2014. What IS special about Yahooshua? Created by James on 3/8/2019 10:33:47 AM What IS special about Yahooshua?
What IS special about Yahooshua?
The spirit that was placed in the man Yahooshua was the first created spirit being and worked as an assistant to Yah throughout the Creative process
As such he was fully informed about the situation on earth and the contest and was able to live a life without sin
He was born of a virgin so that there were NO bloodline curses operating on him, this also enabled him to live free of sin
By doing this he set an example ("the way")
He died without sinning and death therefore had NO hold on him and so he was resurrected and gained authority over the forces of darkness which he subsequently delegated to those who follow him
As the first born from the dead he holds the highest rank in Heaven as king of all human kings and lord of all human lords
<<< PREVIOUS SUB-SECTION: Yahooshua is WAITING for his enemies to be made his footstool
NEXT SUB-SECTION: Yahooshua will return once the true message has been preached to ALL the earth >>>
2011.01.02 - So – what IS special about Yahooshua – REALLY?
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If you have read the chain of recent articles you may be wondering if I attach any particular importance to Yahooshua at all.
Many people seem to think that because I believe that Yahooshua is "just a man" and NOT Yah in the flesh that somehow I am devaluing Yahooshua.
On the contrary, rather than believing that Yahooshua is Yah masquerading as a man I accord Yahooshua GREATER RESPECT because he achieved what he achieved by living entirely as a man and NOT being Yah AT ALL.
This article headlines the distinct elements of Yahooshua's existence that I consider to be worthy of comment and worthy of esteem as one human being to another human being.
What Yahooshua accomplished IS HUGE but it lies in areas of extreme obedience, self-control, self-discipline, etc and in strict legal compliance with the commandments and fundamental legal principles of Yah.
Yahooshua above all things showed us the WAY to live life fully dead to self and filled with the Spirit of Yah as discussed in the previous article on "NOT I that live, Yah that lives in me".
1. First created being – Yah's executive second in command
Yahooshua's first claim to fame lies in the fact that when Yah began with the work of creation Yahooshua was the first spirit being that Yah created and that ever since then Yahooshua (NOT his name in the beginning) was alongside Yah as his executive assistant, if you like, his second in command.
2. Gave up all his rights, authority and powers to come to earth as a human infant
That is not so remarkable.
What is MORE REMARKABLE is that Yahooshua, the massively powerful created being gave up ALL his rights, authority and power to be injected into a human foetus as the spirit in the foetus that became the child Yahooshua (NOT anointed), son of Miriam of Natzareth, born approximately 2007 years ago.
You might ask WHY would anyone so powerful do that, particularly since he fully knew that he would live a challenging life, be tortured and abused terribly and die a terrible death with the real risk that if he sinned during the planned thirty three and a half years he would die in the same way as every other human being died with sin in their lives and with no hope of redemption.
Quite a serious risk!
So, WHY did he do it?
Because he was promised by Yah that IF he succeeded he would become king of ALL human kings and lord of all human lords and be honoured for eternity, and maybe he felt so strongly about the wrong that Satan had done that he was determined to make it right and please his loving heavenly Father?
Simple really – HEAVY PAIN – HEAVY GAIN!
3. Minor creative miracle – no father and therefore no bloodline curses
There is a minor creative miracle associated with the conception of Yahooshua.
Nothing major really.
Minor compared to the creation of Adam from the dust of the earth and the creation of Chavah {Eve} from the rib of the man (Adam).
And certainly NOT the Spirit of Yah in some perverse way having sex with Miriam as some people seem to think.
In this sense Yahooshua the created human being was just as much a son of Yah as Adam was – less if anything and just as much a son of Adam as other human beings, again, less if anything.
The principal gain from the no earthly father piece was that the blood line curses and associated demons that pass down the father's blood line were skipped so it was technically possible for Yahooshua to start life without sin, a head start on the rest of us here...
4. Lived for thirty years as an ordinary mortal with no anointing (and no sin) unnoticed by Satan
Satan had a few attempts at killing Yahooshua shortly after his birth but after the murder of the children under two in and around Bethlehem it would appear that he assumed that either he had got the prophesied child, or that someone got the dates wrong or got the wrong prophesy or that he did not have a clue where to look next so he waited for a time when Yahooshua would show himself.
What is relevant here is that Yahooshua did NOT have a special name.
He had the same name as countless other Hebrews before him, Yahooshua, meaning Yah is salvation.
Yes, a prophetic indication of what his purpose was but not unique in the same way that the Hebrew of the same name that we mostly know as Joshua was an instrument for Yah's salvation when he brought the children of Israel into the Promised Land.
