received good Christmas bonuses, they are hard workers and gifted so both exceeded their performance targets for the year.
50. Jill has spent quite lavishly on furnishings and decorations. In particular she purchased a number of really expensive tribal masks, a small Buddah, which she got for almost nothing "it was just begging me to buy in and the salesman was so nice, he gave me a massive discount" and many other items.
51. Together they bought some framed Egyptian Papyrus pictures with hieroglyphics on them, they have strange crosses with a narrow loop at the top on them so they decided that these must be Christian.
52. Jack has recently moved to a new firm. He really likes the senior partner of the firm, Mr Smith, and the senior partner seems to like him. "He is a real gentleman" Jack has told Jill on several occasions "softly spoken, humble, courteous, I really respect him, Jack said".
53. Mr Smith is in his sixties, grey haired, distinguished, always impeccably turned out, even if you see him in the hardware store. He and a couple of others have built the firm from scratch. There is a small body of partners and Mr Smith has let Jack know that if he shapes up he could become a partner in a few years.
54. Mr Smith quite often comes up to Jack and puts a fatherly arm around his shoulder and walks him off for private conversations about his work, how the firm is performing, etc.
55. Mr Smith has stressed his Christian beliefs and mentioned that he is an elder in a large church on the other side of town and expressed admiration for Jack's involvement in his own church and admiration for Jack's Pastor, "a real man of God" Mr Smith says of the Pastor.
56. Mr Smith conducted Jack's performance appraisal personally at the end of the year and advised him that he was extremely impressed with his contribution to the firm and was therefore giving him a particularly generous bonus. He also intimated that if Jack really put his back into it he would introduce Jack to some of his closed circle of "very influential friends" – "I only do this for my most exceptional staff", Jack was told.
57. Recently Mr Smith invited Jack and Jill to dinner at his house, a singular honour accorded to very few of the staff in the time that Jack had been with the firm. Jack was glowing when he told Jill of the invitation. They went nervously to the dinner only to find that they were the only guests. They were warmly welcomed into an impressive luxury house with quality furnishings and given a tour. Taking Jack on one side Mr Smith let Jack know that if he really "performed to standard" he could aspire to a similar home "in much less time than it took me to get to this" Mr Smith said with a warm smile.
58. They were both greatly flattered. During the evening Mr Smith was very attentive to Jill and showered her with compliments, Mrs Smith did the same with Jack. Given their shallow and unsatisfying love life both were extremely aroused and flattered by the attention. They returned home to the most passionate love making they had experienced in a long time.
59. The day after the dinner they could not stop talking about the wonderful experience and what nice people the Smiths were and how it would be wonderful if Jack could become a partner in the firm. For the first time in a long time Jill was wondering if perhaps she had underrated Jack's abilities and was showing him more respect. The arguments had also reduced. Jack was ecstatic.
60. Jack's church is one of the largest in their town and their services receive wide Television coverage. Their pastor is sought out for opinions on all sorts of matters and the congregation hold him in high esteem. Jack is proud of his association with the church and his involvement. They hold regular board meetings at which Jack plays a key role and has recently become quite bold in suggesting fund raising projects "so we can do more for the LORD".
61. The church holds that Christians cannot have demons and discourages discussion of anything to do with this topic. People who respond to the Altar Call and become "born again" have a simple prayer prayed over them and "Jesus does the rest" according to their Pastor.
62. They preach a strong message on Grace and advise people to avoid "legalism", "Jesus paid the price in full, you do not have to worry about the law". Jack once heard someone talk about the Ten Commandments but he was then told that this was "Old Testament" and he has not given any thought since then even though he had been taught about them when he was confirmed as a youngster.
63. Recently they have had some experiences of some annoying flies in their church board meetings and have repeatedly forgotten to get fly spray to deal with the apparent infestation. "It only happens during our management meetings -- rather strange" Jack tells Jill one evening.
64. Jack really enjoys Praise and Worship, "I love Jesus with all my heart" he says regularly, "Jesus has changed me totally since he came into my heart", is another regular statement.
65. Jack tithes consistently and tells anyone who wants to listen how God has blessed him since he started tithing. Soon after he started tithing they bought a luxury car second hand, there was a cross hanging from the rear view mirror and they took this as a "sign" that God had appointed the car for them.
66. The car makes Jack feel good and he quite often finds himself looking at attractive women in cars next to him and harbouring sexual thoughts towards them. The car gives him confidence that he could seduce them if he wanted to.
67. Late one afternoon a few days after having dinner with the Smiths, Mr Smith called Jack into his office and closed the door. He offered Jack a glass of Port which he gladly accepted and sat down. He opened the conversation by telling Jack how he and his wife, had enjoyed the dinner and what a capable and attractive couple they were.
68. He stated that he was increasingly convinced that Jack was partner material and that if things continued the way they were going Jack would soon be promoted to Associate. Jack was greatly flattered. Mr Smith also gave him an envelope with a cheque, "a small gift in appreciation of your outstanding service".
