2014.01.52.12 Yahooshua is WAITING UNTIL his enemies are made his FOOTSTOOL Created by James on 3/23/2019 1:58:07 PM Yahooshua is WAITING UNTIL his enemies are made his FOOTSTOOL
Yahooshua is WAITING UNTIL his enemies are made his FOOTSTOOL
There is a major lie that Yahooshua will return to earth to sort out Satan
This is entirely false, Yahooshua is SEATED at the right hand of Father Yah WAITING for his enemies to be made his footstool
The believers on earth are required to reign over the Satanic and Demonic realm on earth, regain control and prepare the way for Yahooshua to return
At this stage it appears highly unlikely that there WILL be a kingdom on earth for Yahooshua to reign other than as an abandoned Safari Park visited by people in Heaven
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