2014.01.27.01 Grace withdrawn Created by James on 2/28/2019 12:47:12 PM Grace has been withdrawn for the use of the false and blasphemous names like "God", "The LORD", "Jesus", "Christ", etc. Satan is now in the Pit for his crimes against humanity and Yah is constrained from further extending grace for the errors of human beings resulting from the interference of the Satanic realm
Grace withdrawn
For many years Yah extended grace to those who used the incorrect names because we had come out of a period of intense darkness where the truth had been hidden and Yah therefore made allowances
For many decades during the twentieth century Yah sought to restore the truth but with few exceptions the men and women that He called to do this did not comprehend the importance of restoring these truths or turned away from their calling because of the extreme opposition that they encountered
In order to prepare the way for Satan to be judged and sentenced to one thousand years in the Pit it was necessary for Yah to withdraw this grace
This started on 1 January 2001 and was completed by 3 May 2003, the day on which Satan was sentenced to 1,000 years in the Pit
The use of these pagan, that is blasphemous, Satanic names now results in agents of Satan responding to ALL calls upon these names with the consequence that the majority of people on earth today who regard themselves as believers in the Creator are, in fact, having their prayers answered by the Satanic realm
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