69. Then Mr Smith coughed awkwardly and in a conspiratorial way asked Jack if he would do him a BIG FAVOUR, "obviously strictly between us boys", he said. Jack was delighted at the obvious privilege and said he would be delighted to. Mr Smith beat about the bush a bit making it clear that Jack was being singled out because of his exceptional behaviour and that if he could help Mr Smith out with this it would really be of great assistance.
70. He then told Jack that his marriage was in difficulties and that his wife was not very fulfilled sexually but that after their wonderful dinner they had had the best sex in "years". Jack was stunned "but you seem so happy", he said and then confided how they had been aroused by the evening. Mr Smith expressed amazement and then turned the conversation to matters of business before returning to the matter of sex and in a very hushed and conspiratorial voice asking if Jack would be prepared to make love to his wife because she really was very attracted to him.
71. Jack was stunned but flattered, she was a very attractive woman, then Mr Smith confided that he was very attracted to Jill and asked if he thought that Jill would be prepared to make love to him. Jack was flustered but flattered. Mr Smith again expressed his appreciation for Jack's work in a way that left him in no uncertain view that if they granted Mr Smith's request it would be good for his career. He asked for a few days to think about it and find the right time to broach the subject with Jill.
72. Getting home that night he was excited about the gift he had received and so was Jill. The mood was so upbeat and she again exclaimed what a nice man Mr Smith was so he decided to immediately cut to the chase, going into quite a lot of detail and then in an embarrassed rush telling her that Mr Smith wanted to have sex with her and Mrs Smith with him. To his surprise Jill hardly hesitated before she said yes, truth was she had been fantasizing about Mr Smith almost constantly since the dinner.
73. Jack decided to strike while the iron was hot and phoned Mr Smith at home. Mr Smith said something to the effect of "Jack my boy, I knew I could depend on you" and moved briskly to arrangements for them to come over to the Smith residence on Saturday morning and spend the day. They went, had amazing sex and returned home to make love again, both fired up by the experience. "This is just what we needed to fix our marriage", Jack thought and decided that maybe God had decided that this was what was needed to fix their marriage.
74. That Monday Mr Smith was effusive in his thanks to Jack and his admiration of Jill and again gave Jack a "small cheque" in appreciation letting him know that if his loyalty continued there was much more where that came from. "You are now part of the family" Mr Smith said with a wink and a pat on the back. Jack was enthused and could not wait to get home and show Jill the cheque.
75. They went out for a slap up meal and both felt that Jack was well on his way to "arriving at the top", Jill was still glowing from Mr Smith's attention and was secretly hoping they would be summoned to the Smith's mansion again soon, Jack was harbouring similar thoughts.
76. A few days later Mr Smith summoned Jack to his office and in a very official tone advised Jack that he had concluded that it was time to "introduce you to my Lodge, my boy". Jack had vaguely heard of the lodge and knew that all the partners and some of the other staff were members, but they never spoke about it.
77. Somehow he understood that in order to become a partner he had to be accepted by the Lodge first – this was obviously the big break. Thank you Jesus, he breathed.
78. A few days later Jack found himself at a nice club for the Lodge dinner and was surprised to see his Pastor across the room. He rushed over and greeted him to discover that he had been a member for some years. Jack was somewhat relieved, he had heard a few strange things about the Lodge but the fact that his Pastor was a senior member reassured him. This was obviously God's will for his life and God was clearly blessing him and rewarding his obedience in tithing.
79. After the meeting Mr Smith stood up and gave a short talk, it turned out that he was the President of the Lodge, Jack was thrilled, he was clearly in the right company. Mr Smith personally addressed himself to Jack and a couple of other visitors and asked that they excuse the members "we have important Lodge matters to discuss, please excuse us". The members then left and walked across the road to the Lodge building.
80. Jack felt deflated at being left out but stayed and chatted to a few of the other guests before heading home. They all had similar stories, they had been singled out for special attention by superiors at work, in the church, family members, etc and invited. They had all been given to understand that this was a great privilege and that if they really showed their mettle they MIGHT be invited to join the Lodge. Most of them were very keen but one or two had reservations about "secret societies".
81. One of those with reservations was a younger man from Jack's church who tended to keep himself to himself a lot but who was clearly in favour with the Pastor, who had brought him to the meeting.
82. Jack returned home excited at the prospect of possible future promotion. After telling Jill all about it, she in her performance mode, immediately said that he should approach Mr Smith and ask what was required in order to become a member. Jack undertook to speak to Mr Smith at the first possible opportunity and resolved to "pull out all the stops" to get this next achievement under his belt.
83. That night they prayed together and gave thanks to Jesus for the wonderful favour that they were experiencing.
84. That Sunday evening a visitor to the church preached and shared his experience where Jesus has appeared to him personally, showed him the wounds in his hands and feet and declared that he was "coming very soon to save you from tribulation". People were thrilled and nearly the whole assembly thronged the aisles for this man who was so close to Jesus that he had appeared to him personally, to lay hands on them. The meeting finished an hour late.
