2019.B05.Volume 4 – Articles Written between the Day of Atonement 2009 and the Day of Atonement 2014, Relationship with Yah, The Anointed Life, Commandments and Judgment, Yahooshua {Jesus}, The Bible Created by James on 4/27/2019 2:01:00 PM All articles published between the Day of Atonement 2009 and the Day of Atonement 2014. These articles cover a period where my understanding of diverse topics was maturing, particularly adjusting to the Bible NOT being “The Word of God” and Yahooshua {Jesus} NOT being the Almighty in the flesh. Many other topics are addressed.
Volume 4 – Articles Written between the Day of Atonement 2009 and the Day of Atonement 2014, Relationship with Yah, The Anointed Life, Commandments and Judgment, Yahooshua {Jesus}, The Bible
All articles published between the Day of Atonement 2009 and the Day of Atonement 2014. These articles cover a period where my understanding of diverse topics was maturing, particularly adjusting to the Bible NOT being “The Word of God” and Yahooshua {Jesus} NOT being the Almighty in the flesh. Many other topics are addressed.
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Overview of this Volume – Volume 4 in the set
This volume contains all the articles that I have written between The Day of Atonement 2009 and the Day of Atonement 2014.
I understand each of these to be relevant in terms of documenting my understanding on a diversity of topics as this understanding developed over this period.
Our Father in Heaven, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, created mankind to be His Friends and to do things with Him and learn with Him. Today virtually no-one on Earth knows this and a minute number of people are actually seeking to come to the point where they hear Father Yah tell them that they are His Friend. In fact, it is my understanding that, at the time of writing, 14 July 2018, there are only TWO people on Earth who Yah has actively named as being His Friends.
This document is intended to help you on your journey to learn about Father Yah and build a relationship with Him.
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Table of Contents Volume 4 Part 1
Why Seek a DEEP Personal Relationship with the Almighty Creator?. v
Why read these books?. vii
Companion Volumes. viii
Dedication. xi
Request for Judgment xii
Caveat xiii
About the Cover xiv
Vocabulary. xvi
Sponsorship. xviii
Acknowledgements. xx
Table of Contents. xxi
Foreword. xxviii
Preface : An Engineering Approach to Relationship with the Almighty. xxx
Overview of this Volume – Volume 4 in the set xxxiii
Audio Compact Disc and Memory Card with Website. xxxiv
Chapter 1: Relationship with Yah. 3
2009.12.01 "Yah" in everyday language -- breaking the third commandment. 3
2009.12.01 PLEASE READ PRAYERFULLY -- VERY IMPORTANT Spiritual consequences of using a "Yxxoo.com" email address and other services 3
2010.01.04 Is Our Pronunciation Of A Very Important Name Correct?. 4
2010_11_03_Receiving from the Almighty. 7
2010_11_07_ Just Who is God? By Gary C. Miller. 8
2010.12.06 The TRUE Names of the Almighty in the bible. 13
2010.12.08 The Name of Yah in the book {bible} 25
2010.12.11 Daddy Yah is LONELY, please talk to Him and use His true Name. 45
2011_01_03_The Scribes contributed to 2 Thessalonians 2 by Gerry Easton. 47
2011.01.19 Did YOU bring JOY to your Daddy today?. 50
2011.01.20 Editing audio. 51
2011_02_09_Is Allah God -- Yah. 51
2011.03.08 How do I get to a much closer relationship with Yah?. 54
2011.04.01 About Mohammed and the Quran. 63
2011.04.04 How many times have you snubbed Daddy Yah today?. 65
2011.04.07 Yah knows and HE will be there. 65
2011.04.25 If Yah is moving hold your peace. 67
2011.08.05 The seventy facets of Yah's words. 69
2011.09.03 Arguments against the true names. 69
2011.09.07 Yah works through His anointed prophets NOT committee's. 71
2011.09.10 Dimensions in drawing close to Yah. 72
2011.12.08 Yah calls his servants NOT man. 75
