2014.01.39.05 The End of the Age Created by James on 3/6/2019 11:07:38 AM We ARE in the end of the Age but NOT the end that most people are talking about. This era is scheduled to run for one thousand years from 2003, when Satan was cast into the Pit for a thousand years. This End Time will run until roughly 3003.
The End of the Age
There is constant talk of the end of the age being at hand "Jesus is coming soon" is a common statement
This is false
Yahooshua MAY return at the end of the age, around 3003, that is 990 years from now IF there is a believer free of sin to call for his return
In the intervening period those who believe are called to clean up their lives, seek truth, share truth and apply that truth in their lives
Insofar as Satan was banished to the Pit on 3 May 2003 there WAS a change in the age and so the age of "Reformation" in a sense came to an end at that point and we now find ourselves in the final stage of the contest between Yah and Satan
2013.03.12 - Jesus is NOT Coming Soon
I regularly receive emails from people complaining about the situation on this planet and remarking that it is a blessing that "Jesus is coming soon" or words to that effect .
This points to a huge error that is almost universal amongst believers and which has its roots in a fundamental doctrinal and translation error that is one of the many errors that have been prevalent in the body of believers from at least around 600 AD
The true situation is as follows:
1. Revelation 20:4 refers to "reign with Christ for a thousand years"
2. People believe that "Christ" equates with Yahooshua and therefore Yahooshua {Jesus} will return to sort out the mess
3. This is incorrect, the word "Christ" relates to the anointing of the set-apart {holy} Spirit of the Almighty Creator, Yah the eternally self existing, on men
4. So this verse says that anointed ones will reign with the anointing of the Spirit of Yah for a thousand years
5. This will happen from the time that Satan is cast into the Pit for a thousand years -- this happened in May 2003
6. Prophets and Apostles of Yah have been anointing people as kings since early in this century
7. Yahooshua {Jesus} is SEATED at the Right Hand of the Father WAITING for his enemies to be MADE his footstool
8. The anointed ones must make Yahooshua's enemies his footstool by defeating evil and falsehood on the earth
9. Failing this Yahooshua will NEVER return, Satan will be released from the Pit and will reign on earth for eternity
10. Yahooshua will return ONLY to catch up the people of the earth to stand before the Judgment Seat
11. We have slightly under one thousand years to develop a deep personal relationship with the Creator, be filled with His Spirit, learn truth, teach truth and apply truth -- which is what reigning on earth is all about
May Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, the Almighty Creator, bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you.

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