2000.M.08.Yah’s plan for Healing Marriage – Conclusion Created by James on 4/26/2019 3:03:05 PM Collectively the full set of teachings represent a comprehensive understanding of what the Spirit of Yah is saying to the Body of Believers today in the area of healing marriages in order to bring an end to divorce and prepare for the coming of Yahooshua.
Yah’s plan for Healing Marriage – Conclusion
Collectively the full set of teachings represent a comprehensive understanding of what the Spirit of Yah is saying to the Body of Believers today in the area of healing marriages in order to bring an end to divorce and prepare for the coming of Yahooshua.
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Download book of draft transcripts of the Marriage Teachings Nikita link to follow
Section 7 -- Conclusion
Collectively the full set of teachings represent a comprehensive understanding of what the Spirit of Yah is saying to the Body of Believers today in the area of healing marriages in order to bring an end to divorce and prepare for the coming of Yahooshua.
Xxx This recording is still awaiting transcription by Taryn

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