2014. 5: Is monogamy scriptural? Created by James on 4/28/2019 7:20:05 AM
5: Is monogamy scriptural?
Is monogamy scriptural?
This chapter comprehensively evidences that ENFORCED monogamy is NOT the will of the Creator
That said, having tried for about ten years to enter into covenant with seven women at Yah's request, having been in covenant with two women for about three years and seven for a short while I eventually found that it was impossible to make it work and got myself badly beaten up emotionally in the process and finally asked Yah to release me and permit me to live monogamously, which He graciously did
All the men I know of barring one, who have tried to make it work with more than one woman, have failed and given up and the one who succeeded was NOT religious and his two women were strongly sexually active with one another
The Satanic realm have been exceptionally successful in programming Western women to find the thought of sharing their man terribly humiliating and hurtful such that they are UNABLE to handle plural marriage
See also the book on "Is Polygamy Scriptural" and the webpage "The Scriptural Responsibility of Believing Men" for more discussion on this topic
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