2014.01.36 Yahooshua died on a Stake NOT a Cross Created by James on 3/6/2019 10:33:43 AM The cross is a blasphemous pagan symbol, Yahooshua died on a stake, this is evident even in the Greek Texts but has been incorrectly translated to reflect Roman pagan Christian practice and belief
Yahooshua {Jesus} died on a stake NOT a cross
The cross is a blasphemous pagan symbol, Yahooshua died on a stake, this is evident even in the Greek Texts but has been incorrectly translated to reflect Roman pagan Christian practice and belief

Yahooshua died on an upright "stauros" or stake -- a length of tree trunk
It is sin to use the cross as a religious emblem of any sort and even greater sin to "make the sign of the cross", portray Yahooshua hanging on a cross, wear a crucifix, etc
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2013.10.08 - The Essence of the issues relating to the Bible
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The following are what I currently understand to be THE issues with regard to the Bible
1. Yah wants relationship
Yah wants us to seek a DEEP personal relationship with HIM NOT a book. He created us for relationship. Yah says that the Bible is “the greatest idol on earth”. People mistake Yah’s grace in working with the Bible as indicating His approval, big mistake.
2. The Bible is the outcome of a battle between Yah and Satan that Yah lost
The Bible is the outcome of a battle between Satan and Yah through men that resulted in only one very limited collection of fragments of writings being preserved to become what we call “The Bible” – from biblios – Greek for book.
3. The English translations and derivatives are massively corrupt
The English translations and those derived from them are massively corrupt in in terms of the use of blasphemous and corrupt names and concepts such as “The LORD”, “God”, “Jesus”, “Christ”, “holy”, “cross”, bias towards deity of Jesus, “Old Testament – New Testament”, false bias against Yah’s form of union between man and woman, etc, etc. Much material on the website discusses this.
4. The Bible is mostly a reasonably accurate historical account
The writings in the Bible ARE for the most part a reliable and accurate, albeit very limited, historical record, as far as it goes, there are massive gaps.
5. Less than 2% of the Bible is inspired
Yah says that “less than 2% of the Bible is inspired”. The Bible DOES included some passages and verses that ARE direct from Yah but these are scattered amongst the other text which is simply writings based on knowledge. Key elements of Revelation ARE accurate.
6. The Bible is based on fragments of manuscript
The Bible is based on fragments of manuscripts preserved through persecution and neglect. Very little of the original text in the “New Testament” was written in Greek and there was NO control of scribal error and emendation. Much of the “Old Testament” was written from memory in Babylon.
7. Massive emphasis on building doctrine from the Bible leads to massive error
The massive emphasis on building doctrine from the Bible has led to what Yah calls “wholesale error” and given the forces of darkness almost total freedom to mislead believers. The church is breaking ALL of the Ten Commandments assisted by the Bible.
8. Yah hates the Bible because it leads men away from Him
Yah hates the Bible because it is Satan’s way of forcing Yah to interact with nearly all believers on Satan’s terms. Satan hates it for the limited truth it DOES contain and that Yah IS able to lead some people to deep relationship with Himself through it.
9. Yah wants relationship
Fundamentally Yah wants DEEP personal relationship with EVERY single person and the Bible gets in the way of that.
See other articles at http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/TheBible.aspx for much more information.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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2013.09.07 - Clarification re Jesus, God, The LORD, Christ, Bible, Cross, etc are Satanic
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Some were offended by my recent articles on the name Jesus and the Bible having Satanic connotations
To clarify
“The LORD” is used instead of “Yahooeh, also incorrectly represented as “Yahweh” – Yahooeh is a Hebrew phrase meaning "Yah the eternally self-existing" which is the fundamental name of the Almighty Creator of the heavens and the earth – “The LORD” is an accurate translation of "Baal" the name of a pagan demonic god;
“Christ” is used instead of "anointing of the Spirit of Yah" and "anointed of the Spirit of Yah" – “Christ” is an inaccurate and meaningless term and is NOT a synonymous name for Yahooshua, it is a term that refers to his being anointed with the Spirit of Yah, a condition that applies to ANY anointed believer through the ages, including today -- any significantly anointed person is, a "Christ" -- this incorrect language is in large measure responsible for people believing that Yahooshua IS Yah whereas it is the anointing of the Spirit of Yah, the "Christ" that is Yah -- this translation error is Satanically inspired and for this reason Yah hates it;
The Bible is a compilation of writings, some of them at some level written by anointed men and containing SOME anointed content, however it was compiled by the Roman Church by men who were NOT appointed to the task by Yah and its contents represent the outcome of a struggle between Yah to preserve some truth and Satan to destroy all truth -- so, while the Bible does contain some level of inspiration the lies about it have led the vast majority of believers AWAY from a deep relationship with Yah and rather to lean on their understanding and intellect and that of others and this, in turn has led men to worship the book and, for this reason, because the worship of the book stands between Yah and man, Yah hates the book even though he has been forced to work through it;
Yahooshua was and IS a man and an anointed spokesman {prophet} and NOT Yah in any shape or form, it is grievous sin to worship him, or Jesus, or any other man;
There are MANY other errors such that the church is comprehensively breaking ALL of the Ten Commandments of Yah and teaching men to break them in the name of The LORD, Jesus, God and Christ – these are discussed in articles on my website.