85. Jack rushed home to tell Jill of the exciting message, even she was a bit excited at the prospect of going to heaven soon and not having to worry about the bills, etc.
86. … etc – there is much more that could be written but this provides a basis for what I want to share next, an explanation of what is REALLY going on in the story above.
B. The invisible world – what is REALLY going on in the world around us
This section extends the above story to speak about what is going on in the spiritual realm.
As with the first story it is entirely fictional but outlines broadly the sort of things that really ARE happening
Key to understanding these parables is the verse which says "we wrestle NOT against flesh and blood but against the principalities, powers, thrones and dominions of this dark age".
Section numbers correspond to the section numbers in part A.
1. Whether you are middle-class, wealthy or poor, whether in Western Society or Africa, or Asia or elsewhere, similar things are going on in the spiritual realm.
2. When Jill was born a beggar had just died in the casualty department. One of the nurses in that department, a witch, gathered the demons from that man and passed them on to one of the nurses in the maternity unit.
As guided by her demons and the Satanic messenger {angel} in charge of the hospital, assisted by the demons already on the children from their parents, passed down the blood line and Satanic messengers already assigned to each child, the nurse placed the demons on various children in the maternity suite.
Jill received particular attention because of a calling on her life and curses from previous generations.
Jack did not receive demons as the clinic where he was born was run by a Christian denomination that had some limited knowledge of the demonic and which prayed regularly to the Almighty to keep agents of Satan off the property.
3. Jill's "women's liberation" focus is driven by a strong Jezebel demon which drives her constantly. Jack has a corresponding Ahab spirit (demon) that introduces behaviour that is submissive to Jill much of the time.
4. Every time Jack does an illegal adjustment to his clients' accounts, falsifies a tax return or engages in lies and deceit in other ways, his Guardian Messenger {angel} writes it down in the book of account where Jack's entire life is recorded.
Jack has a number of strong lying demons who control this behaviour and encourage him to push the limits on what fraud and deceit he engages in. When he tells a particularly big lie the demons grow stronger and every now and then an additional demon is assigned to him.
5. Jill's miscarriages and those of her sister are a consequence of curses on her family that go back generations. These curses are enforced by demons who pass through the family from generation to generation with specific narrow job descriptions. In this case the instruction is to kill some of the children.
In the hospital where the miscarriages were treated a couple of the nurses who were particularly attentive during the procedure to remove the dead foetus are particularly attentive and caring and make sure that when the foetus is removed it is taken away for use in witchcraft rites and not sent to the incinerator. These nurses are quite senior witches and use spells and other magic to escape detection.
Body parts and sometimes the entire foetus are eaten in order to gain greater Satanic strength and often curses are spoken out over the parents of the dead child.
6. The Valentine's heart is a representation of the female sexual organ spread and engorged with blood in sexual arousal and the arrow is a representation of the male penis penetrating the vagina of the woman.
By doing these drawings, inspired by the demons she already has, Jane has inadvertently given authority to more demons of lust to come on to her. These demons will lie low and only manifest as she gets older. There is a strong likelihood that as a consequence of these factors she will be significantly sexually promiscuous when she is a bit older.
In fact, she is already sexually aware and has started playing with her genitals when she is alone and experiencing some degree of arousal.
7. All fairies are demons and so fairy tales are correctly "demon tales". There are demons associated with the books that Jill read to Jane and some of these demons transferred to both Jill and Jane. The demons associated with the fairy tales mentioned entrench monogamy and imprint beliefs that produce massive negative reaction when a woman finds that her husband so much as looks at another woman.
8. The attention deficit disorder is NOT heredity in the genetic sense, it is a curse passed down the generations and enforced by demons.
9. The car accidents on the 21st birthday are a curse in terms of which the first born son of each generation was dedicated to Satan on his 21st birthday. Some very strong demons follow the bloodline and arrange matters to kill the firstborn son of each generation.
10. The arguments between Jack and Jill constantly weaken the love and the one flesh bond between them. Spiritually in terms of the service of the Almighty they are a weak couple and it will not take much to separate them in divorce or through extra-marital affairs or similar.
If they were really serving Yah (Father Almighty) they would be experiencing massive opposition and their house would be falling because of their arguments but since, as we are seeing, they are in fact actually serving Satan in just about every area of their lives, the weak one flesh bond is not such an issue and the forces of darkness allow them to be blessed in order to prevent them asking questions.
On a few occasions Jack, who is normally a gentle and retiring sort of person has come close to striking Jill during some of their arguments and she has responded by classifying him as an abuser and telling some of her woman friends that he is violent. She has even been to the church to ask for help and they are watching him.
Reality is that Proverbs 14:4 refers to behaviour of this nature by a woman towards her man producing a feeling described as "rottenness in the bones". This is a major factor in domestic violence.
11. Jack's experience is common. He prayed the appropriate prayers and so, contrary to widely held Charismatic beliefs he WAS "born again", that is came to a knowledge of the Creator when he was confirmed.