2012.01.05 Getting close to Yah Appropriate prayer and fasting are VITAL (the answer to doctrinal differences) 75
2012.02.02 Hearing Yah. 82
2012.07.03 Have YOU brought Yah JOY today?. 85
2012.07.04 Are YOU a Good and Faithful Servant?. 86
2012.09.04 Daddy Yah is wracked with grief 87
2012.11.06 Let Yah (the Almighty) Lead. 88
2012.11.13 Father’s name is NOT YaHuWaH.. 89
2013.11.10 WHY Believe in the Almighty Creator and seek relationship with Him.. 90
2013.03.06 Relationship with the Almighty NOT Worship of Intellect. 109
2013.03.11 Names DO Matter -- Yah and Yahooshua. 109
2013.09.1 Why Names ARE Important. 111
2013.10.01 Yah is ANGRY about NAMES. 112
2014.08.01 The Almighty Creator is seeking FRIENDS -- GO FOR IT!. 112
Chapter 2: The Anointed Life. 117
2009.09.01 Immersion for Cleansing and Infilling with the Set Apart Spirit of Yah. 117
2009_09_03_Combat in the Heavenly Realm.. 137
2010_11_01_Father forgive them they do not know what they are doing v 001. 145
2010_12_02_Seek truth NOT error. 145
2011.01.01 NOT I that live but YAH that lives in me. 148
2011_01_22 Highly anointed ones also make mistakes and sin. 156
2011_02_01_Words are critically important. 157
2011_02-06_Understanding Satan's' devices. 158
2011_02_10_We wrestle NOT against flesh and blood. 162
2011_02_11_Prepare to meet your Mighty One By Angelica Zambrano. 168
2011_02_12_23 Minutes in Hell by Bill Weise v 001. 189
2011_02_14_Are visions precise and free of error?. 207
2011.02.15 There are good decent people in hell 211
2011.03.04 Take Care is a curse. 212
2011.03.06 Most Christians are NOT anointed ones. 212
2011_03_09_How do I recognize an anointed one?. 213
2011.04.03 The REAL battle is between the highly anointed versus the highly illuminated ones. 214
2011.04.24 You are NOT a glove puppet – you ARE accountable. 216
2011.04.27 Even the highly anointed are falling away. 218
2011.04.29 Important directional and defensive prayers. 219
2011.05.03 Pastors – the Prison Warders of Yah's people. 221
2011.05.05 Angels by Samuel Doctorian. 224
2011.05.01 Some challenging questions. 224
2011.06.01 Is it possible to live a life without sin?. 228
2011.07.01 The Year of Jubilee. 231
2011.07.04 Who are the REAL sinners?. 231
2011.07.05 Some important worship songs. 233
2011.07.07 Intercession. 234
2011.08.04 Two praying one taken. 234
2011.08.07 What IS inspiration. 235
2011.10.07 History revisited. 237
2011.12.01 Who are the 144,000 who have not defiled themselves with women?. 238
2011.12.06 The most powerful prayer?. 241
2012.02.01 The WHOLE Armour of Yah. 242
2012.06.03 Living the whole believing life. 247
2012.06.06 I Pray So It Is Done! -- NO.. 252
2012.06.07 Change your Brain. 253
2012.06.08 Body, Mind and Spirit. 259
2012.06.10 Some Important Questions Deity? – Judgment?. 260
2012.07.02 Treachery is a Spiritual Force. 263
2012.07.06 Deliverance versus Discipline. 265
2012.07.07 Fear is Faith in the Satanic. 268
2012.07.09 Believers who abdicate their intellect. 268
2012.07.12 Let your Yes be Yes. 270
2012.08.02 Hovah a ruin or disaster. 270
2012.09.03 Satan’s most effective lies. 274
2012.10.01 Important Prayers. 277
2012.10.02 Prayer. 278
2012.10.04 Worship Part 1. 288
2012.11.01 Holy is a blasphemous word and other words. 296
2012.11.02 Glory is another blasphemous word and other words. 300
2012.11.01 Worship Part 2. 302
2012.11.03 Further information on incorrect words. 310
2012.11.11 The Majority is ALWAYS Wrong. 311
2012.11.14 Detest versus Choice. 312
2012.11.15 Who to Listen to. 313
2012.11.17 Do NOT speak of evil 315
2012.11.18 Satan’s Lies – Response to Rebuttal 316
2013.05.01 Seek truth NOT error. 326
2013_09_03_Repentance re message -- "James who do you think you are". 329
2013.09.07 Clarification re Jesus, God, The LORD, Christ, Bible, Cross, etc are Satanic. 330
2013.10.02 Illuminated versus Anointed. 332
2013.10.04 Yah will NOT allow his children to be tested beyond what they can endure. 335
2013.11.04 The REAL Battle. 337
