2014.01.29 NOT LORD Created by James on 2/28/2019 1:42:44 PM The LORD is an accurate translation of "Baal" which is the name of a pagan (Satanic) mighty one (idol) and should NOT be used to describe the Almighty OR Yahooshua {Jesus}
The Name of the Almighty is NOT "The LORD" it is "Yah" and Yahooshua is NOT "The LORD" either
"The LORD" is an accurate translation of "Baal" which is the name of a pagan (Satanic) mighty one (idol) and should NOT be used to describe the Almighty OR Yahooshua {Jesus}
The use of "The LORD" and "the lord" to describe the Almighty and Yahooshua respectively has contributed to the confusion in terms of which Yahooshua is believed by many to be the Almighty, this is serious error and breaks the first commandment
Read the section on the Inquisition to better understand how believers were pressured into adopting false names
The phrase traditionally translated "The LORD" is the Hebrew phrase "Yahooeh", frequently inaccurately transliterated as "Yahweh" -- the meaning of this Hebrew phrase is "Yah the Eternally Self-Existing" -- "Yah" being the essential name of the Almighty Creator and "eternally self-existing" being a fundamental description of His existence
The tradition of translating "Yahooeh" as "The LORD" stems from a Jewish tradition of substituting "Adonai", Hebrew for "lord" instead of "Yah the eternally self-existing" for fear of taking the Name of "Yah" in vain
Yah desires us to call Him by His true Name and refer to Him by that Name, "Yah"
It is serious sin to call Yah "The LORD" which translates as "my Baal" and thus "The LORD" is a blasphemous name
Because "Yahoo" is a shortened form of "Yahooeh" it is also a blasphemous name and therefore, IF you are a believer and you care about pleasing your Father in Heaven you should move away from ANY use of the "Yahoo" Internet service whether for email, groups or search services

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