2014. Pornography Created by James on 4/18/2019 3:14:28 PM Pornography
It is so that many men in particular are not able to obtain full sexual release with one woman even if they are sincere believers and are totally committed to their covenant
Yah created us such that men were built from the start with the sexual capacity to satisfy several women and this drive remains even though Satan has tricked women into believing that monogamy is the ideal and that they should NOT have to share
Pornography and masturbation are therefore often the only methods available to a man who is doing his best to remain faithful
They are NOT ideal and carry serious spiritual penalties and drawbacks BUT they be the only way an individual can release the tension without going with another partner and breaking covenant
If a person uses pornography there are boundaries, pornography or erotic literature that depicts forbidden sex such as more than one man with one woman, men with men, humans with animals, etc are totally OUT and bring with them intense demonic infestation -- if you find that you must use pornography then be VERY selective about what you use and ask Father to guide you
The fact that I suggest that you ask Father to guide you may shock you, but the fact is that IF you are making every possible effort to comply with the terms of your covenant and need sexual release Father will extend mercy and offer guidance IF you are sincere
Note that this situation can occur for the woman as well in which case pornography is a possible outlet in that case as well
A lower impact mechanism is erotic literature but in this case as well the problem is that much of erotic literature and pornography relates to forbidden relationships, etc
Note also that persistent use of pornography can make forbidden relationships more attractive and, in some cases, can tip a person over the edge
The higher the level of anointing the easier it becomes to suppress these desires but it MUST be recognized that this is a response to a social setting that only allows a one man -- one woman situation so it should be recognized that it will take significant willpower and prayer to break this -- if a man has two or more women by mutual consent, then it becomes very difficult to make a case for using pornography at all
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2010.12.01 - What is the spiritual reality with regard to masturbation and pornography?
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Within the body of believers there are conflicting views with regard to whether masturbation and pornography are acceptable, bad or downright evil.
A fairly large body of people think that while pornography is undesirable it is not particularly bad, some think it is harmless. Others express their distaste and aversion in strong language often with vehement or violent opposition.
What is the reality?
For many years I thought I knew.
Photo’s and movies and erotic fiction were not “nice” but they were more tolerable than actually going out and doing it. A man had sexual needs which his wife could not always satisfy so some release with a photo in a magazine or the Internet, while not ideal, was not really harmful.
Recently I discovered that I was seriously mistaken, so mistaken that a man who is well known to me had an unbreakable covenant of salt with Satan himself as a consequence of his involvement with pornography and masturbation. In the process of making that discovery he destroyed his relationship with his wife.
The article that follows outlines some of the headlines for your prayerful consideration.
1. “Pornography and masturbation are dirty and disgusting” – is that the truth?
Many of those who champion chastity do so through the use of vigorous and sometime violent language and expression that states that nudity, sex, sexuality, etc are dirty and unclean and that photographs of the naked body are vile and disgusting.
That is certainly their reality, but it is NOT the reality of those who enjoy sex or those who enjoy pornography.
The challenge with this approach is that it alienates those who are in error and in fact causes them to be more attached to their error because the opposition does not make sense and does not correlate with their reality. So, by implication the opposition is unfounded – so the reasoning goes.
Later in this article you will find that these activities are in fact horrible because of their SPIRITUAL consequences, NOT because of the physical dimension.
And thus, we find the opposite extreme:
2. “The naked body is beautiful, there is no harm in looking” – is that really so?
This school of thought has it that looking at photographs of naked men or women or both and that even looking at men and women engaged in sexual activities is fine, that the images are beautiful and that this is a form of art.
To some extent there is truth in this point of view, just as there is truth in the previous point of view.
One of the important things to understand about Satan and the forces of darkness generally is that they infiltrate truth with just enough error to trap people into sin but no more. They want their lies to be palatable and easily believed.
Thus it IS so that Father Yah, our Creator, created men and women to be beautiful and desirable, in the beginning they were “naked and unashamed”.
This view holds that there is nothing wrong with the naked human body, it is indeed beautiful, attractive and desirable, the issue is who is looking, who they are looking at and what are they doing with the images that they observe and even more importantly what are their thoughts and what spiritual and sexual energy and projection is associated with what they see.
The minute one starts lusting or focusing intently with sexual thoughts there is a projection spiritually of the spirit of the one lusting towards the one being lusted after.
If they are both lusting for one another there is a more intense spiritual interaction.
But, it goes beyond this.
Somehow in the spirit realm the limitations of time and distance that are so immutable in the physical realm take on completely different manifestations. A man focusing lustfully on a photograph of a naked woman will project his spirit toward her and in some fashion we do not understand he will make a spiritual connection with her.