The fact that he had virtually no guidance does not alter the fact that from that day on he is judged as a believer.
The seven day period of grace for deliverance that exists for new believers was not even known by those who confirmed him so no measures were taken to maximize the benefit of that Grace. Likewise the grace of the first year was also not understood and therefore no ministry relating to that occurred either.
Accordingly Jack became a believer with all the demonic and spiritual baggage that he was carrying before his decision and virtually nothing changed in his life.
He was also not told about the anointing, was not water immersed {full baptism} and generally was not changed in any significant way when he made his decision BUT is now judged accountable as a believer and is in great spiritual danger.
12. The Altar is a pagan Altar and carries a curse.
He was already a believer so his experience at the Altar was NOT one of being "born again" and accordingly the deliverance, etc that might have happened if he truly was an unbeliever at this time was not available to him.
It is my understanding that the vast majority of people who are "born again" in later life actually made decisions like Jack did when he was young and therefore there is massive lack of understanding of the true spiritual dynamics of what is happening when these people go forward to receive prayer.
The true name of the man most people know as Jesus is Yahooshua which means "Yah (the true name of the Almighty) is salvation". In 2001 Yah started to withdraw all grace regarding the erroneous use of Jesus, a derivative of Zeus, a Greek demonic deity, instead of Yahooshua and today just about everybody who prays to Jesus is praying to a Satanic principality and associated demons.
It is the Spirit of Yah that comes into people's hearts, Jesus is a human being and his spirit is NOT the spirit that enters a persons' heart when they come to belief. So the Jesus that is in Jack's heart is in fact a demon. This demon gives him "feel good" religious experiences and counterfeits the Spirit of Yah {the holy Spirit}. Jack is not in fact serving Yah much at all.
Yahooshua is a man and worship of Jesus breaks the first commandment and is accompanied with massive demon activity.
The water baptism helped to a point but it was in the wrong names and full of error and therefore corrupted.
The bible is NOT the inerrant Word of God, it is a collection of writings assembled by man and represents a microscopic collection of all the writings that Yah has inspired throughout the age of the sons of Adam on the earth (6,000 years). The bible also contains errors.
Holding the bible up as "The Word of God" is false, is associated with demons, is idolatry and carries a curse.
So we find that, while Jack has some limited relationship with the Almighty, most of what he ascribes to the Almighty in his life, is actually Satanic and controlled by demons.
Only people with intense personal relationships with Yah are still escaping the consequences of these lies and the number so escaping is diminishing rapidly day by day.
13. The situation here, the lie of monogamy, is pervasive, careful reading of the bible will reveal hundreds of verses that show that it was always the will of Father Yah for more than one woman to covenant with one man.
We see from Genesis 2:24 that a man cleaves, that is cuts into the cleft of the woman and the two become one. We see from Deuteronomy 22 that there is a blood covenant cut when a man takes the virginity of a woman and that covenant can only be broken by Yah in exceptional circumstances.
Since a man can enter into a blood covenant with more than one woman, it has always been Yah's intention for more than one woman to covenant with one man and this is His perfect will.
Pastors who teach the monogamy lie and people who believe that lie will be harshly judged on the Day of Judgement because it is sending billions of people to hell.
14. The reaction of the Pastor is a frequent response to people seeking clarification of challenging false doctrines in the church. This Pastor is in grievous sin.
Yahooshua said to call NO man teacher but that the Spirit of Yah would be the teacher, these things can only be resolved by personal consultation with Yah. We are each called to a deep personal relationship with Yah and if you do NOT have a deep personal relationship with Yah chances are that like Jack you are headed for the Lake of Fire.
15. Jack's reaction is also common for "new believers", they back off, conclude they cannot work things out themselves and become permanently dependent on a human being to have a relationship with the Almighty on their behalf and interpret things for them, or, who they THINK have a relationship with the Almighty, frequently this assumption is flawed.
16. Reading a bible with interspersed commentary is generally a mistake, it is very easy to lose track of what IS in the actual bible text and what is commentary.
17. It is not uncommon to find people in positions of leadership who do not really know the bible, do not really have a relationship with the Almighty and are in submission to a dominating Pastor and therefore crawling with demons.
18. It is challenging for a person who grew up in unbelief to become a believer later in life, there is an army of demons aligned to prevent this happening.
As discussed on the ETI list in December and recently, Christmas and Easter are both pagan feasts that give honour to Satan and other Satanic principalities and powers. There is serious demonic activity associated with participation in these events in any shape or form today. Fasting and seeking Yah is the most appropriate action on these days.
19. The tree is an Asherah, dedicated to the goddess Ishtar (Diana in Greek) and the gifts under the tree represent offerings to Ishtar. There are curses and demonic activity associated with all of this.
20. Christmas is dedicated to the sun god and, by extension to Satan himself. Christmas is the biggest act of worship to Satan on the entire planet even though ignorant believers believe they are worshipping Jesus or God or both.
