2014. Death with Yahooshua Created by James on 3/8/2019 10:15:08 AM Death with Yahooshua
Death with Yahooshua
Seeking to die to this world, as Yahooshua did, is a key factor in coming to a point of an intense anointing and close walk with Yah
Fasting is an integral part of this
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2011.07.08 - Death with Yahooshua
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In a recent conversation the subject of "I am executed with Yahooshua {Jesus} it is no longer I that live but the anointing of the Spirit of Yah {Christ} that lives in me" (Galatians 2:20) was raised.
Pondering this conversation later it occurred to me that many people do not know how to achieve this spiritual state in their own lives and so I thought I would write a bit about why one would seek this state and how one would go about achieving it should one decide it was something of value.
This article seeks to answer these questions.
1. What IS death with Yahooshua?
Before we can discuss accomplishing death with Yahooshua we need to define what it is.
Death with Yahooshua is a spiritual state in which the Spirit of Yah {the LORD} indwells a person at such a level that the Spirit of Yah guides and directs that person at a level that in some measure it is Yah living in and through that person rather than the person living in their own strength and ability.
Death with Yahooshua is NOT necessarily a visible spiritual state. Some who are truly dead with Yahooshua AND who have achieved a high level of anointing (infilling with the set-apart {holy} Spirit of Yah) will be visibly different but most of the time there is no visible difference.
Death with Yahooshua is a state in which the will, thoughts, words and actions of the person who has died with Yahooshua are subject in large measure to the Spirit of Yah and their own earthly desires are at some material level laid aside in order for Yah to live through them.
2. Why seek death with Yahooshua?
Most people would question why on earth one would seek "death with Yahooshua" – the short answer is that this is what we were created for – to have such a close and intimate relationship with Father Yah that He can live in and through us.
That is "the way" that Yahooshua refers to when he states "I am the way, the truth and the light" – it is the way of self-sacrifice, of setting aside self and worldly desires so that Yah can live in and through us and therefore reign on earth.
We are called to align our intellect, our minds, our wills, our words and our actions with that which we are lead to do by the Spirit of Yah in order that He can move through us.
This is the highest and most important spiritual state on earth, it is why we were created, to be in such close fellowship with our Daddy in Heaven that He infills and indwells us.
If you have any fear of the Day of Judgement, if you have any respect for Daddy Yah, if you desire to please Him and bring Him joy then dying with Yahooshua is a non-negotiable necessity.
If you are happy to blunder along from day to day, do not think there is a Day of Judgment and do not fear spending eternity in the lake of fire and brimstone then this article is NOT for you.
3. How to achieve death with Yahooshua – faith – an attitude
Without Faith it is not possible to please Yah.
Dying to self or dying with Yahooshua is first and foremost a work of faith.
It is an invisible state, a state that is not readily amenable to intellectual interpretation, it relates to a state of being and a level of relationship with Daddy Yah so, before one can seek this state one must believe by faith that Daddy Yah exists, one must choose by faith to seek to please Him, one must choose by faith to seek to die with Yahooshua and one must believe by faith that all these elements are valid, valuable and achievable.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen.
4. How to achieve death with Yahooshua – prayers – words are critical
Once you have chosen to exercise your will to seek death with Yahooshua by faith the next step is to speak the words that are necessary to bring this into existence.
All things are created by words, our entire knowledge of the things of the Kingdom of Yah is framed and defined by words and, in some cases, words associated with tangible experiences.
Prayers are simply petitions or requests to the Court of Heaven for consideration by the presiding Judge, Father Yah, assisted by our advocate, Yahooshua the anointed of Yah and opposed by the prosecutor or accuser Satan and his cohorts of Angelic and demonic beings.
Before you can die with Yahooshua you must at some level take a decision to seek death with Yahooshua and you must then SPEAK out the words that are necessary for this state to be achieved.
There is no simple recipe, each person will walk this road using different words, prayers, etc but the principles are valid for all.
Following are some prayers that you might choose to pray in seeking to die with Yahooshua.
All should be prefaced with wording along the lines of "Father Yah I come to you in the name of Yahooshua and I ask that …" and should end with wording similar to "I ask this in the name of Yahooshua" – it is up to you to determine the wording that seems most appropriate to you.
In praying these prayers please keep in mind that the change that you are seeking is complex, multifaceted, abstract, intangible and takes time to achieve – you will need to pray these prayers regularly for years and do what you find to do from time to time in order to reach the required spiritual state.
