2014. The Joy of Sex Created by James on 4/18/2019 1:53:24 PM The Joy of Sex
The Joy of Sex
One of the Satanic realm's most effective devices has been to get many believers to believe that sex is NOT intended to be enjoyed and uninhibited
As an extension of this many religious people do NOT know what sexual techniques, positions, etc are available and therefore they limit themselves to a narrow repertoire and, over time become bored and therefore susceptible to "affairs" with others who are more sexually liberal
The answer is to read manuals and books on sexual technique while bypassing those passages that relate to forbidden sexual relationships and practices
The book "The Joy of Sex" by Alex Comfort, available on Amazon at http://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Joy-Sex-Alex-Comfort/dp/1845335864 is a useful catalogue of sexual technique although it contains passages that should be skipped
There are many other books available, exercise discretion in what you read and what you do with what you read and pray for discernment to know what to skip
Key to a pleasing sex life is to do away with inhibitions, treat each other with respect, men particularly treat women tenderly and with care, women particularly to desire their men and seek to please their men, etc
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