For many years Yah has tolerated these errors and extended Grace with regard to them in recognition of the fact that the lies have prevailed for many generations and were all that men knew and most men were reliant on others for their information. However, now, with the Internet, we are no longer reliant on the person in the pulpit or even on published and expensive books, we can search for truth ourselves and, since all the above truths have been published on the Internet for over a decade, there is now NO excuse for people NOT to know the correct names and use them and also NOT to know the truth about the other items.
Furthermore, on 3 May 2003, the Court of Heaven was convened and Satan was brought before Yah and charged with his sin of rebellion, his lies and all the evil that he has brought to earth, he was found guilty and sentenced to 1,000 years in the Pit – see attachment.
At this point, since Satan had been convicted, there was no basis for Yah to continue to grant grace to those who walked in the above errors and all the other errors as it would have been unjust towards Satan.
Accordingly, at that point Yah ceased to grant grace for ALL the above errors and handed men over to be deceived and serve the demonic gods that they were worshipping and speaking about.
A small number of believers who had significant relationship with Yah continue to have experiences with Yah despite their error but they are falling away rapidly.
Thus, in September 2013, at the Feast of Tabernacles, it is vital to understand that people who continue to use these names and observe these traditions are giving their worship and praise to demons and to Satan and NOT to Yah and Yah is ANGRY with the hardness of their hearts and has given them over to the demons they are worshipping and serving.
I hope that this clarifies the situation.
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2012.04.01 -- Why Yahooshua had to die THAT way
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With Easter just past and, as it happened this year, Passover as well, there have been all sorts of spurious information about Jesus [Yahooshua] broadcast on TV and radio
I have long since avoided watching most of this stuff because most is serious error and in many cases dangerous but I felt impressed to watch one program that went to great lengths to suggest that the early Christian church went to great lengths to align itself with Rome and distance itself from the Jews by changing the so-called “Gospel” accounts to present themselves as being favourably disposed to Rome by portraying Pontius Pilate as the good guy who did not want to execute Yahooshua and the Jews as the bad guys for killing the “Saviour”
Not only are such explanations an indication of how removed people are from knowledge of Yah and His ways they are also paving the way once more for dangerous Christian hostility towards the Jewish people
Given that virtually ALL Western Europeans (and most of the people of the rest of the earth) are descended from the Tribes of Israel that went into Exile and migrated in other ways and that therefore nearly the entire so-called “Western World” and much of the rest of the world are children of Israel and that therefore much of the Christian church are members of that church by virtue of their Hebrew heritage this is not only tragic but highly unwise
Accordingly, I would like to summarize why it is so that every aspect of the way that Yahooshua died was in accordance with a carefully laid plan of Yah in consultation with Yahooshua before he was conceived as a created human being and that any attempt to distort or change the fundamental facts is hugely dangerous and is just one of the many things that brands mainstream Christianity as one of the most extremely pagan religions on earth today because while in appearance knowing the truth it distorts the truth to such an extent that it becomes of NO EFFECT!