Depending on what she is doing that connection may be weak or strong.
If she is a witch who is actively collecting such connections the man may experience an intense sexual connection and intense sexual release which will result in the formation of a spiritual bond between them which is not easily broken and which then allows the witch to start connecting directly with the spirit of the man and influencing him.
Exactly the same applies in the reverse situation, a woman looking at a photograph of a man and lusting after him. In fact, this works just the same for women with women and men with men and groups with groups.
It also works with humans with animals and it works with humans with spirit beings including demons.
It also works in strip clubs and movies, in fact, the ability to connect sexually in the spirit realm is limited only by the imagination of the human beings lusting.
It gets even more intense if there is masturbation resulting in orgasm and the associated sexual release.
Surely masturbation is better than physical fornication?
3. “Sometimes one just has to release tension – it is better than going out there and doing it” – is that really true?
I have very recently come to understand that random masturbation associated with pornography and the associated sexual spiritual release is as dangerous and as sinful as the corresponding physical act.
Yahooshua {Jesus} says in Matthew 5:27-29 "You have heard that it was said to those of old, 'You shall not commit adultery.' 28 But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. “ NKJV
The heart being the spiritual core of the human being becomes joined at various levels through spiritual sexual acts such as lust and becomes more intensely joined through masturbation.
Orgasm releases a portion of the human spirit in an outward squirting action which projects the spirit which in turn attaches itself to the spirit of the entity being focused on or, where there is no direct human focus the attachment seemingly takes place to demons in the air around. It is possible that even when there is human to human focus the demons around the person masturbating still gain some level of attachment to the spirit of the human and, as importantly, as reported in the account of the dream that follows in section 6 the demons apparently gain SEXUAL PLEASURE from the situation.
It now appears that masturbation with pornography or spiritual projection toward a forbidden person may create every bit as much spiritual mayhem as if the act had taken place in the flesh.
In fact, since people who are looking at pornography and masturbating tend to flick from page to page and image to image they may connect with many MORE people, albeit with weaker connections, but these connections become stronger every time the person masturbates looking at the same photograph, video, etc.
So, masturbation is NOT safer than fornication, it IS fornication and should be avoided at all costs.
Problem is, that once a person has started, it is very difficult to stop, the demons see to this, the curses associated with this see to this and, as we will see shortly the resulting covenant makes it almost impossible to break the hold of pornography and fornication whether physical or spiritual.
In order to better understand this one must first understand that sexual orgasm is an intensely spiritual event.
4. The spiritual mechanisms of orgasm and ejaculation
When a male orgasms, he ejaculates – simple is it not?
Well, not really, he ALSO ejaculates spiritually, a portion of his spirit shoots out like an infinitely long elastic thread.
This thread joins itself to the spirit of the woman that he is making love to. Abba Yah (the Almighty) designed it to work this way and this builds a powerful spiritual connection known as the “one flesh bond”. The one flesh bond gets stronger every time a couple make love and orgasm. It gets much stronger if they climax together.
It is weak and small if the orgasms are weak and small and it becomes huge if the orgasms are large, intense and simultaneous. The stronger the bond becomes the more the two people are able to communicate with each other spirit to spirit. They know what the other partner is thinking, they can complete each other’s sentences, etc, etc.
Father Yah created us to have intensely strong one flesh bonds with our life partners.
Problem is, every time a man ejaculates such an emission takes place.
If he climaxes with a thousand women he will have a thousand one flesh bonds.
A further problem, if he ejaculates through masturbation focusing on a woman in a photograph some level of bond is formed, it is formed even if he is fantasizing about her and thinking of her or looking at her across a crowded room.
Even more sobering, the demons around the man will tap into this and use it to form connections resulting in spirit wives, etc.
When a woman orgasms a similar ejaculation of spirit takes place and all the above comments apply just as much.
Where the man or woman receiving the connection is a witch or other agent of Satan they can use the connection to manipulate and control the person who is masturbating.
Demons even collect semen from men who ejaculate while masturbating and we know of cases where men have fathered children through women whom they have never met who were impregnated with semen gathered by demons from a man who was masturbating,
Women can also become pregnant in a similar fashion, not knowing who the father is.
We are aware of situations in which women at rave parties and other events where overtly sexual music and overtly sexual dance movements occur who have become pregnant by demons that copulate with them while they are dancing. The children die before birth.
So we see that there are huge negative consequences associated with the use of pornography and masturbation and related sexual activities.
But there are psychological consequences as well.
