2014.01.56.04 Understanding the Impact of the Flood Created by James on 4/15/2019 8:34:08 AM Understanding the Impact of the Flood
Understanding the Impact of the Flood
Once one understands that the flood really did TOTALLY destroy all life on earth one is then in a position to think radically differently about the forms of human beings that exist on earth today and, in fact about ALL life forms
The humans survived as eight people, four men and four women on a survival ship, this family comprised the man Noah or "Nuh" and his three son's Shem, Japheth and Ham and their wives
The land animals survived on the ship in pairs except for certain domestic animals which survived in greater numbers
The sea animals survived in the seas through the flood
Plants survived as seeds and plant fragments in the water that germinated or rooted after the waters withdrew
All of these were subject to nuclear radiation as a consequence of volcanoes, lava flows and other upwelling from the core of the earth and therefore all have to a greater or lesser degree mutated since the flood
This mutation was compounded by a the radioactive emisions that resulted from a nuclear war that took place between the time of Noah and the time of Abraham
Humans developed as three major streams, descended from the three son's of Noah
The children of Shem, Yisrael (Jews and Europeans) and Ismaelites (Arabs, Islam), remained relatively close to the Almighty
The children of Japeth, the Asian people, quickly sank into a mixture of belief in Yah and demon worship
The children of Ham (primarily Africans), almost an unbeliever after the flood and carrying powerful demons, degenerated rapidly into full blown demon (ancestor) worship
Within each of these groups there were some who were closer to Yah and to the extent that they stayed close to Yah and His wisdom they prospered while those who served Satan through demon worship progressively degenerated
A series of powerful civilizations came into existence immediately after the flood (Egypt, etc), these were mostly destroyed in a global nuclear war some time between the time of Noah and Abraham
The mutant remnants of this war are the source of the so-called "missing link" specimens of "australopithecus" and other "cave men" -- simply the children of human beings irradiated in the nuclear war who gave birth to mutant and deformed offspring
It is also vital to understand that the earth has been drying out since the flood and, as a consequence, heating up -- thus "global warming" is real BUT the explanations generally advanced are false AND there is nothing that can be done to prevent it
All of this must be seen in the context of the contest between Yah and Satan
We have progressively fallen further and further from Yah, the challenge for this generation is to seek truth and draw closer to Yah
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