Remember that the worship of Yahooshua is a heinous sin and the worship of Jesus (= derivative of Zeus) is an even greater sin
Following are the main reasons why Yahooshua had to die EXACTLY the way he died:
1. Fulfill the utterances of Yah through His spokesmen {prophecies}
There were diverse prophecies regarding a coming anointed one who would become king, etc – it was necessary for Yahooshua to die this way in order for these prophecies to be fulfilled
2. Fulfill the Torah {Law} of Moshe {Moses}
Yahooshua pointed out that the Torah {Law} of Moshe {Moses} spoke of him – it spoke of him through the offerings {sacrifices} appointed by Yah through Moshe, the ordinances for appointment of a High Priest, the ordinances for the offering of an atoning offering {sacrifice}, etc
Since the records attributed to Moshe speak ONLY of an anointed spokesman like Moshe in one place and are otherwise silent about Yahooshua we have to conclude that the entire series of covenant offerings appointed by Moshe in fact prepared the way for Yahooshua and therefore “spoke” of Yahooshua
3. His blood on the children of Israel – atoning sacrifice and new covenant
It was necessary after Pontius Pilate found Yahooshua innocent, and therefore a lamb without spot or blemish, for the people of Israel and particularly the High Priest to declare “his blood be upon us and upon our children” – this was an inspired {prophetic} declaration that allowed the blood of Yahooshua to be sprinkled metaphorically over all the descendants of Israel that would ever live after that time – without this proclamation Yahooshua’s death would NOT have been an offering for atonement and, in part, his death would have been of no effect
To use this statement to justify the abominations of the holocaust, the Crusades and all the other horrifying atrocities committed against the Jews since the death of Yahooshua is a great affront to the covenant and will result in many who regard themselves as devout Christians being cast into the Lake of Fire on the Day of Judgment
4. In order to become Priest
It was necessary for the High Priest to proclaim Yahooshua to be “Anointed one” {Messiah} and by extension of the inspired words about the anointed king also proclaim Yahooshua to be Priest, even though in ridicule and to lay hands on him in ordination, even though in violent abuse
Had the High Priest not sarcastically proclaimed those words over Yahooshua and laid hands on him Yahooshua could NEVER have become Priest and another part of his life and death would have been rendered of NO effect
5. In order to become King of all human kings
It was necessary first for the High Priest and Jewish people to ridicule Yahooshua as anointed one and by extension king and then for Herod and his men to ridicule him as king and finally for Pontius Pilate the legal Governor and representative of the Roman Emperor to declare him King of the Jews in writing for Yahooshua to become King
Were this not to have happened Yahooshua would NOT be King of kings today and another part of his life and death would have been rendered of NO effect
6. In order to be declared without sin and therefore a suitable sacrifice
It was necessary for Yahooshua to be found to be a lamb without spot or blemish BEFORE he could be offered as a sacrifice. This scrutiny took place first by the High Priests who were unable to find any case against him until they trumped up a false charge of blasphemy based on their Rabbinical rules and NOT the Torah of Yah.
Then, Pontius Pilate confirmed him to be righteous and without sin when he washed his hands of the case and handed him over to the Jews to be executed
Had he not been examined and found to be without spot or blemish his entire death would have been in vain
7. It was necessary for him to die on a stake in order to become a curse
Much is made of Yahooshua dying on a cross but the cross is a Satanic symbol, Yahooshua was hung on a length of tree trunk or stake in accordance with the ordinances of Yah such that he became a curse for us and provided the authority to break curses in our lives
8. For his blood to fall on the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant
In order to be ordained Priest, offer atonement and usher in the new covenant it was necessary for Yahooshua to die of a ruptured heart through anguish thereby releasing copious amounts of blood AND water and for his side to be pierced by the spear in order to release the diluted blood with sufficient fluidity to flow down the stake and about six meters down the earthquake crack at the foot of the stake in order to fall onto the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant that was hidden in a cave DIRECTLY under the point of execution having been hidden there by Jeremiah approximately 600 years earlier when the Babylonians overran Jerusalem
So we see that the entire saga of Yahooshua’s massively traumatic death was NECESSARY and PRE-PLANNED by Yah in order usher in the new Covenant, new Priesthood and new Kingship of the reign of Yahooshua
It is also VITAL to understand that this was ONLY possible because Yahooshua was 100% a man and NOT Yah in the flesh and that he led his life as an example to us led by the anointing of the Spirit of Yah upon his flesh in order to evidence that it is possible for YOU AND I to live such a life in the authority of the name of king Yahooshua!
It is vital to understand these principles otherwise you are likely to draw dangerously wrong conclusions relating to the death of Yahooshua which could see you found guilty of serious wrong doing on the Day of Judgment
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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