2014.01.52.16 Obedience as a Basis of Judgement Created by James on 3/24/2019 7:00:40 AM Obedience as a Basis of Judgement
Obedience as a Basis of Judgement
There are FOUR major components to judgement:
1. Belief in Yah -- without belief in Yah the eternally self-existing, the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, the Almighty, you are condemned to become an ancestor spirit, that is a demon
2. Sin and error -- which leads to time in the place of correction for BELIEVERS
3. Relationship with Yah -- which in some measure determines the RANK in Heaven of one who has believed
4. Obedience to Yah -- which determines finally your standing with Yah and therefore your RANK in Heaven -- this is coupled to the previous point, BUT it is possible to have a relationship with Yah and still be in significant sin, error and disobedience and end up in the place of the Foolish Virgins
Obedience is the highest form of relationship with Yah, it requires a deep desire to please Yah and do HIS will on earth
IF you desire to sit on a high throne with Yahooshua for eternity you must first believe in Yah, secondly overcome sin and error in your life, thirdly and concurrently, seek a deep relationship with Yah AND then seek to be totally obedient to Him in order to be found to be a "good and faithful servant" which is the highest rank in heaven -- one who has laid down their life in obedience to and love for Yah in order to serve Him totally
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2011.04.24 - You are NOT a glove puppet – you ARE accountable
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I regularly encounter believers, including strong believers, who use language like "God is in control", or "Yah is in control", etc.
Language which implies that they are entirely submitted to Daddy Yah and that He is controlling their lives every step of the way.
This same belief is inherent in the belief that "the bible is the inerrant Word of God" and that Father dictated to Moses what was going to happen after Moses's (Moshe's) death so that Moshe could complete the five books generally ascribed to Moshe before he died.
A necessary part of such a belief is that every step of the way a person's life is ordered by or ordained by or controlled by Yah.
By implication, we are then all glove puppets or marionette's controlled every step of the way by an all seeing omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent god who planned all things before the creation of the earth and therefore my sin, my disobedience, etc is all foreordained and appointed by Yah for some weird and perverse stage-show where He demonstrates His ability to manipulate and control human beings.
It is Satan who aspires to control our every move and uses the millions of messengers {angels} and billions of demons under his control to manipulate us and control us. That is we are mostly under the control of the Dominions, Thrones, Principalities and Powers that were discussed in preceding articles that seek to achieve total control of the earth.
The fact of the matter regarding Yah is entirely the opposite.
We are NOT glove puppets or marionettes.
Yah created us with free will that we might CHOOSE to serve Him and do His will or not.
Fact is that even the most strongly anointed seldom do all Yah's will all the time, in fact most seldom really do Yah's will at all.
One of the conversations I quite regularly have with Yah relates to the next steps in issues of relationships, etc – frequently He will say to me "you know I do not know what they are going to do next" and "you are human, you may have a better idea of what they are going to do next than I do".
That is sacrilege, I hear you cry!
No, we have to choose, we have to listen for Yah's voice, we have to weigh up the options and make the decisions and then we have to act on those decisions.
Else the Day of Judgment is a farce!
So, we must be sufficiently submitted to Yah by His Spirit so that we pray His will into existence on the earth.
It is our responsibility to tear down the principalities, powers, thrones and dominions, to bind and cast out the demons, to loose the captives, etc. We do this by Yah's Spirit, His anointing on us, His words through us, His authority in the name of Yahooshua, IF we are submitted and yielded to Him and obedient and listening clearly, etc, etc.
Most of the time the vast majority of us are NOT sanctified, NOT hearing clearly, NOT focused on doing His will, NOT submitted, NOT in any meaningful way really aligned with Him and yet we still claim that He is in control of our lives and will bring us the right husband or wife, or job, or whatever.
And then we get angry with Him when it does not work, notwithstanding the fact that we messed up the relationship, got to work late, etc.
We all need to take responsibility for what we think, for what we say, for what we do, etc.
Father, I ask that you will blow away by your Spirit all in this document that is NOT according to your will and your ways, please blow away all lies and deception and leave only that which is from you, I ask this in the name of Yahooshua.
I strongly recommend that you review your thoughts and beliefs and see where you are abdicating your responsibility to serve Yah effectively and obediently all the days of your life and deal with whatever you need to deal with including praying prayers for guidance and direction and submitting your life entirely to Yah.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace
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