If any of the blessings mentioned here were from Yah it is blasphemy to give Jesus the glory and the Satanic principalities and demons get strength from these words and demons may come upon one who makes such a statement.
21. The cross is also a pagan symbol.
Yahooshua died on a stake, a length of tree trunk NOT a cross.
The cross is a form of Ankh, a pornographic symbol with a loop instead of the single upright of the Christian cross but the Christian cross is simply a simplification of the Ankh.
The main upright of the Ankh represents an erect male penis and the cross bar and loop represent the spread legs of the woman with her vagina open and aroused for penetration.
Associated with the cross that Jill is wearing is a demon of lust and fornication that is looking for the right time to act.
The fact that Jill spent several days with her first lover after consummation means that not only does she have a blood covenant with him but she has a strong one flesh bond AND she has considerable love towards him. Collectively these factors will make it very difficult to give herself fully to any other man.
The one flesh bond also drains any anointing there may be on Jack into the man who took her virginity and through him to those who he has joined to.
Based on typical experience this means that Jill, and therefor Jack, have a strong spirit to spirit connection to virtually every other human being on the planet including witches, Satanists and other agents of Satan. The same applies to all other one flesh bonds outside the family of Jill and Jack.
22. The fact that Jill is carrying a Jezebel spirit which is a controlling demon and also the controlling demon for fornication, added to the cross around her neck and other factors discussed below there are strong drivers to cause Jill to lust.
23. Responses to Altar Calls to "keep the peace" are frequent and many who claim to be born again are not in any way in relationship with Yah for this reason, hence her disinterest in church.
24. Athletics and particularly the medal have become an idol, she is worshipping the god of her physical ability and her trophy and the dedication is being at least partially driven by demons that are trying to draw her completely away from any knowledge of Yah.
25. Kissing the medal is an act of obeisance and breaks the second Commandment. There are demons and a curse associated with this and it is drawing her further away from any knowledge of Yah.
26. Church attendance dropping is as a consequence of her worship of sport, her need to worship has been redirected from Yah to the god of sport.
27. There is no such thing as sex before marriage, the act of taking virginity is "marriage" in the sight of Yah and sex with a woman who is not a virgin, true widow or truly divorced is adultery or fornication depending on how frequently it occurs.
There is a body of opinion that holds that men should marry as soon as their libido becomes significant and the same for girls.
This can be at an age as early as about 17 for boys and 12 for girls.
Modern laws prevent this and therefore the majority of young men and young women end up in fornication.
There are massive Satanic principalities behind the wrong beliefs that trigger these laws. Remember that the focus of the forces of darkness is to send every single person to hell for eternity because then Yahooshua cannot return and the agents of Satan will go free and rule the earth for eternity.
28. In the sight of Yah Jack is still married to his woman and they are both in adultery in their marriages.
Trophy hunting for virgins is a fairly common practice in most societies and carries massive negative spiritual consequences.
When intercourse takes place a one flesh bond is formed, soul ties are formed, the demons on each party replicate onto the other party, promises are often made often to be broken almost immediately. Casual sex carries massive spiritual penalties!
29. Leaving the girl as Jack did is an abomination in the sight of Yah, it is an act of spiritual violence that Yah hates. Jack will be judged severely on the Day of Judgment if he does not repent and try and make right.
He has also picked up further demons as a consequence of his unjust putting away of this virgin and is under a further curse including the curse of adultery.
30. It is Yah's intention that when a virgin gives her virginity to a man she will instinctively want to spend the rest of her life with him, even years later she will yearn to be part of his life. This woman is far from "crazy" she is, in fact, at some level in touch with Yah's perfect will.
31. Today it is widely regarded as acceptable for people on dates to pet, engage in masturbation and even oral sex just as long as they do not "go all the way".
The fact is that anything that triggers an orgasm by one or both parties causes a weak one flesh bond to come into existence so Jack has a number of one flesh bonds hanging onto his spirit even today and joining him to all the women he has had any sexual contact with.
These one flesh bonds, soul ties, demons, etc provide a massive open door for the forces of darkness slowly but surely to draw Jack into deeper and deeper sin and bondage.
32. Jill's issues with oral sex are common but entirely contrary to the will of Yah.
Yah made us to be able to give and receive oral sex and to enjoy oral sex as a form of foreplay as an alternative source of pleasure and in a sense a form of contraception and a way of prolonging love making when the male organ is flaccid after orgasm.
As with Jack's first woman Jill has strong ties with her first man and this is massively complicating their marriage and contributing to its sure but certain demise.
33. Many people will see the affair with the prostitute as one of those things that happen with growing men.
This is definitely NOT how Father sees it and the spiritual consequences are massive.
Firstly the man now has a one flesh bond with the prostitute and through her to every other person, male and female who has ever had sex with her, there may be soul ties and there has been a massive transfer of demons.
In this case the prostitute was a junior witch who had been told that to reach the next level she needed to sacrifice one of her own babies, drink its blood and then eat it.