5. The psychological harm in marriage
In particular, in marriage, if a man or woman becomes aware that their wife or husband is using pornography and looking at images of other men or women it is hugely damaging to their self confidence and self image.
They may be shocked and disgusted.
They may feel terribly inadequate.
They may walk out or they may “hunker down” and try and ignore it, in the process damaging their self esteem and their ability to perform sexually. This results in a vicious cycle in which as the one partner makes more use of pornography the other partner withdraws more and the partner using pornography then feels more justified in using it.
This can wreck a marriage.
6. A shocking and devastating dream
Reference has been made above to the implications of masturbation and pornography relating to demons and also brief reference has been made to a covenant with Satan and the forces of darkness.
We became aware of this as a consequence of a dream a woman had after she was devastated to learn that her new husband had, following an argument, returned to pornography notwithstanding his promises to be faithful only to her.
She was numbed, felt defiled, trust was broken, did not know how to handle the situation or where to turn.
That night she had a dream, or nightmare, which the couple subsequently came to understand was inspired by the Almighty in order to teach them what was going on.
In the dream the woman saw her husband lying naked on a bed looking at pornography and masturbating. On him and around him were evil looking, naked, slimy demons that were in turn masturbating and ejaculating green slime onto him. When he ejaculated they collected the semen and rubbed it on themselves with great delight.
She then was drawn to look to the right of her husband and there she saw Satan himself laughing at what was going on.
She started to rebuke Satan in the name of Yahooshua {Jesus}, telling him to leave her husband alone but Satan simply laughed at her and told her that he had a covenant with her husband and he could therefore do what he liked with him.
The woman woke up and was so disturbed by the dream that she ran to the toilet vomiting.
Since her husband had confessed his sin to her the new wife decided to share the dream with him.
He had been wracked with guilt at what he had done.
He was a mature believer.
He had been battling pornography and masturbation for decades.
At some level he knew it was wrong but he did not know most of what is contained in this article.
He knew some of it but there were “pieces of the jigsaw puzzle” that were missing, he did not comprehend anything near the enormity of what is described here, in fact, he saw his addiction to pornography and masturbation as not being that serious.
However, this time something had changed.
Recently he had been for deliverance and both he and his wife had thought that he had been set free of his pornography and masturbation addiction.
When he was masturbating this time, something had changed, he felt drawn in, like he could not stop, he looked at things that were more extreme than he would have looked at previously but, in the end he achieved the release he was looking for and did not think much of it other than a few twinges of guilt that he had gone beyond the bounds of what he had previously regarded as acceptable.
The following night, after making love to his wife he woke in the middle of the night feeling an intense demonic presence and realized that his behavior towards his wife had not been the way he wanted it to be. He loved her deeply and yet there was something about their love making that had not been pure.
He was wracked with guilt, he did not know what to do, they had visitors, he did not want to start a conversation which could end up with an argument in front of the guests. He lay awake and tossed and turned for much of the night.
Eventually, after breakfast he told his wife, she was devastated.
He was contrite, she wanted him to promised never to do it again.
He had promised previously and now he saw that no matter how good his intentions he could not be sure that he could keep that promise, he was numb, it looked like his new wife, whom he loved so much would walk out on him.
All day there was tension and separation, that night his wife had the dream and the next morning she shared it with him,
After hearing the dream, things started to make more sense and various pieces of information all fell together to arrive at the conclusions presented in this article.
After breakfast after his wife had the dream they spoke at length about the issues and the dream.
She shared her trauma.
Her doubts.
Her fears.
The breach of trust.
As they spoke about it and subsequently as he prayed about it he came to understand that this covenant with Satan had come into existence the first time he masturbated as a teenager and had built and built over the years with every instance of masturbation, pornography, etc.
But this was not the end of the discovery process.
Driving home later in the day he repeatedly heard the phrase “it is a covenant of salt”.
7. Spirit bonds and an unbreakable covenant of salt with Satan and the forces of darkness
At home he started to research “covenant of salt” and quickly found references to the covenant of salt with regard to marriage and also in the context of various other biblical events.
In essence a covenant of salt involves the exchange of salt which is ingested, usually with food but sometimes directly. Since salt dissolves once it is in the body it is not possible to separate out the salt. Some references to the covenant of salt made reference to other uses of salt such as mixing containers of salt, throwing salt to the wind, etc. The bottom line was that since the salt could never be recovered or separated so there would never be a basis for a couple in a salt marriage covenant to split up.
The only way out was death.
In fact, it is a fundamental characteristic of any biblical covenant, whether a blood covenant or a salt covenant, that death is the price for breaking the covenant.
He then researched the content of semen and discovered that semen contains salt!