2013.11.06 Life WITHOUT Sin. 338
2013.11.07 Life WITHOUT Sin -- Amplification. 344
Chapter 3: Commandments and Judgment 351
2010_12_03_Christmas– worshipping Satan– the birthday of the sun god. 351
2010_12_04_Christmas' pagan origins. 355
2011.01.05 Judgment on the church of Jesus Christ. 357
2011.01.06 The blood of any covenant means death to those who break it. 358
2011.01.07 About grace NOT law.. 361
2011_01_08_Sabastian why are you such a legalist v 001. 362
2011.01.09 About abortion. 363
What is LAW and what is GRACE?. 365
Yah's calendar for 2011. 371
2011_02_07_Leviticus and Grace v 003. 373
2011_03_02_Yes à Ja à Yah à breaking the Third Commandment. 374
2011_03_03_No one is intentionally going to hell 375
2011.04.05 Passover is next Tuesday 19 April 2011 -- a High Sabbath. 378
2011_04_12_The Mark of the Beast. 380
2011_04_14 Observing Passover TONIGHT. 385
2011.04.15 How to observe the Feast of Unleavened Bread. 387
2011.04.16 Please will you FAST with me over the feast of the GODDESS ISHTAR. 388
2011.05.06 Pictures from Hell ~ Drawn by a young Korean artist. 389
2011.07.06 Observing the New Moon. 410
2011.08.06 Judgment in THIS life. 410
2011.09.01 Burn for eternity? Yes or No?. 418
2011.09.02 Ten Commandments in Hebrew on Large Rock in the central USA. 423
2011.09.04 Upcoming set-apart days -- corrected. 423
2011.12.05 Worship Yah on the sun god's birthday. 425
2011.12.09 Believe lies and DIE. 426
2011.12.11 Yah's special days for 2012. 428
2012.06.05 The True Sabbath. 430
2012.06.11 Historical Information about the Change to Sunday. 431
2012.07.05 Your Heavenly Account. 434
2012.08.04 How will you be judged?. 436
2012.09.01 Reminder re Sabbaths. 437
2012.11.04 What is a week – REALLY?. 439
2012.11.06 Other words. 440
2012.11.07 Yah judge me severely. 441
2012.11.08 Obedience as a basis of judgment. 442
2012.11.09 Yah’s day begins at sunrise. 443
2012.11.12 The Starting of a New Day. 444
2012.12.02 Reminder -- Christmas is a Pagan Feast -- it is time to fast. 445
2013.02.01 Yah's special days for 2013. 446
2013.03.01 Today is Passover, Easter is Pagan. 448
2013.03.09 Jokes. 448
2013_09_01_Reminder regarding the Set Apart {Holy} Days in the weeks ahead. 449
2013.09.08 The correct dates of Yah’s High Sabbaths. 450
2013_09_12_The Scribes contributed to 2 Thessalonians 2:4. 452
2013.10.05 Yah’s commandments are best. 455
2013.11.03 Elaboration -- Judgment in THIS Life. 457
2013.12.06 Should we Celebrate Christmas?. 466
2013.12.07 The Origin of Christmas: The Occult Connection. 473
2013.12.08 Christmas: Origin, History, & Traditions. 477
2013.12.09 Christmas: Summing Up -- NO Further Excuse. 483
2013.12.10 South Africa: The Sins Bringing Judgment. 486
Chapter 4: Yahooshua {Jesus} 489
20009.12.02 How special is Yahooshua -- Really?. 489
20110_12_05_On What Day Was Yahooshua {Jesus} Born?. 493
2010.12.07 Will you fast with me on the sun gods birthday?. 499
2010_12_10_Unscrambling the true identity of Yahooshua. 500
2010_12_12_How did Yahooshua accomplish what he did?. 510
So – what IS special about Yahooshua – REALLY?. 515
2011.01.13 If Jesus is living in your heart you have a problem.. 520
2011.01.15 Yahooshua IS the mightiest CREATED being in the entire creation. 523
2011.01.21 Do this as often as you eat it in remembrance of Yahooshua. 526
2011.02.16 Do you aspire to do the works that Yahooshua did?. 529
2011.03.05 The church put Yahooshua to death. 531
2011.03.07 Yahooshua will return when the true message has been preached to ALL the world. 531
2011.03.10 A dialogue with a Jewish man regarding Yahooshua. 532
2011.04.17 Meditate on how Yahooshua died. 539
2011.07.08 Death with Yahooshua. 541
2011.08.08 Those who followed Yahooshua, did NOT know Torah. 548
2011.09.09 The name "Jesus" is NOT divinely approved. 550
2012.04.01 Why Yahooshua had to die THAT way. 551
2012.04.02 There is NO Trinity. 553
2012.06.03 Yahooshua's Sacrifice -- A Parable. 555
2012.08.08 Yahooshua was an OLD Testament Prophet. 557
