2014. Revivals Created by James on 3/6/2019 11:46:57 AM Many people today are crying out for "revival" and alleged revivals are happening, Yah says that these revivals are NOT from them, they are demonic in response to prayer and worship in the false names, observing the false sabbaths and the general sin of the body of believers. The dispensation has changed and true dramatic and powerful Spirit Led revivals are NO longer possible
There is a major thrust amongst many Christians for "revival" echoing revivals that have taken place in previous generations
Sadly, because these calls are taking place in the name of Jesus and since the grace with regard to the false names has been withdrawn, these revivals are in fact Satanic in effect
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2013.02.02 - Most Revivals today are Satanic and Demonic
I regularly receive communications with regard to "Revivals" around the world
In interpreting these reports it is vital to keep the following in mind:
1. Satan was cast into the Pit for a thousand years in May 2003
2. We are called to Reign with the anointing of the set-apart Spirit of Yah during this thousand years and regain dominion over the forces of darkness
3. Yah has been resting since Satan was cast into the Pit and is NO LONGER operating in the way He was BEFORE May 2003
4. We are operating in an entirely NEW dispensation and our experience BEFORE 2003 is NOT applicable to the present age
5. ALL grace with regard to the blasphemous names "God", "The LORD", "Jesus", etc has been WITHDRAWN -- there is judgment for the use of those names
6. ALL grace with regard to the worship of Jesus, the so-called Trinity, worship of the Bible, etc has ALSO been withdrawn and there is judgment for these sins too
Accordingly please be aware that any report of dramatic supernatural activity that does NOT take place in terms of the true names "Yah" or "Yah the eternally self existing" or, within limitations, "Yahooshua", are effected by the Satanic realm through the manifestation and operation of fallen messengers {angels} and demons -- this INCLUDES healings and other signs and wonders
Be VERY cautious of who you listen to
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and grant you His peace.

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