In other words, he had a salt covenant with any and every demon that had had contact with his semen, not to mention with every woman he had had sexual intercourse with.
No wonder that he had never been able to break the hold of pornography and masturbation in his life.
Deliverance got rid of the demons but did NOT deal with the salt covenant that gave the demons the right to be there so they came right back. In fact, it appeared that many times the demons never left in the first place, they just "laid low" for a while creating a sense of deliverance and then came back just as strong as ever.
So, he would get delivered, would exercise his will to refrain from using pornography and from masturbating and, for a season, it was well with him.
Regularly he would burn the stuff, renounce it, repent, on a number of occasions with tears and deep repentance.
Only a few months or in some cases a year or more later to slip back into it again.
A quick look at a magazine, or the Internet and suddenly he was right back where he started.
He WAS committed.
He did NOT want to keep doing it.
Particularly he wanted to reassure his new wife it would not happen again.
The pattern of his entire life showed that he would not be able to keep his word and now he understood why.
He had a CONTRACT WITH THE DEVIL that allowed the devil to play him like a marionette on sexual issues every time something happened to cause him to drop his guard.
He also discovered that the people behind most pornography are organized crime rings and that the profits from pornography are used to finance some of the most horrible crimes on earth relating to kidnapping of children for use in extreme sex and violence movies and the like. He WANTED TO STOP!
What to do?
8. What to do about it?
Well, what does one do if one is confronted with a reality like this?
Spiritual ties at some level with thousands of women!
And goodness knows how many demons … thousands, maybe more?
And an unbreakable covenant of salt with Satan and only death as a way to end it …
But, there IS hope.
Yahooshua died for our sins so we do not have to die but may have everlasting life!
AND Yahooshua ushered in an era of grace and favour with the Almighty Creator, Yah the eternally self existing, the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth.
AND Yahooshua is our advocate, seated at the right hand of the Father in order to plead our case.
So, there is the possibility to come humbly before the throne of Grace and ask for mercy and for the salt covenant entered into in ignorance to be cancelled as an act of grace.
There is NO legal basis for this.
Only faith in the goodness and mercy of the everlasting Father, Yah the eternal creator through the offering of obedience made by Yahooshua in order to usher in a new and better covenant.
A covenant of Grace.
He further discovered that a three day total fast (no food or liquid) was effective in breaking the effects of witchcraft and that the covenant had come about as a result of a form of witchcraft. He accordingly embarked on a three day total fast to break the covenant and obtained various books and audio teachings on the subject of pornography and masturbation.
The most relevant book he encountered was “Illusions of Intimacy – unmasking patterns of sexual addiction and bringing deep healing to those that are struggling” by Signa Bodishbaugh, published by Sovereign World ISBN 1 85240 375 6 – this deals with sexual addiction and pornography addiction amongst believers and contains some shocking stories as well as practical prayer and other guidance. Indications are that in excess of 60% of male believers and a significant number of female believers are in bondage at some level to pornography!
The teachings that helped him were “Healing for Sexual Brokenness” by David Kyle Foster published by Ellel Ministries, www.ellel.org and “Worship, Sex and Healing” by Peter Horrobin, also published by Ellel.
He also attended a weekend course on "Sex and Sexuality" held by Ellel Ministries which is where he found the books and CD’s mentioned above.
From these he discovered that he had also entered into idol worship of Baal, the Canaanite sex god and that his use of pornography broke the commandment to not make images of living things. And he had a financial yoke with organized crime.
In particular he discovered that it was possible to ask Father Yah to reduce his sex drive to a level that was viable with his wife and that single people could ask for their sex drive to be removed until they married. This is a PARTICULARLY IMPORTANT discovery that impacts any person battling with pornography.
He also discovered that it was possible to ask Father Yah to cleanse his memory and remove all the memories and images that were stored up there and that he was also responsible for putting up resistance when images or thoughts that were not pure in the sight of the Almighty came to him. He could ask Father Yah to help him with this as well.
He also put in place accountability relationships with a number of men who would assist him to stand by his decision never again to touch pornography or to engage in any form of sexual activity that was not entirely within his marriage.
He has joined an addicts support group run by believers that assists alcoholics, drug addicts and also pornography and sex addicts to get free of their addiction.
And he downloaded software from http://xxxchurch.com/ which monitors his use of the Internet and notifies his accountability partners if he visits pornographic sites.
He is going for further ministry and has registered for a Healing retreat also with Ellel and is aiming to do a Restoration week programme with them next year.
Regrettably none of this came in time to save his marriage.
Let this be a sober warning to anyone who is engaged in the use of pornography.
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