2013.03.12 Jesus is NOT Coming Soon. 558
2011.08.06 Judgement in THIS Life. 559
2013.09.04 Who IS Yahooshua?. 567
2013.09.06 The relevance of Yahooshua to the Day of Atonement. 569
2013.09.09 The anointing that was upon Yahooshua. 570
2013_09_15 What is the Real name of the Messiah. 571
Chapter 5: The Bible. 581
2011.07.10 James: What do YOU believe about the bible? REALLY?. 581
2011.08.02 Covenant – NOT New Testament. 588
2011.08.03 The bible IS a useful reference work – period. 600
2011.09.06 The origin of the Christian bible. 602
2011.09.08 The King James Version of the bible is NOT the definitive English translation. 603
2011.10.01 "The bible is the most pervasive idol on the planet today". 604
2011.10.03 Clarification -- there IS good in the bible. 609
2011.10.04 Yah is at SOME measure in EVERY book. 609
2011.10.05 What to read if not the bible?. 611
2011.12.07 New Testament? XXX. 613
2011.12.10 The "WORD" is semantic nonsense. 614
2012.01.03 Clarification re THE WORD.. 614
2012.01.06 The contents of the bible are but a pin prick in the history of mankind. 615
2012.07.15 Old Testament versus New Testament. 615
2012.07.17 Demonically inspired bible versions. 617
2012.08.01 Demonically inspired bible versions -- rebuttal 619
2012.08.06 Bible study versus deep relationship. 624
2012.11.16 “The bible is a corrupt book compiled by corrupt men”. 626
2012.11.20 IF the Bible IS corrupt then WHAT do I do?. 627
2013.05.03 The bible says NOTHING about South Africa. 632
2013.09.05 About the Bible. 633
2013.10.06 Summing up re “The Bible”. 634
2013.10.07 Positive aspects of “The Bible”. 642
2013.10.08 The Essence of the issues relating to the Bible. 643
Table of Contents of Volume 4 - Part 2. 645
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Table of Contents Volume 4 Part 2
Continuation of Part 1. v
Table of Contents. vii
Table of Contents of Volume 4 - Part 1. xi
Chapter 6: Men and Women. 3
2010.12.01 What is the spiritual reality with regard to masturbation and pornography?. 3
2011_01_06 What is this thing we call "marriage"?. 12
Critical success factors for sexual life covenant {marriage} 16
2011.02.04 Marriage strategy headlines. 18
2011.02.05 Detailed marriage strategy. 38
2011_03_01 The dilemma of the Isaiah 4:1 phenomenon. 39
2011_04_08 The one flesh bond. 42
2011_04_09 There is NO such thing as sex before marriage. 52
2015.10.03 -- Please consider fasting over Halloween and Christmas. 52
2011.04.10 Single anointed women and Isaiah 4:1. 53
2011_04_11 Why there is so much divorce in the body of believers. 54
2011.07.02 Marriage. 59
2011.08.10 Harmony versus division and hindrance in a house {marriage} 60
2011.09.11 Single anointed women – the challenge. 67
2011.10.06 The evils of the false doctrine of monogamy. 69
2011.12.02 Woman {wife} submit to your man {husband} in EVERYTHING as you would to Yah. 74
2011.12.03 A contentious woman is as rottenness in the bones. 78
2011.12.04 Sex – woman is to minister to her man. 80
2012.06.09 The Spiritual Interaction between Man and Woman in sexual union {husband and wife in marriage} 81
2012.06.13 Separation of a Man and a Woman who were in sexual union {divorce} 88
2012.06.14 Yah Hates Divorce – BUT ….. 103
2012.07.10 Questions about my divorce. 107
2012.07.10 The role of man and the role of woman. 108
2012.07.13 Understanding Divorce. 110
2012.07.14 Yah HATES divorce and treachery and ….. 112
2012.08.05 Malachi and Yahooshua – Divorce – REALLY?. 113
2012.08.07 Cleave is NOT adhere. 114
2012.08.09 “Chick Flicks” are pornography TOO.. 115
2013.10.03 The Virgin’s Covenant. 116
Chapter 7: End Time Issues. 129
2009.09.04 – 911 - Chilling Information - Choose This Day Who You Will Serve. 129
2009.09.05 Repent Judgment is Released on the Earth - the Red and Black Horses - Revelation 6. 148
2009_12_04 The Forces of Darkness Rule on Earth and Yah {the LORD}* is Powerless EXCEPT through believers. 162
2010.01.01 Some Important Truths regarding the matters of the Creator and life in general 163
