2014. Coping with Sexual Need Created by James on 4/18/2019 3:31:51 PM Coping with Sexual Need
Coping with Sexual Need
The information on the various pages in this section leave us with a major dilemma
1. Most men are by nature polygynous (more than one woman)
2. Most women today are psychologically unable to share their man
3. Most people have very weak sexual covenants which make it difficult to maintain the covenant
4. Many men and women are very unskilled when it comes to love making
5. As a consequence a substantial number of men and many women are NOT satisfied sexually at a level that leads most of them into clandestine "extra marital affairs" or divorce or pornography or prostitution or ...
How to cope?
The church answer is to "take it to God and he will heal you" -- problem is that Yah is UNABLE to heal people because they are NOT sick
He CAN attempt to help you to comply with the terms of your covenant but since He did NOT appoint monogamy there are limits here on what he can do
So, at the end of the day one is largely left to figure this out oneself
The problem with "God will heal you" is that the vast majority do NOT get this "healing" and continue to battle until they reach a point where they give up on this "God" who cannot heal and walk away to serve Satan in fornication
Once you recognize that your need for more than one sexual partner is NOT wrong -- as a man you are entitled to have more than one woman according to Yah's design and, as a woman, you are entitled to have sexual relationships with other women within the partnership -- you are faced with a practical choice
1. Are you willing to exercise iron self restraint to comply with a monogamous or restricted covenant -- frequently does NOT work
2. OR are you and your partner willing to relax the terms of the covenant to bring in another woman, even if this is done in a low profile, live at another addresses level
3. OR you find some other release
4. You pray to Father Yah to reduce your sexual drive to the level that will match that of your partner
In the second last case there are a number of levels of release available, NONE are desirable and in an ideal world Yah would actively discourage ALL of them but, in the present world, compromize may be required -- these relate to pornography and related measures subject to a cast iron restraint of NO physical contact with other people and therefore NO full out one-flesh bonds
Note that however one attempts to deal with this situation it is sub-optimal and fraught with difficulty, which is exactly the way the Satanic realm intend it to be
If you are a woman and your man is battling to cope, you have the option of relaxing the constraint on only one woman and you need to understand that IF your man falls into sin of whatever nature because of your adamant refusal or lack of capability to fully meet his sexual needs AND your refusal to allow him to take another wife, the price for his sin will be on YOUR head even if you find the idea of sharing intensely scary and offensive
Attacking your man because he turns to pornography in his attempts to be faithful to you is entirely unjust and will NOT please Father
If you are a woman who is battling to cope sexually the answer is to bring a second woman into the relationship -- as offensive as your upbringing may make this to you -- it IS acceptable in the sight of Yah
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NEXT SECTION: The Virgin's Covenant is CRITICAL to understand sex, marriage, adultery and divorce >>>

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