2014.01.53.07 Highly anointed ones also make mistakes and sin Created by James on 3/25/2019 7:14:14 AM Highly anointed ones also make mistakes and sin
Highly anointed ones also make mistakes and sin
There are some historical writings from the time of Moshe regarding the validity of a spokesman of Yah {prophet}, those applied to a generation that was orders of magnitude closer to Yah than we are today
It is therefore so that even the most highly anointed believer on the planet today is, compared to Noah or Moshe a corrupt and spiritually weak person who is prone to error and sin
Looking to a person who evidences some level of anointing and relationship with Yah to be 100% reliable in what they say, do, write, etc is extremely unwise on two fronts:
1. Look for the truth that they have that you lack and do NOT get stressed by the error that you WILL find
2. Because they evidence anointing, perform miracles, speak on behalf of Yah exercise your discretion and do NOT follow them blindly, they WILL have sin and error
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2011.01.22 - Highly anointed ones also make mistakes and sin
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One of the challenges that flow from a lack of understanding of the anointing is a belief that if a person is strongly anointed they cannot have error.
This is the same mistake that has people believe that the anointed ones who wrote the book {bible} or who are reported on in the book never sinned and never made mistakes.
Inspection of the book reveals otherwise, Moshe {Moses} struck the rock instead of speaking to it despite clear instruction by Yah and was heavily penalized.
King David committed adultery with Bathsheba.
King Saul went completely off the rails.
Noah got drunk and fell asleep naked where his son could see him.
Shaul {Paul} went up to Jerusalem despite the fact that Yah repeatedly told him through other anointed spokesmen {prophets} NOT to go.
The same applies to the book itself, much is inspired but there are errors and nowhere does the book claim to be complete or without errors yet many anointed one's today believe the lie that the book is the "inerrant word of God" and then under estimate their own anointing and devalue their calling by believing that somehow they cannot be up to the same standard as the anointed one's in the book.
And then the people around them make the same mistake.
And, just because a person is highly anointed and doing major works, even works comparable to those of Yahooshua, does NOT mean that their every word is from Yah and without error.
So, as before I adjure you to "seek truth NOT error", look for the truth that all those you meet have and do NOT get fussed about the error.
And, just because a person has a deep relationship with Yah, performs mighty works through the Spirit of Yah, etc do NOT believe everything they tell you – test it yourself, pray about it yourself.
Remember, if you have truly believed through the covenant made by Yahooshua you also are an anointed one and have the Spirit of Yah to guide you to whatever extent you have permitted Him to take control of your life.
So YOU are responsible for your own walk and for hearing Yah in your own life and for corroborating what you hear and read from others with what Yah is saying to you.
It is a huge privilege AND a huge challenge to serve Yah and be one of His anointed one's.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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