On the night she went with Jack she knew she was ripe for pregnancy and was more selective than normal in choosing her customer. Unknown to Jack he fathered a child which she brought to term, gave birth to and then, in the presence of her entire witches coven ritually slit its throat, drank its blood and then ate it.
She was very traumatized but she saw it through because she was committed to the coven and she knew there would be no mercy if she did not perform the full ritual.
On completing the ritual she was promoted in the coven and soon thereafter became the legal wife of the Satanist high priest in charge of the coven. She went on to become a very senior witch, opened a brothel, staffed entirely with witches and also started a pornographic website largely using pictures of witches.
Jack played a particular role in her life as the father of the first child that she sacrificed, over the years she sacrificed several more. She prayed satanic prayers over him, cursed him, claimed him for Satan and, in the physical realm kept an eye on how his life unfolded.
She was able to use the one flesh bond to tap into Jack's thoughts and send thoughts to him and therefore she was able to manipulate him to a point. She is still learning how to do this.
She does the same for every man who fathers one of her sacrifices and she also manipulates every man who has ever had sex with her who still has a one flesh bond with her, which is just about everyone because hardly anybody knows about the one flesh bond or how to pray to have it cut off.
Unknown to Jack she is coordinating things to draw him into Satan's kingdom and cause him to commit wilful sin that will cause him to lose all hope of spending eternity in heaven.
The ramifications of making use of prostitutes are FAR greater than most people understand, even if they do not go down the extreme road described here.
34. The demons, etc referred to above have been trying hard to get Jack back to prostitutes but so far his conscience and the weak presence of the Spirit of Yah have held him back.
He also has one flesh bonds, soul ties, unkept promises and demonic replication with all the other women that he had sex with. Most of them are just run of the mill people but another one has recently gone into witchcraft and is using her one flesh bond to a limited extent to manipulate Jack.
35. Jack and Jill think they are planning to marry and it will be blessed by "God" in fact what they are planning is adultery.
36. From Yah's perspective "pure" is meaningless and an abomination. Jill is not a virgin, she belongs to another man and they are planning adultery but because of the church lie about sex before marriage they think they are marrying and Yah will bless them.
37. A long dating period and long engagement either result in guilty "premarital sex" or in their suppressing their sex drive.
38. The white wedding gown, etc are all entirely pagan and carry curses. The white is supposed to symbolize virginity but does not in this case and most other cases.
All those involved in this mock wedding come under a curse and most will attract demons.
39. The rings are slave rings unless prayed over carry a curse.
Confetti is also pagan
The vows are frequently invalid and meaningless in the Court of Heaven.
More demons follow.
40. We see the increasing burden of spirits of lust on Jill causing her to lose her inhibitions and behave in a way that is inappropriate. Giving the garter to another man is immediately an act of infidelity and raising her skirt opens the door for demons of lust in the men in the crowd.
This is one reason why women not infrequently end up having sex with the best man at their own wedding.
41. Yah created us in such a way that as a man and woman get closer to each other the desire for sexual love making increases, it was His intention that consummation should follow.
Artificially suppressing desire, as in this case, results in permanent suppression that may never be overcome resulting in a cold and frigid woman.
42. The lack lustre sex drive on the wedding night after too much alcohol and too many attractive men or women, dancing, etc is commonplace and, instead of a strong consummation for the first seven days a weak and ineffective one flesh bond results.
In this case it is weaker than Jill's bond with her man {husband}, the man who took her virginity. This weakness will dog the relationship for the rest of their lives unless specific precautions are taken.
43. Use of fantasies is often encouraged by sex therapists and most people do not see much wrong with it. Even some Pastors see it has harmless.
Reality is that this takes away from the experience within the union and a weak one flesh bond is formed at the time of climax with the people that Jack and Jill are thinking of, each instance with a new fantasy partner forms another weak bond and opens the door for Satanic interference, transfer of information, etc.
44. The lack of concern on the part of the counselor is indicative of the level of ignorance. A hard message on the Ten Commandments, the Lake of Fire and coming judgment leading to heartbroken repentance is what was called for.
45. Yahooshua's covenant DOES make a way but NOT for lazy, slipshod, half-hearted repentance like this – Jack's sin is NOT forgiven, the counselor will be judged and Jack goes forward in bondage when there were a range of prayers that needed to be prayed to set him free.
46. Jack's conclusion is widespread in the church and gives rise to wholesale fornication and adultery.
47. The happenings in the new house result from some resident demonic spirits left behind by the previous owners. The house was used for orgies at one stage and there are a whole range of demons including lust present throughout the house.
There are some poltergeists and other spirits that manifest at some level, associated with an artefact buried under the house and containing human blood and body parts together with strong curses placed there during construction by an aggrieved employee of the builder. This cannot be made right except by digging a hole in the required location in the corner of the sitting room, removing the artifact, destroying it with fire and then praying to cast out the associated demons.