Be aware that this is a journey that you are embarking on that will last for the rest of your life if you are willing to walk this road for that long, and you should walk it for the rest of your life because it leads to the most important spiritual state available to us as human beings.
Prayers might include:
… I ask you to put my flesh to death with Yahooshua and to fill me with your set-apart Spirit that I may serve you more perfectly …
… I ask you to help me to overcome to the end …
… I ask you to help me to live my life so I may be found to be a good and faithful servant on the Day of Judgment …
… I ask you to help me to bring you Joy every day of my life …
… I ask you to show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it …
… I ask you to judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly …
… I ask you to enlarge my territory in knowledge of you and your ways and your will and your kingdom …
… I ask you to take the people you do not want in my life out …
… I ask you to bring the people you want in my life in …
… I ask you to close the doors in my life that you desire closed …
… I ask you to open the doors in my life that you desire opened …
… I ask you to grant me sensitivity to know when you are opening or closing doors or taking people out or in and I ask you to help me not to get in your way …
… I ask you to speak to me in whatever way I am able to hear you – through people, radio, TV, videos, movies, newspapers, magazines, books, emails, websites or in any other way I am able to hear you …
… I give my life to you totally to do with as you see fit …
… humble me when I become proud …
… correct me whenever I step out of line …
… my desire is to please you and serve you to the full extent that you desire for the rest of my life …
You should also pray defensive prayers, take the bread and wine of the covenant regularly (I do so daily), as discussed in other articles on the ETI List.
Pray anything as you are led and, by faith, expect that your prayers will be answered.
Be alert to guidance in whatever shape or form it comes to you and do your best not to kick against the guidance that will follow from praying prayers such as those listed above.
In the first year after I asked Father to take the people He did not want in my life out he removed a large number of people from my life.
Be aware that some of the above prayers may result in almost immediate answers but that most of the time the answers to these prayers will come on an on-going basis for years and years. As a guide, death to self will probably take at least five to ten years of committed and obedient service to Yah before you reach a level where the level of death to self becomes apparent to those around you. It can happen more rapidly if you really "go for it!"
During this time you may have many intense experiences and may experience great rejection, misunderstanding, opposition, criticism, etc.
The forces of darkness HATE people who make the choices and pray the prayers listed above so expect all hell to break lose against you when you start seeking this state of being.
Expect personal loss, financial loss, material loss, emotional pain beyond anything you have ever considered possible, you will, in time if you are diligent and committed experience the pain of death in a pronounced and enduring fashion. BUT, IF (and it is a BIG IF) you continue, if your commitment does not cave it, if your resolve is significant you will eventually attain your goal.
You may not achieve the fullness of what is possible, very few people do and in this age there is no one who is walking at anything near the fullness of what is possible but that should not discourage you.
Your benchmark is Yahooshua NOT other people in this age. Your goal should be to walk in the power and authority and anointing that Yahooshua walked in, to do the works Yahooshua did and GREATER works, to be an example to others and to roll back the oppressive deep darkness that blankets the world today.
5. How to achieve death with Yahooshua – fasting – actions
In order to die with Yahooshua words are not enough, actions are also required.
Faith actions will be required as Father leads you down the road He has chosen for you.
He might ask you to sell all you own and give to the poor, He might tell you to move to another country, He might tell you to do any number of things and it is a measure of your commitment and death to self as to how readily you obey in what He calls you to do.
Father will not only call you to do things that involve what people might regard as noble sacrifice, He can ask you to do any number of things.
It might be as simple as stopping and giving a word of knowledge or encouragement and some money to a person at the side of the road but it could be much more than that.
However, in your quest to be put to death with Yahooshua one of the most important actions that Father is likely to require of you is fasting.
Yahooshua fasted for forty days in the wilderness before he began his ministry, there are other examples. Moses fasted twice for forty days while he was on the Mountain with Yah. In both cases they undertook total fasts – in modern terms it is probable that you will die before you can complete a forty day total fast with no food and no water – one must be walking under an extremely intense anointing before such a fast is possible.
However a forty day fast in which only water is consumed is entirely possible and I know a number of people who have undertaken such fasts, some more than once. There is a school of thought which holds that one should not enter full time ministry without undertaking a forty day water only fast.
You should ONLY undertake such a fast IF Father clearly instructs you to do so and you should be careful not to engage in demanding physical activity. It is probable that for the last ten to twenty days of the fast you will be too weak to do much and you may find yourself confined to bed.
