2014.01.56.03 The World After the Flood Created by James on 4/15/2019 8:31:38 AM The World After the Flood
The World After the Flood
After the flood the waters withdrew as a consequence of sudden expansion of the earth resulting from the thermal pressure resulting from the progressive heating of the core from the time the earth was created
This resulted in the continents separating and water draining off the continents in massive rushes creating dramatic erosion forms all over the earth
When Noah and his family finally were able to exit the survival vessel they found a world totally unlike that which existed before the event
Mud everywhere, clouds formed from evaporated moisture coupled with volcanic emissions -- inhospitable and barren
In this they had to start a new life
The book , "The Corpse Came Back" by Jonathan Gray examines life on earth in the first few centuries after the flood, see http://www.amazon.com/Corpse-Came-Back-Jonathan-Gray/dp/1572585552, also available athttp://jonathangraybooks.weebly.com/uploads/1/4/6/9/14694880/the_corpse_came_back.pdf
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