2014.01.56.06 Flood Videos Created by James on 4/15/2019 8:40:17 AM Flood Videos
Flood Videos
Each of the flood videos is presented in the pages under this
Together they provide convincing evidence of a global flood
Overview of the Flood Videos
Section 1: Proof of a Global Flood - Introduction
Section 2: Gold Mines -- Evidence of Massive Hydraulic Flood Action
Section 3: Layered Sedimentary Rocks -- Evidence of a Global Flood
Section 4: The Halfway-house Granite Dome -- Massive Surface Disruption
Section 5: African Erosion Surface -- Massive Flood Cutting action
Section 6: Incised Valleys deep in massive Granite -- evidence of massive flood action
Section 7: The REAL Age of all this - a Flood as recently as 4,500 years ago?
Section 8: Signs of Judgment -- Real Mount Sinai and Ten Commandments
Section 9: Where DID the water came from? And where did it go? -- Proof of a Global Flood
Section 10: Summing Up -- Proof of a Global Flood
Section 11: End Notes -- Proof of a Global Flood
2011.04.28 - Turning history on its head Proof of a Global Flood
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In the article "Noah is father to ALL men living" I mentioned the series of videos proving there has been a Global Flood which I have created.
Following is an overview of the suite of videos.
These are all available on YouTube at
in the right hand side bar you will see a selection of all the Videos available on my YouTube site which have titles starting with a number indicating the sequence in the series, click on the "see all" link under the thumbnails to see the whole list.
If you are short of time you might like to start with the Summary at section 10
continued at
Overview of the programme
Most people pooh pooh the idea of a global flood
everywhere you go on earth the evidence is STARING YOU IN THE FACE!
This video, "Turning history on its head -- Proof of a Global Flood" presents a comprehensive analysis of the huge diversity of evidence around the world that shouts of the occurrence of a global flood.
evidences that this took place not so long ago
and asks the question
"was this a judgment by the Creator?"
if so
is there another judgment to come?
Where will YOU spend eternity?
Join us for what I truly believe you will find to be a challenging and exciting ride
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