The key point to note about Yahooshua here is that he managed to live for thirty years without sinning.
No swearing at the neighbour's cat, daughter, son, etc.
No lusting after the girl next door.
No slightly off colour joke, probably no jokes at all since jokes generally involve lies.
No "little white lie".
No bubble gum stolen from the corner store.
Quite a remarkable achievement all things considered and one that we do not esteem nearly as much as we should AND aspire to for ourselves and our children!
AND he did the entire thirty years ON HIS OWN with NO anointing!
5. At age thirty immersed, filled with the Spirit of Yah, forty days fasting in the wilderness and tempted – no sin
After living a sinless low profile life without sin Yahooshua suddenly emerges on the scene, is immersed by Yahoochanan (Yah has Graced) with an immersion for sin even though there was no sin in him and immediately he receives a massive impartation of the Spirit of Yah, massive because Yah does not have to contend with any sin, no demons or anything else to get in the way.
Immediately he goes into the wilderness for forty days in order that his flesh can die and the Spirit of Yah can be given full control and he comes out in the Power of the Spirit of Yah able to resist powerful temptations.
6. Three and a half years of ministry filled with the Spirit of Yah – Yah spoke through him – no sin
For the next three and a half years he got IN SATAN'S FACE so to speak – healing, delivering, etc.
He did not allow pride or self-righteousness or greed or lust or any other sin to creep in and even got angry a few times without sinning.
As we have seen he did what any person filled with the Spirit of Yah can do.
In fact, just about every miracle that Yahooshua performed had been performed by at least one other documented prophet before him and, in all likelihood had been performed by more than one prophet.
On the negative side he did not perform any of the mighty works that were performed through Moses so one could argue that Moses was a greater prophet than Yahooshua. Problem is that Moses did sin a few times, murdered a guard, lost his temper at the rock, possibly a few others?
So, again, the most noteworthy thing about this period of Yahooshua's life is NO SIN and TOTAL OBEDIENCE, even unto death.
7. Falsely accused, brutally treated, tortured, abandoned by Yah on the stake in torment, agony and anguish, forgave his torturers and died without sinning
Finally, knowing exactly where he would die and how he would die and how brutally he would be treated Yahooshua foretells his death with the bread and wine at dinner and goes out to face the massive evil that he has known has been awaiting him for centuries.
Have you ever given thought to the COURAGE that took, especially once you realize that he REALLY WAS ONLY A MAN!!!
Stop kidding yourself that this was all some sham and he was God and since God could not die there was really no big deal in what Yahooshua did!
This was for real, he could so easily have cried off at any stage, I am pretty sure I would have cried off in the garden, let alone when they lashed him, let alone when they drove that first iron spike into his wrist, let alone when the presence of Yah left him on the stake.
And still to manage to cry out "Father forgive them they do not know what they are doing!"
THAT is remarkable for any human being.
Here are good reasons to esteem Yahooshua at an exceptional level!
8. As a consequence of a life without sin death had no hold on him so he was resurrected as the first born from the dead and therefore king of human kings and lord of all human lords
Building on the previous point.
Because he died without sin, right to the last gasp, he had to be resurrected, it was a legal certainty.
And, because he had kept his agreement with Yah to do this thing and because the people who tortured him and mocked him had proclaimed him so he became king of all kings and lord of all lords.
The remarkable things were the things that he did BEFORE HE DIED.
Once he was dead it was essentially a bureaucratic nicety to get the necessary documents signed so he could assume his position as king.
BUT, until he died there was NO CERTAINTY.
Just as today there is NO CERTAINTY that he will return because there is NO CERTAINTY there will be a single human being in a position of authority on earth to declare the earth ready for the return of Yahooshua on the Day of Judgment.
9. He is seated at the right hand of the Father WAITING for his enemies to be made his footstool and will then return to judge the living and the dead
This is a formality.
He holds this position in recognition of what he achieved in this life, just as each one of use will hold a position in recognition of our achievements in this life, be it a high throne with Yahooshua or a place in the most terrible part of the lake of fire and brimstone with Satan or anywhere in between.
Problem is, will he STILL BE WAITING in a thousand years from now, two thousand, etc.
Will Satan win the battle for control of earth, certainly looks like he is doing so from where I sit – WILL YOU DO SOMETHING TO ENSURE THE EARTH IS READY FOR YAHOOSHUA'S return?
THAT is the question for each one of us each day!
What do YOU choose?
I pray that this article will challenge you to review your service to Yah and your relationship to Him and to step out in faith motivated to emulate the achievements of Yahooshua and to achieve even greater accomplishments.
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