The reality is that Jack and Jill should never have purchased the house IF they were truly serving Yah and were praying for guidance, but they are not really serving Yah and they did not know to pray for guidance.
The spirits of lust that came with the house are particularly strong because of the wild sexual orgies that gave them the right to be there and, working together with the spirits of lust and associated legal rights already on Jack and Jill these stronger spirits have transferred to them with ease hence the increased levels of lust on the part of Jack and Jill.
Unknown to them Jane is starting to lust and to masturbate and flirt with older boys at her school and barring some drastic change it is only a matter of time before she will have her first sexual experience as she moves fully into puberty and sexual awareness, also exacerbated by the demons in the house.
She has also started to have dreams in which a ghostly man comes to her and stimulates her sexually. She is a bit afraid but also quite enjoys the orgasms she has in the middle of the night so has not told her parents.
48. Most people think that pornography is harmless however the use of pornography also brings with it demons and results in weak one flesh bonds being formed between the person masturbating and the person in the photograph.
Since much of the pornography industry is controlled by witches, agents of Satan, illuminated ones (Illuminati), etc they use these links to spread curses, demons, etc in a very low key way.
A salt covenant with Satan also may come into existence as a consequence of regular masturbation while looking at pornography – refer the article on Pornography and Masturbation a few months ago.
So we see here that Jack is progressively sliding into fornication even though he would tell you otherwise. Since demons on him replicate onto Jill she is heading in the same direction.
49. They see the Christmas bonuses as gifts from God but since they are hardly serving Father Yah at all the bonuses are actually gifts from Satan through the Jesus, God, the LORD principalities that they are largely serving.
50. The tribal masks each come with one or more demons assigned by the people who made them, those demons will affect the domestic environment around the mask.
The Buddah that was begging Jill to buy is covered in demons one of which was actively trying to get her to buy by interacting with her own demons who said she was ripe for that opening and demons on the shop owner that prompted him to give her the massive discount in order to get that particular parcel of demons into Jill's home.
Other things are happening in the house as a consequence, the physical manifestation is not yet evident.
51. The strange cross on the Egyptian art is actually a full blown Ankh showing the female sexual organ open for intercourse and they are definitely NOT Christian insofar as Christianity ostensibly relates to the worship of Yah.
52. The senior partner is in fact a high level Free Mason, highly illuminated and demon controlled.
You would not think so to meet him because he is such a nice, gentle, well spoken man but the lies about Satanists and Illuminated ones (Illuminati) mislead most people totally.
In the sections that follow you will see one of the typical lines of attack that are used to seduce and draw people into the full blown service of Satan.
53. To become a partner he will have to take blood oaths in order to become a member of the Lodge and at a point he will lose all hope of Salvation as a consequence of his weak faith.
54. Jack does not understand that when Mr Smith puts his arm around his shoulder in this fatherly way he is in fact putting demons on Jack that will make it easier to lead him into membership of the Lodge.
55. Most secret societies profess faith in Jesus, etc at the lower levels but as members progress they eventually find that they are worshiping Satan and become progressively controlled by demons.
These demonically controlled persons can be really nice pillars of society, in fact they operate and control many aspects of society.
56. This is a common tactic to lure people slowly but surely into a secret society.
57. Another common tactic.
58. An extension of the previous tactic – supported by their demons of lust which are triggered by the demons of lust on the Smith's and additional demons that attach themselves during the evening.
59. The demons that have been causing strife, etc back off and reduce their activity to make it seem that this is the right way to go, some people will experience this as the "peace of God" leading them.
60. Nearly all churches today are businesses and do not in any meaningful way conform to the way Yah wants things run.
Jack is operating here in a business capacity.
The LORD is another name for Baal, a pagan deity that accepts worship that was intended to be for Yah and is strengthened by that worship.
61. The belief that simple prayer delivers a new believer from demons is false and, since most are returning not making a first decision this belief is even further off the mark.
Jesus is now a Satanic principality associated with many demons.
62. Refer the previous teaching on Grace versus Law, the Grace taught in most of the church is way off the mark as are most of the comments about legalism.
Refer the article on the Mark of the Beast, the Ten Commandments were spoken out by Yah before millions and then written in stone, they will never change. They form the basis of judgment and every believer should review and visit the Ten Commandments regularly and examine their hearts, ask Yah to judge them and generally sort their lives out.
If Jack and Jill were to become deeply aware of the Ten Commandments right now and seek to get their lives right there might still be hope for them.
63. The flies are actually carrying demons and the spirits of human witches who are listening in on their conversations. Other witches are using astral projection to move their spirits into the room to hear what is going on.
64. As noted above, Yah started to withdraw the grace for the worship of Jesus and the name Jesus in 2001 and this withdrawal of grace is now almost complete such that only a few highly anointed ones are still having these prayers answered by Yah.
Jack is NOT one of these highly anointed ones and so his praise to Jesus and prayers to Jesus have been answered by a Satanic principality and associated demons now for several years.