It is vital to understand that it is entirely appropriate for you to feel weak – you are after all in a very real sense seeking the death of your flesh in a forty day fast and this weakens your resistance to the Spirit of Yah operating in your body and in your life.
It really is so that one is seeking a state in which the presence of the Spirit of Yah in your body is so great that you are dead without His Spirit and you are only able to live by His Spirit within you.
Anything less than this is a weak counterfeit of what Yah desires in your life.
I personally would suggest that if you do such a fast you might take a small quantity of bread and grape juice up to three times a day, pray the terms of the covenant and ask Father to put your flesh to death with Yahooshua and fill you with His Spirit. Others would see this as a compromise.
If you are not able to take time off work at the level that will allow you to be too weak to work for a period of several weeks you might consider other forms of fast.
I have once undertaken eight three day fasts at intervals of ten days – seven days eating normally and three days fasting and I have also once undertaken seven three day fasts at intervals of seven days – four days eating normally and three days fasting.
In the latter case I undertook a total fast barring a small amount of bread and grape juice for the first three days and last three days of the seven fasts – I was on medication that precluded me fasting absolutely totally. For the remaining five fasts I drank reasonably large quantities of water.
It is regarded as inadvisable that one should go on more than one total three day fast (no solids or liquids) in a period of three to six months as there is apparently a risk of kidney damage.
Do whatever Father leads you to do at any point in time, this is NOT recipe stuff.
One may also make personal physical sacrifices in other ways such as spending considerable periods of time praying or worshiping or reading inspired texts – I once read the entire bible in about seven days spending the entire feast of unleavened bread reading.
Father may ask other sacrifices of you.
The issue is obedience and drawing close to Father NOT ritual or recipe.
As you journey down this road EXPECT to hear Father more clearly, EXPECT Him to test your obedience, the more you obey the more you will grow.
Different people will grow in different ways, if you do not find yourself healing the sick and raising the dead do not be discouraged, Father may be anointing you in other ways, including in wisdom in business.
6. Things that will get in the way of achieving death with Yahooshua
Disobedience is the number one obstacle to achieving death with Yahooshua – if you refuse to do the things that Yah asks you to do, whether as simple as giving a beggar some money and encouragement or giving a prophetic message to a high profile minister of religion to giving away some asset you are emotionally attached to, to fasting, to … you will NOT grow in Him and you will NOT die to self and achieve death with Yahooshua.
The more you obey, no matter what, the more you will grow.
Worrying about what people think, particularly what people at church think or what the Pastor thinks or your wife or husband thinks or … is another major factor that will prevent you from growing in Yah and dying to self. Fear of people and the reactions of people is probably the single biggest factor that prevents people achieving what we are discussing in this article or which causes people who have achieved very high levels of relationship, anointing and death to self to fall away.
If you go this route expect to be taken out of the formal church establishment as an almost guaranteed part of the journey.
Pride, lust and other factors can all get in the way.
Remember that the entire panoply of the forces of darkness hate those who seek to die with Yahooshua and they will do all they can to distract you, lie to you, tell you it is not important or that you have got there already, etc.
7. Becoming an anointed one {a REAL Christian}
As you may have realized, the essence of death with Yahooshua is about becoming a truly anointed one.
You may also have realized by now that the lack of the above knowledge, prayers, fasts, etc is one of the major reasons why there are so few truly anointed one's on earth. Remember that a few months ago Yah said to me that there were less than 100,000 people on earth who were truly anointed and of those there were less than 5,000 who were sufficiently anointed to be making some sort of difference on earth.
The question for you is whether YOU are one of those or whether you ASPIRE to be one of those and whether you are willing to pay the price to become one of those or to retain your standing if you are already one of those.
Remember that there are only two conditions – you are either getting closer to Yah or closer to Satan, you cannot get a certain distance up Yah's mountain and remain there indefinitely, you must keep climbing or the forces of darkness will pull you back.
Remember also that the word "Christian" at least nominally means "anointed one" and that virtually none of those who call themselves "Christian" are in fact truly anointed at a level where they are actually doing something of value for the Kingdom of Yah – where are YOU on this scale? – truly an anointed one or simple a nominal "Christian"?
The highest achievement on earth is to become a truly anointed servant of Yah, one who has put Yah first, who has died with Yahooshua, this is the MOST VALUABLE prize to bring to the throne of Judgment on THAT GREAT DAY!
Are you prepared?
Are you willing to make those sacrifices?
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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