2014. Age to Marry Created by James on 4/18/2019 3:45:57 PM Age to Marry
Age to Marry
Fundamentally Yah intended for men and women to marry at the time of sexual awakening
Sex is the essence of what makes marriage work
Teenage groping, grubby sex on the back seat of the car or in the living room worrying about whether mom and dad will catch us are NOT the way Yah intended things to be
Thus, we need to adjust the way we bring up our children so that they can behave responsibly by the time they are ready to become sexually active
This causes a problem because most countries today forbid marriage before an age of consent of about 16 to 18 and look down on countries that marry at age 12 or 14
and yet turn a blind eye to giving contraceptives to 12 year olds without their parents consent
So, since Yah expects us to comply with the laws of the land we are faced with a problem
The fact that in some communities as many of two thirds of girls have lost their virginity, generally under sleazy and less than optimal conditions, BEFORE they reach the age of 16 is simply an indication of how Satan hates this truth and has gone out of his way to sabotage it
So, I imagine one could bring one's children up with proper insight and help them mature earlier -- i.e. give them responsibility -- so that they are able to hold out sexually until they are legal AND then consummate a strong low profile union with the consent of their parents, with proper birth control and living together in the home of one or set of parents
I do NOT have an answer other than I know with absolute certainty that common practice is NOT working and is going in the wrong direction
Having a girl give her virginity to the man she will spend her life with, in a well appointed room, both man and woman properly educated in sexual technique and tender love making and able to spend the next seven days alone together without interruption or concern HAS to be a better way than the way that I and most of my generation entered into our first sexual experiences
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