2014. History Revisited Created by James on 3/6/2019 12:33:57 PM Without an understanding that there was a global tectonic and flood event about 4,500 years ago we cannot understand history, once we understand this then many things take on a completely different perspective
History Revisited
An almost universal error on the earth today is a complete lack of understanding of the massive disruption of the surface of the earth associated with the flood of Noah and also almost universal lack of awareness that this DID in fact happen only around 4,500 years ago
The evidence of this flood is widespread for those with eyes to see and understanding of the reality of this flood gives a radically different perspective of history
In particular it is vital to understand that mankind and the planet have been degrading steadily for the last six thousand years with minor corrections in the recent past
Awareness of this reality gives a drastic change in perspective with regard to life on earth
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