Satan sentenced to one thousand years in the Pit on 3 May 2003. 174
2011_02_18 Where Will You Spend Eternity?. 177
2011_03_11 James – where do you come from?. 235
2011_03_12 This evil generation. 238
2011.03.13 There is NO planet X. 246
2011.05.04 Planet X – Nibiru – another report. 247
2011.10.02 What if you disagree with me?. 260
2013.03.13 The Great Falling AWAY. 263
2013.09.02 Resuming publication to the Main End Time Issues List. 264
2013.09.03 James -- WHO do you think you are?. 265
2013.09.10 The Confrontation a Rejected Person Experiences when they DIE. 268
2013.09.1 Why are we HERE?. 269
2013.10.12 About the world and the Almighty. 271
2013.11.08 Rules of Engagement between Almighty Yah and Satan. 280
2013.12.03 Correction: Messengers {Angels} CANNOT Father Children. 288
2013.11.05 Headlines of the walk of James Robertson with the Almighty Creator (Yah the Eternally Self-Existing) 291
Chapter 8: This Life. 297
2011.01.11 Clergy versus laity. 297
2011.01.12 Brother can you spare a dime?. 302
2011_01_14 “Make Sure It’s Right”. 311
2011_01_17 Vision for eternity Critical success factors for life. 315
2011_01_18 The four phases of the wilderness. 317
2011.02.17 What can YOU do TODAY?. 321
2011_04_13 Believing men in lack. 323
2011_04_18 What is REALLY happening in the world around you? A "good" Christian family headed for hell 324
2011.04.19 The components of the battleground Following on from "what is really happening". 350
2011_04_20 The spiritual forces of evil 354
2011.04.21 Satans 7 high ranking principalities of hell taught to witches. 364
2011.04.22 Satanic hierarchy Very important. 368
2011.04.23 The god Molech – deity of abortion. 383
2011.04.26 Noah is father to all men living. 387
2011.04.28 Turning history on its head Proof of a Global Flood. 390
2011.06.02 The Curse of Canaan. 395
2011.07.03 Most demons are decent, polite and friendly Many even go to church regularly. 397
2011.07.09 Shavuot Dallas 2011. 398
2011.08.01 Are ALL religions perversions of Yah's truths?. 399
2011.08.09 A powerful testimony Or IS it???. 402
2011.09.05 Do NOT concern yourself with conspiracy theories. 403
2012.01.01 New website. 405
2012.01.02 Tsunami of evil covers the planet. 405
2012.01.04 Yah speaks on South Africa. 405
2012.01.07 Monster energy drink and other symbols. 408
2012.06.02 Monster drink -- actual experience. 411
2012.07.08 The Peace of Satan. 412
2012.07.16 Lilith Adam’s first woman. 413
2012.08.03 Believers who beg -- witchcraft. 414
2012.11.22 South Africa – The Covenant is NO MORE. 417
2012.12.01 South Africa President Zuma Declares War on Europeans. 418
2013.01.01 Book on South African Situation. 443
2013.01.02 South African Situation. 444
2013.02.02 Most Revivals today are Satanic and Demonic. 446
2013.03.04 The Jews are NOT Genetically of Satan. 447
2013.03.10 The Inscription on President Barack Obama's Ring. 448
2013.04.02 A Challenging Vision. 450
2013.05.02 The Arrogance of Christian Ignorance. 461
2013.05.04 The Afrikaners are OF Israel but NOT ISRAEL. 466
2013.10.09 South Africa Call to Fast and Pray for Repentance and Deliverance. 468
2013.10.10 South Africa Errata -- prayers against witchcraft curses etc. 471
2013.10.11 South Africa About the Voortrekker Monument. 473
2013.10.13 Halloween – All Demons Day. 477
2013.10.14 The Truth About Halloween. 479
2013.10.15 Halloween A Covenant with DEATH and HELL. 483
2013.11.02 Hidden Hazards of Halloween. 493
2013.11.09 Of Race, Blood Lines and DNA. 495
2013.12.01 Voortrekker Monument – Important Principles. 508
2013.12.02 South Africa: Day of the Covenant -- Withdrawal of Call to Gather at the Monument. 509
2013.12.04 Fathers ANGER towards MANY Afrikaner MEN.. 511
2013.12.05 Fathers COMPASSION towards MANY Afrikaner WOMEN – DIVORCE. 519
2013_12_09 Die Misleiding van Kersfees. 527
2013.12.11 South Africa: Closing the Book. 539
Conclusion. 546
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