65. Because Jack's church is perpetrating most of the major errors regarding the names, Sabbaths, worshipping Jesus, etc they are also largely serving Satan barring a remnant that still has relationship with Yah.
Accordingly by tithing Jack is yoked to and participates in this error and it is also charged to his account in heaven and the increasing sin and error is resulting in transfer of further demons onto the leaders of the assembly in particular.
As we have seen the cross in the car is a demonic pornographic symbol so Yah did NOT appoint the car for them and this is leading to further demons (in the car) and further sin.
66. The demons in the car are stimulating Jack's pride, lust, etc.
67. Another common tactic.
68. Another common tactic.
69. Another common tactic.
70. Another common tactic, the whole situation is being manipulated and controlled by Mr Smith and his demons interacting with Jack's demons and Jack is swallowing the bait hook, line and sinker.
Mr Smith is a highly illuminated one and has considerable knowledge of the demonic and how to control it and has been using demons to gather knowledge about Jack and Jill including getting feedback on their conversations and behaviour after the dinner.
So Mr Smith has a high level of certainty that it is safe to adopt this line with Jack.
71. Common approach.
72. Their demons were already prepared so the outcome was almost certain. Only a sudden intervention by the Spirit of Yah might have prevented this outcome but they do not have anyone really praying for them and they have not been praying defensive prayers and there are numerous demons, witches, etc praying Satanic prayers and using witchcraft against them.
73. Once he becomes one with Mrs Smith and Jill becomes one with Mr Smith, particularly in this highly charged sexual atmosphere with intense arousal stimulated by all the demons at work they almost immediately form strong one flesh bonds.
With the promises, statements of attraction, come soul ties and other spiritual links and of course massive replication of all the demons on Mr and Mrs Smith, both of whom are demon controlled, onto Jack and Jill.
There is a minute ember of the Spirit of Yah deep in Jack's spirit so he still has hope to survive, there is nothing left in Jill's spirit and she is lost for eternity with the prospect of being rapidly taken control of by the demons that till now have just been oppressing her. She is now facing demon possession.
This in turn places the remaining ember in Jack at risk and unless he sees his danger now and runs to Father Yah and divorces Jill he will also lose all hope of salvation shortly.
74. Common tactic, especially "part of the family". Wife swapping is endemic in Free Masonry and other Satanic societies and communities, by building large and strong one flesh networks within the covens and Lodges and tying these into others who have one flesh bonds with believers the agents of Satan are able to manipulate the believers with ease.
75. Almost inevitable response.
By starting their marriage with a weak one flesh bond and weak desire it was almost guaranteed that they would easily fall for an opportunity where attention was lavish and sexual favours were skilfully bestowed.
76. Common tactic.
77. Widespread – people are lured by greed for status, money, privilege, acceptance, the senior people in these organizations hand pick the most intelligent, the most gifted, the most handsome or beautiful – Satan only wants the best.
78. Many Pastors are involved in Free Masonry, right up to senior levels, this is a measure of how pervasive Satan is within the formal church.
79. Awakens curiosity, people do not like being left out, common tactic.
80. Common tactic.
81. Those with a deeper relationship with Yah MAY discern there is a problem and back out but the pressures and the negative treatment of dissenters is enough to bring most of those targeted in in time – the senior men are so nice, except when they are not but they generally do not commit the murders or beatings themselves.
82. The desired response.
83. Their deepening error is the culmination of all their sin, their lack of knowledge, the increasing level of demonization – all the different factors discussed above have been carefully coordinated in the Satanic spirit realm to bring this couple into the full blown service of Satan and they are about to win.
Praying now to Jesus is guaranteed to be a prayer to the relevant Satanic principality.
84. Another problem, Jesus may be coming soon by Yahooshua is NOT. Satanic messengers {angels} made up to look like Jesus are manifesting and giving this message. With the laying on of hands come more demons and deception.
85. Increasingly widespread deception – most Christians would end up in the Lake of Fire if Yahooshua returned today, the earth needs to be prepared for his coming, his enemies must be made his footstool and, as we have seen, the earth is currently controlled almost entirely by the forces of darkness.
86. That is the end of this parable,
If Jack attends the Lodge induction he will be required to drink blood and take a blood oath that binds him to secrecy about everything that happens in the Lodge, the oath includes a death penalty of the form of having his tongue ripped out and his heart cut out and his corpse thrown between the tides.
When he drinks the blood and takes the oath the Spirit of Yah will leave him and he will start to be taken over by demons.
As he rises through the Lodge he will eventually come to understand that the Jesus they are worshiping is actually Zeus, Satan and if he rises high enough he will become a fully-fledged servant of Satan and an Illuminated one.
I hope that this parable has opened your eyes to see more clearly what is going on around you.
These issues are complex and far different from what most understand.
I encourage you to seek Yah prayerfully to better understand this document and to understand which parts of it have relevance to YOUR life!
Where you see the need to clean up, I encourage you to use the seven days of unleavened bread to do that J
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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